My boyfriend always ends up making too much spaghetti for the both of us and we always end up having leftovers for three lunches. It’s a bit ridiculous and since neither of us like wasting food, we eat it. Blegh! I hate leftovers to be honest but it’s better than not cooking a whole new dish and getting all of my kitchen supplies all ruined by the box cutter frantically finding my pots and pans to open up my packed up boxes.
So while I was browsing the web I came across a spaghetti measurer. Of course the best finds are always in the states and never available to us Canadians, but I thought I’d post this neat invention. I’ve seen others but this one definitely tops them all.
It also comes in a variety of colors. But I think I like the grey one the best. Or maybe the white! Wouldn’t that be a neat thing to have?
Okay. Back to unpacking. It needs to be done. Boy, do I hate moving.