It’s Canada Day here folks! And what a holiday it is. Unfortuch for me the weather hasn’t been cooperating and the whole day has just been spent indoors. One minute it’s a downpour with thunder, the next it looks like the sun is trying to break through the smokey grey colored clouds.
So I took the opportunity to feed our bellies with some home style goodness from the kitchen of yours truly!
For brekk I made a ‘big breakfast’ for the boyfriend who inhaled it in no time. That consisted of 3 scrambled eggs, hashbrowns and 4 sausages. I myself ate a cheese stick, a crisp green mitsu apple, and a nature valley sweet’n’salty almond bar. Mmmm. No photos of those, as I didn’t even think about blogging today. Of course, we didn’t think it would be raining on and off the whole day and we’d be outside celebrating our Country!
It definitely feels like a Saturday. But what trickery! We have to go back to work tomorrow. I stubbed my toe on the fridge (I have no idea how!) and half of my nail ripped off. JUST before I go get a pedicure on Friday. Guess I’ll be picking a neutral polish so it won’t be noticeable while it’s growing out. For those that care to see, I actually took a photo! I promise, it’s not that gross. At least I stubbed it before the pedi, and not after.
For supper I made a nice rotini chicken salad with bell pepper and tomatoes. You guys it was sooo good. Here they all are sitting waiting to be put into the pasta salad and there’s the bruchetta mixture on the bottom left of the “triangle bowls” so to speak. Don’t get white counter tops, ever btw. This apartment building is so old school.

(Wouldn’t tri-colored rotini look so much more colorful? I’ll remember this for next time!)
Which was seasoned with just something light, like the Italian salad dressing. It went so well with my home made bruchetta, and ceasar salad!

Mmm our salads (mine looks so tiny!)
And of course, Boyfriends salad needed to be garnished with faux bacon bits and parmesan.
I’ve never actually made bruchetta before, and last night I was definitely craving it. So, I picked up some more garlic and created my own!
My photo taking skills are so ballin’ eh? (Catch the sarcasm?) Gotta say, it was sooo tasty, and very crunchy. Boyfriend referred the bruchetta to restaurant style. Nice compliments on my part if I do say so, huh??
Dash of balsamic vinegar … drop of EVOO … Salt and Pepper to taste … italian seasoning (no basil in the hizzouse) and 1 and a half pieces of minced garlic.
There was only one baguette left at the grocery store an hour before closing last night and I’m pretty sure a lot of people around here had the same idea as me. I snatched up the very last one and it was whole grain. I scrunched up my nose at that, but I actually had some pieces before laying it out on the baking sheet, and I’m craving more! 
Above: The bread, before cooking it in the oven for ten minutes.
Obviously stuffing my gob while I awaited supper on some fresh bread.

Yes, I’ve been told I had “scaly” or “lizard hands” before. They’re a bit rough looking, but that’s the abuse it gets from being an avid rock climber since ’94! Though, I must admit — a lot of my callouses are diminished :(
After supper, I had to of course take my daily intake of iron, B12 and other pill to counteract the iron pill consequences. *ahem. I hate taking these pills, but they’re a must. Some times I go days without swallowing them either. Anyway!
Well. It’s all in my belly now, and off we go to catch a show of Fireworks! See you all tomorrow! :)