Keeping ontop of things

Keeping on top of things I’m going to the grocery store to pick up some items that I missed on Friday. I just wanted to do out a list to keep everything in order, or just to keep track of things in case I want to make my own trail mix again.

Wow. We have a lot of trail mix nuts/sweets. I bought a bit too much at Bulk Barn and over spent a wee bit, and I’m pretty sure that we have enough snacks for literally three months. It’s a bit ridiculous to be honest. At least it won’t go bad?

I made a list, so that I don’t end up buying unnecessary grocery items that will eventually be wasted by sitting in the fridge too long, because I’m too lazy to cook. If I have a meal plan, I don’t get lazy because I know exactly what’s for supper.

My Grocery List:

Bulk Barn
(all the nuts are for making trail mixes to bring to work the next week)
Mini M&M’s
Icy Squares (lol)
Sunflower seeds
Chocolate Chips
(to put in trail mix and maybe banana bread too?)
Baking soda

Bread pan (going to make banana bread again)

nutsI obviously grocery shopped on Friday (in the POURING rain) which is okay. Because some man commented to me that “Yep. You’re going to have to brave the rain”, with me pushing my shopping cart to my car. I didn’t even care actually. Because I remember how gruesome it was waiting for the bus, standing in puddles and getting splashed by cars, and just being completely miserable. So, I walked to my car in the pouring rain with not exactly a smile on my face but just content that I’m getting in a CAR.

Crossing off the stuff because I bought it already.

Grocery Store
apples (bought some Honey Crisp because I know that you, and you enjoy them and I wanted to try them out!)
potatoes (10lb bag for $2.99!)
pad thai noodles
pad thai sauce

canned mushrooms
meatballs (blue menu)
angus burgers (blue menu brand = ♥)

Milk (it’s so much cheaper at walmart)
And I’ll also go through my coupons to see if I can get some freebies this week.

The Meal Plan:
SUN: Pork stir fry (recipe)
MON: Roast chicken with veggies! (picking up either a half or full cooked chicken at the grocery on this day)
TUE: Tusan sandwich (this hasn’t made it to the recipe section at all, because it’s quite boring really…)
WED: Gemeli (basically noodles, cheese and sauce)
THU: Chicken breasts, broccoli and garlic potatoes
FRI: Spaghetti and meat balls
SAT: Asparagus wrapped in chicken (recipe)
SUN: Chicken pad thai (recipe)

Wow. We really eat a lot of pasta, and chicken. Oh well! It’s yums in my tum.

I mean, I don’t exactly stick to the meal plan like glue. Randomly my Boyfriend or I may suggest something that we haven’t had in a while, and I’ll make that instead. For example, he hates taco’s and I couldn’t wait to eat them. But since he feels as if he gets sick every time he eats them, for one night last week I didn’t made them, I made a penne pasta bake and had taco’s the next night heh heh…

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What’s eatin’?

Sunday: Chicken teriyaki stir fry (carrots, green pepper, tomatoes, broccoli, and basmati rice)
Monday: Pork Chops (on sale at Sobeys!), with roasted red potatoes, and carrots
Tuesday:  Foil pack dinner (if this turns out well, I’ll feature it on my recipe page)
Wednesday: Quesadillas
Thursday: Tacos
Friday: Chicken nuggets (hey, a girls’ gotta have a break from cooking sometimes)
Saturday: Honey Mustard Chicken (recipe)

And not to have this post all boring and about food. I think I forgot to post a photo of my purchases after I mentioned them in a blog post. So here we have’em:


Careful with enlarging them. They’re friggen huge. I decided to just copy them over from my Flickr page. I was lazy and didn’t want to resize them.


I have no shame. You all can see my newly purchased undies. Whatever. They’re microfibre and I want to spend all my monies on them. They’re so soft and comfortable, and don’t leave a panty line! I am super confused with VS’s sizing. I have everything ranging from XS to Med. in their undies. I had to return three pairs of small’s and exchange them for mediums, that still look incredibly tiny on my butt. I shop at aerie stores all the time for regular underwear and I always buy smalls and they’re always the same fit/size each time. Why fool with me, Victoria Secret… why?

Then I headed to BBW where I picked up some much needed smelly ahnd soaps. Mmmm. Can you guess what everyone’s getting for Christmas!?

4015029905_2596966932_oI picked up a christmasy/winter nail file because I’ve recently became obsessed with filing my nails rather than clipping them. 3 hand soaps (Frosted Orange Spice which I think is just a holiday scent, Wild Honey Suckle — a regular in this household, and Sea Island Cotton which has a very fresh scent) and with a purchase over $10 I got to pick up a hand cream for free. I think I picked up Sea Island Cotton. On the bottom you’ll see a lip balm (which is so retarded. I should have tried this on anything other than my hands before purchasing it. But it comes out very shimmery and GOLD on your lips. It’s a bit insane, and a total waste of $7.50. Lastly, I purchased some hand sanitizer in wild honey suckle.  I can’t stop smelling my hands after I apply this. Mmm so good. I need to go back and get some more deals before they stop having their grand opening sale (Buy 3 get 2 free, or Buy 2 get 1 free). I know my Mom would love some of their bath scents…

What are your favorite things from Bath and Body works, or even Victoria Secret PINK line?

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All about the past

ootd-sept29Yesterday I wore this outfit since on Monday I was literally freezing my bum off in the office. I’m not used to a really open modern office concept. I was so cold I kept having to tissue off my nose. Sorry if that’s TMI, but it’s true! Look how bundled up I was. In the A.M. the bus is always so packed I’m standing and unwillingly close to someone’s dandruffy scalp that I can smell it. Not pleasant. I ended up mistakenly wearing my rain jacket on the bus — you can’t breath in those. Thankfully the bus really does only take 11 minutes to get to work (and only 2 stops to work, as it’s the express). Finally on the last stop before my work, enough students piled off the bus, I got a seat and took off my jacket. [/end complain complain complain]

I should have edited out my red–eye but when I did it looked like I had monstrous brown/green eyes that looked really badly edited. So I didn’t bother. lol Instead, I cropped out the shredder and the kitchen. I should really iron those pants.

Earrings: Aerie (I rarely change out my earrings)
Scarf: $20 available now at Abercrombie
Cardigan: J. Crew (So in ♥ with this cardy)
White Tee: Long sleeved basic tee from Abercrombie (Winter 2008)
Pants: GAP (A nice subtle khaki and beige stripe)
Shoes: The giraffe patterned ones!

Later gaters.

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