Been about a month since I really sat down and blogged on a daily basis. Frig b’y, time flies don’t she.
After flying home to Newfoundland for a few weeks and getting my first black eye of my life (my nephew did it accidentally when I was teaching him to skim rocks in the pond) I came back – having the next day be my birthday …Â a big one. Number is old, I’m not ;), and the day after that having two sets of visitors overlapping each other, a long time friend, and my sister-in-law! My SILÂ just left, and we spent the day in San Francisco on her last day here. Of course we had to hit up Ghirardelli Square and go into all of their shops in the square and get free individually wrapped chocolate samples. Score x 100 when they’re you’re favourite flavour. Hooyeah. I was told I wasn’t allowed to put our photo together up on Facebook and tag her, but I wasn’t told to keep it off Instagram, heh heh. Here’s our selfie together at Ghirardelli Square after eating ice cream. Yummo.
So I thought it’s due time to get back to reality and update you guys on what’s going on in my life. I mean, if ya wanna know and all. Spose ya do, if you’re here right?
The weather has been kind of crummy here in California as of late. I told my friend to pack shorts – because: California. She was cold the entire trip. Don’t blame her. Up in Canada it was way hotter than it’s been down here the past few weeks. For those that speak celsius it was about 15 degrees here and 30+ in Ontario. Regardless of that, we still had fun gallivanting through Northern California, checking out everywhere from Sonoma, to Carmel and everywhere in between. Those posts will be coming in fast and furious, but I don’t want to just blog about that – more beauty posts will be coming (I’m doing them every Tuesday) and more Pomeranian Friday’s to come. Have you missed our little pup?
Having a few weeks off blogging felt good. I’m back in the groove of things and have a lot to talk about, a lot to share.
I also went shopping. A lot. While my friend was here. I saved up all my dolla dollahs and splurged on many items that were on my wishlist for YEARS. Maybe I should do a little haul. But here’s a little look-see.

I made bagels!!! Then the next day I made bread.
Bagels (half batch was blueberry and the other half was garlic + flax seeds) turned out wicked good with the help of my friend. Then I was left alone to make bread. The recipe was so confusing to a newbie bread maker such as myself telling me to do something with 8 cups of water. So I added said cups of water to my batch. Then it turned to soup. Threw it out, and quickly googled an easier recipe to follow and made two successful loaves of bread. I didn’t get a picture because the bread was gobbeled up so quickly. Maybe on my next batch I’ll snap a picture. The recipe called for me putting a pot of water underneath my pizza stone while the bread cooked, and since I knew pyrex sometimes blows up in ovens, I decided to use a bread pan with 2 cups of water in it and it worked out perfectly to steam the bread and create a perfect crusty crust.
This post is going to be all outta whack and over the place. Just like my brain is. Not sorry.
I’m also a teensy bit jealous that my old job and co-workers in Ontario has created a blog (and I’m not there to blog with/for them). My ex-coworkers and still, close friends… are so hilarious. So check them out.
OH! How could I forget! There are multiple Newfoundland blogger’s + Youtubers out there that I found online since being back here in California. Well here, check them out when you get a chance:
. : N E W F O U N D L A N D Â B L O G G E R S : .
- Jessica & Steven: They quit their jobs, and started travelling the world + blogging about it! Â Blog |Â IG | Twitter | FB
- Samantha:Â Love her makeup videos, she’s so charismatic. (Reason #1 I quit my youtube channel: I can’t string together a coherent sentence on camera haha)Â YouTube |Â IG | Twitter | FB
- Melissa: Love a fellow newfie who loves to travel and blog about her trips. Her guide to Newfoundland slang is right on. I laughed so hard at her buddy and missus. Blog | IG | Twitter | FB
- Leanne:Â A lifestyle blogger similar to my website here. I’ve known Leanne for more than a handful of years online. We finally got to meet face-to-face a number of times when we both ended up living in Ontario. Until, I moved to California. I love her blog so much, and I want her to blog way more often! Â Blog | IG | Twitter
- Jessica: Food blogger living in St. John’s. Talking about all the delicious eats my home city has to offer. Blog | IG | Twitter
- Holly: I love her humour. You’ll love her blog about makeup, and every day life. Blog| IG | YouTube
I’m wondering how many more of yee are out there. I want to meet all my Newfoundlander buds.
I have so many fun reviews too. And don’t skimp over that simply because it’s a review you know. I hope you can trust my opinion, because there has been many a time where I’ve been brutally honest about products I’ve been sent.
Speaking of sharing. I went to Los Gatos today and grabbed an iced coffee and sandwich after my Doctor’s appointment after reading some reviews on yelp at this hole in the wall type of coffee shop – I’m definitely going back. They have this blended espresso drink (NOT on the menu) called CPR. The man serving me told me it’ll bring me back to life. HAHAHAHA. I haven’t had more energy in my entire life. Hence, I guess this huge long blog post that I should clue up now. Guess that means so-long until I blog next.
I’ll be back tomorrow. So check in again then :)