Yvonne Estelle’s $50 giveaway

Holidays are quickly approaching, and perhaps you’re wondering what to get that hard-to-gift person. Maybe it’s your Mother, or perhaps even your sister-in-law or maybe you just don’t know what to buy your best friend.

Yvonne Estelle’s is a luxurious company with products for the home, including bath towels, fine table and even bed linens, gorgeous rugs and so much more. One lucky US resident will be eligible to win a $50 gift card from them!

Not sure what to get? Here are some of my favorite items from Yvonne Estelle’s:

Really cute tea towels, and aprons

Woven Throw blankets


And if you want to go for a little more luxury try the comforters

You must read and complete the contest rules in order for your entry to count.

Contest Rules:

  1. Comment and tell me what you’d spend your $50 gift card on. 1 Entry.
  2. Must be a resident of USA (sorry everyone else!).
  3. Contest ends: November 20, 2010 at 4pm EST. Do not comment after this contest closes, or it will be deleted.
  4. Winner will have 48 hours to get in contact me, otherwise I will re-draw.

Bonus Entries:

  1. Tweet about this giveaway daily.  1 extra entry per day. (Example: “@spiffykerms is giving away $50 g/c to @yvonneestelles! Enter daily http://wp.me/pkBBo-2wt
  2. Blog about this giveaway. 3 extra entries. (Leave 3 extra separate comments)

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So far so good with NaBloPoMo hey? Writing everyday isn’t that hard for me since I update on a very regular basis as it is. Well then, let’s get to the OOTWW shall we?

(click image to enlarge)

Thursday / Yesterday we had a Professional Development day. Normally we have this on every Remembrance Day and are allowed to wear jeans. This time however, we were talked about our appearance on Business Casual in the work force. The woman who came in looked like she stepped out of NYC in her fancy clothes. It was very nice mind you, but apparently my boots (that I wore on Thursday) do not belong at work. Huh. Who knew. I thought they were stylish. Also, skinny pants, and leggings with long tunics/long sweaters aren’t either. I’m sad!! Does this mean I have to stop wearing all my new stuff to work now? I don’t get it. I’m afraid to ask anyone lol :(

So off that topic. It’s Friday, and also Random Act of Kindness Day. Interesting. I was at a stop light and I was the 3rd or 4th car back. These two guys who I assumed wanted money for something, or were preachers were holding up something and coming towards the cars. I locked my doors because I’m afraid like that, but then as they got closer I just saw a newspaper and the guys looked kinda cute. Both of them. So I rolled my window down and he said “Happy Random Act of Kindness Day!“, handed me a newspaper and said “See? That’s what it’s all about“, since I took the newspaper gladly, as the other cars in front of me didn’t — I laughed and thanked him. By that point he was gone, and the light was green.

What have you got planned for the weekend?

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It’s going to be a tough month

It’s going to be a tough month.

  • National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo for short)
  • No Buy Month
  • No pop rule

NaBloPoMo: I love taking the challenge each year of trying to blog every single day for the month of November. It also doesn’t hurt that there are prizes available too. This is my second (hopefully annual?) year in a row doing this challenge. Let’s hope I’m successful!

No Buy Month: I took the initiative and put the credit cards and debit cards away for the month of November to see if I could successfully not buy anything frivolous. I’ve just spent way too much money the past few months from going on vacation at the West Edmonton Mall, and then buying two pairs of boots at Winners and just buying random things here and there. Of course bills can and will be paid, gasoline will be purchased for my car and groceries will still be stocked in our fridge. But buying things like chips, candies and not-so-healthy snacks for work are OUT of the question. Shopping online is way too easy and things are going to get tough and test my patience with this No Buy Month. Eating at McDonalds is also a no-no, well unless someone else buys it for me ;) I have a hair appointment this month. But that’s kind of needed and I’ll be paying for that. I even cheated a little by buying some food at Cora’s at the blogger meet up. Whoops…

Maybe I’ll put my Starbucks gift card to use that Kelly (yes you Kel, I only know one!) sweetly mailed me for my Birthday months ago. Mmm. Free white chocolate mochas.

I did a No Buy Month over a year ago in March 2009. Quote from me in February 2009: “You know, the whole point of doing this is to save money and see how much you’ll end up with towards the end of the month. But what’s the fun in that? I always try to find a reward, and treat myself if I get to the end of the month, and treat myself with a new article of clothing that I’ve been oggling over, or maybe something as simple as a $5 eyebrow wax.”

No Pop Rule:I’m going to try this another time. I drink a lot of soda whether it be diet or diet caffinee free during lunch. It has to stop. But it can’t stop this month because it’s going to be a tough month enough as it is with blogging every day and not having just a generic post to push-out. I need to entertain you all with awesome posts. Not just ramble. You know?  I’ll keep you informed on this one.

Now, I leave you with a video of my puppy dog speaking to me. I have no idea why he hates when I point my finger at him, I never do it when I’m stern or angry with him. I think it’s hilarious. Listen to him!


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