Egg ‘muffin’ omelets (Paleo friendly)

I’ve received a few comments from people who wanted to know how I’ve been making my egg omelet muffins. It saves me time and most importantly energy I don’t have in the morning. I make a batch of 12 on Sunday morning and I have enough to due us all week.

egg omelet2

Preheat your oven to 350°. Spray your muffin tins with cooking spray so they don’t stick.canola-oil

Get 12 eggs ready.12-eggs

Crack and beat them into a cup where you can pour properly. Here is where you can add milk, but since these are ‘paleo friendly’ I did not. stir-the-egg

Pour the egg mixture evenly into each muffin cup.eggs-in-cups

Get your veg ready! I’m adding yellow bell peppers and fresh mushrooms.veg

Make sure they’re chopped up into bite size pieces. mushrooms

In goes the peppers! Add as many/as little as you’d like.pepper

Pop them into the oven for 55 minutes and this is what you’ve got:eggs-out-of-oven

Let them cool off for a bit and store them in an air tight container and you’re set for the week!eggs-cooling


12 eggs
veggies of your choice
spices of your choice

  1. Crack 12 eggs into a container and mix until beaten
  2. Pour egg mixture into 12 muffin cups (sprayed with cooking oil so they don’t stick)
  3. Drop in your favorite veggies (bite size pieces)
  4. Cook for 45-55 min at 350
  5. Serve, and enjoy!
Prep time: 15 minutes | Serves 2 | Cook time: 40-55 minutes | READY IN 55 MINUTES!
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My Paleo eats (week 4)

paleo foods

Made a little image for the paleo challenge series. Hee hee. See what I ate during week 1 and two and three.

Overall I’m feeling great. I feel like my body hasn’t really changed in the last week and a half. Sort of staying where it’s at. My performance at CrossFit still feels the same. I don’t feel immediately stronger nor did the “magic” happen where I got all powerful. To be honest, I’m pretty weak in some cases at CrossFit. Front Squats and wall balls? My enemy. I do not and will always have a hard time upping my shoulder strength. I do love cleans though. I know this is probably jibber-jabber for those who do not understand the lingo.

My birthday is on Tuesday and I thought I’d have to go all day Paleo on my Birthday. But the coaches sent out an e-mail where we could get measured yesterday (no thanks – I’m not done the 30 days yet!!) or come in on Tuesday, or Wednesday. So – I’m taking a really late lunch and heading over on Tuesday to get my weigh-in and measurements taken. Then it’s PIG OUT TIME. I’m half serious. I have a list of things I’ve been dying to eat since I have not cheated on this challenge.

Believe it or not I’m not going for the sugar as soon as I come off. I want to have a ciabatta bun sandwich filled with chicken, lettuce and veg. For supper, we’re going to grab Smoke Poutinery! I hope I don’t vomit.

I do want to keep up the paleo lifestyle somewhat. Not as strict as I’ll be doing. I may end up posting my food on a daily basis, but not EVERYTHING I eat (because holy that’s time consuming as I take pictures with my Blackberry. E-mail them to myself. Download, then upload to instagram.)

Alright. Onto what I ate for the week…



Sunday April 28
Breakfast: 2 pieces of bacon, 1 egg + 2 egg whites and a mango
Snack: N/A
Lunch: Leftovers: Homemade beef burgers with mustard, tomatoes and a sweet potato
Snack: Dried apricot, plantains, trail mix and coconut covered dates
Supper: Leftovers: Spaghetti squash with homemade tomato and beef sauce
Water intake for the day: 64 ounces


Monday April 29

Breakfast: 1 egg + 3 egg white omelet with bell peppers and tomatoes
Snack:  plantains and 1 coconut covered date
Lunch: Leftovers: coconut covered chicken dipped in mustard
Snack: Chicken spinach salad with veg
Supper: Lemon pepper chicken stir fry
Water intake for the day: 80 ounces



Tuesday April 30
Breakfast: 2 soft boiled eggs, 2 pieces of bacon
Snack: Orange pekoe tea with cranberry/blueberry crunch trail mix
Lunch: Leftovers: Lemon pepper chicken stir fry
Snack: 3 chopped strawberries
Supper: Chicken spinach salad with veg, cranberries and seeds
Water intake for the day: 56 ounces



Wednesday May 1
Breakfast: 1 egg + 2 egg white omelet with bell peppers, 2 pieces of bacon, cucumber and tomatoes
Snack: dried unsweetened mango, 1 coconut covered date and a pomegranate white tea
Lunch: Leftovers: Lemon pepper chicken stir fry
Snack: trail mix
Supper: Spinach salad with chicken, cucumber, carrots, celery, bell pepper, sunflower seeds, dried cranberries, and tomatoes. Dressing: Balsamic vinaigrette with coconut oil, garlic and pepper.
Water intake for the day:  56 ounces



Thursday May 2
Breakfast: 1 egg + 2 egg white omelet, cucumber, dried mango, trail mix and 2 pieces of bacon
Snack: N/A
Lunch: Spinach salad with chicken, cucumber, carrots, celery, bell pepper, sunflower seeds, dried cranberries, and tomatoes. Dressing: Balsamic vinaigrette with coconut oil, garlic and pepper.
Snack: N/A
Supper: Leftovers: Lemon pepper chicken stir fry with a sweet potato
Water intake for the day: 80 ounces




Friday May 3
Breakfast: 1 egg + 2 egg white omelet, 2 pieces of bacon
Snack: Orange Pekoe tea with 4 pieces of unsweetened dried mango
Lunch: Spinach salad with chicken, cucumber, carrots, celery, bell pepper, sunflower seeds, and dried cranberries.
Snack: Handful of trail mix
Supper: Pork chop and sweet potato
Water intake for the day: 64 ounces



Saturday May 4
Breakfast: His & Hers breakfast. Mine’s the one on the right, obviously. 2 pieces of bacon with 1 egg + 1 egg white omelet

Snack: N/A
Lunch: Chicken romaine salad with carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, pecans, bell peppers with homemade balsamic vinaigrette dressing
Snack: 1 honey crisp apple, 4 pieces of unsweetened dried mango and trail mix (raw nuts)
Supper: Coconut covered chicken strips with spices
Water intake for the day:48 ounces

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Paleo chicken strips

Welcome to May folks. My birthday month is here, and what better way to start it off with one of my favorite types of food. A chicken recipe. Paleo chicken strips, in fact.

plate-it-upWell doesn’t that look scrump-diddly-umptious? Would you believe it’s paleo and incredibly easy to make?

Paleo-Chicken-stripsThis is the second time (in one week) I’ve made these paleo chicken strips because they’re that easy and absolutely delicious. I’d like to pat myself on the back saying that they’re even restorative quality.

Alright, let’s just get right to it. The two photos below are cell phone quality, and I apologize in advance. They’re not pretty to look at but you get the jist.


  • Chicken strips
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • shredded (or medium) coconut with your favorite seasonings.

The seasonings I always end up using are my typical ones: thyme, Italian, lemon pepper and garlic. Mix it all together with the coconut. Then start dipping your chicken in the egg, and into the coconut and place it on a baking sheet with parchment paper.  ingredients

Cook those suckers for 25-30 minutes at 350° and for the last few minutes, turn the oven on broil and blast those suckers. Just to brown the coconut up a bit more. rolled up waiting to go in oven

Take them out of the oven and boom, they’ll look like this on your plate. paleo-chicken-nuggets

Oh hey, there’s me. Waiting to dig into the gourmet meal on the gorgeous day we had last Sunday evening. Patio weather!

me-eating-on-patioThink you’ll make them? Let me know if you’ve tried them.

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