Food posts aren’t helping the hunger pains

Note to self: do not visit said food blogs on an empty stomach. Especially when you have a lame frozen dinner (blue menu at least) waiting for you in the freezer, for lunch.

I’ve been adding a lot of people to my blogroll lately, mainly people who post a lot about what they’ve had to eat in the run of a day. Let me tell you just one thing, here ladies and gents. I need to remember which ones are the food blogs and which ones are not. Because I’m sitting here reading this, this, and this blog and salivating over everything. Ugh?

I’d love to purchase a sandwich press so I can make my own panini’s, and post my own food posts like Kristin. Maybe I’ll do that, once I get a car so I can race home and actually have a hot meal for lunch!

Speaking of food. Why isn’t Colonel spelled like it sounds? Kernal? That’s one thing that annoys me about the English language. However, in the mall there is a kiosk that sells bagged popcorn and the name of the place is actually called Kernal’s. Mmmm I love popcorn, especially movie popcorn (with out anything else on it.) Want to know who else makes bomb popcorn that is trans fat free and pretty much great for you? Presidents Choice all you Canadians. President’s Choice Blue Menu popcorn?  (It should totally be rated 5 star in my books.) Triathelete boyfriend approves of this PC  brand popcorn! Horrah! I’m usually drawn to the natural flavor, but I’m curious to find out how good the butter flavor is. Have you tried it out?

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Skewers gone a’skew

You guys, I am so nuts. Blogging constantly every day, sometimes twice a day I’m a self-proclaimed nerdle. This is my 26th post in May and it’s only the 21st! There’s noo stopping me! Tons of topics to talk about, and my brain is going wild with ideas. I still have to sit down and write a photo post on what I purchased last week (and returned, good girl!). Exciting.


Doesn’t that photo right there, make your mouth water and want to head home and cook up a feed?

Well, as you all know barbecue season is fast approaching and probably is already here for most. I haven’t fired up the one on the patio this year, but I’m thinking I may do it this weekend. Boyfriend is heading out to a party about 30km away at his old bosses house (who also does Tri’s and Du’s with him) but I won’t be going this year to his Birthday Party. I have my second game of co-ed soccer tomorrow and I don’t want to miss my second game. Plus, last year I got a little too tipsy on the free alcohol provided by the host, and hurled a lot. It was tré embarrassing. Needless to say, I’m  a bit humiliated to go drinking with them again. (I promise, I know my limits.  I’ve only gotten sick twice from drinking, and this being the second time. I just hadn’t drank in months prior and obviously really wasn’t used to it. Plus the booze was free! Who wouldn’t go wild on shots?).  Also, they’re all in their late 30’s and 40’s, not that there’s anything wrong with that age. I just don’t really feel like going, plain and simple.

ANYWAY back on topic. If only I had some of these fancy skewers that are shown to your left. I mean, I do have regular ones, but grilling-skewerwouldn’t these be so awesome just for aesthetic reasons (they’re quite practical too, if I do say so).

Check out the woman marinating them in a bowl all rolled up like that (below). I never thought about marinating a skewer! Seriously guys. I have never thought about doing that. I love absolutely every one of those veggies on the skewer and would love to devour it all (minus the onions, because we all know how much I despise those buggers) I’d maybe even put a potato on there!

The skewer is a stainless steel cable style skewer that allows you to utilize more space on your BBQ and the ends of your skewer actually stays cool thanks to the innovative stainless steel construction. Which is also a lot easier to flip the kebabs instead of fiddling around with one of those clamper teeth thingies (I know you know what I’m talking about here!) that picks up chicken and what not. They’re two for $10 on amazons’ site! A totally great find, on my part. I don’t know if these are shippable (is that a word?) to Canada or not. Amazon only likes to sell us Canadians, books. Sigh.


Mmmm I love my belly.

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Preparing for the first race of the season


(All the photos on this post are clickable to be enlarged)

I totally just realized I’m eating a lot of carbs. Naturally, this would be totally fine for my boyfriend who is a triathlete, but not so much for me. Last night I had to cook a carb filed meal since it was the first race of the season the next day (being today). Plus, I felt the urge to cook something different each night. I failed to realize there was carbs in everything that I made this weekend. My belly feels full just looking at it all (even though I had an iddy bitty portion).To top it off, we went to McDonalds tonight, after my soccer game and his duathlon.

In case you haven’t checked my recipe section in a few, I updated one of the recipes I made (last night) with a photo. It was ooey gooey with cheese, and oh lord was it ever good — in moderation. Meaning once every 4 months, haha. This will be a good meal pre–Ironman race in August, don’tcha say!?

0We woke up earlier than usual this morning because boyfriend had his first race of the season (the only duathlon he’s doing this season, the rest are tri’s). Of course, everyone gets excited over the first race of the season so everyone comes out from the woodwork and race their little tight butts off. I even saw a license plate from NY today. Dedication people!21

I was playing with the settings on my camera (exact color too!) today  and 5got some good results that I was quite pleased with.  (There he is on the right with the blue jersey on)  That guy would  move out of the way, he wasn’t even in that wave group! Having the flash on in daylight/outdoors is total key. The only fail of the day was spending it all outdoors without any sunscreen on. Slap my wrist now guys :( My honker is bright red. Not cool.


There he is! Going out for the 30k bike. I wish this was a bit more clear, even though boyfriend is in focus … sorta? I don’t know. Whatevs right? I got lots of photos of him he was like “Enoughhhh already” (in the photo where he’s carrying the bike. Hee hee.

feetSoccer was brutal tonight. Again, first game of the season, with a few new girls on the field. I ended up getting knocked down when I was trying to score and landed on my left shoulder AND HEAD! My temple is bruised a bit, and I have a dirty ol’ mud stain on my shoulder. How the eff is that going to come out in the wash? Tips anyone? The stupid woman didn’t even apologize, and the ref wouldn’t let me race off the field. I was like COME ONNN people. Not my day for a good game. No photos of that unforunately, only the one I took of my shoes while waiting for boyfriend to pick me up. Oh, we tied 3-3 and can you believe it Legs (me lol) didn’t get a goal. Jeesh!

Alright, this is getting to be a novel here. I’m going to take a nap (at 9:30 at night!)

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