It was one of my last days in Newfoundland and I had the opportunity to pick up the youngest one from school while the other kid (a year older) came with me — he was out of school that day.
The school bell rang at 2:45 and my little 5 year old nephew spotted me down the long hallway. After spending hours playing the evening before, and all the days prior he was genuinely thrilled to see me. The look on his face was so priceless that it truly brought tears to my eyes to see how excited he was to see his “Ancy Nancy” picking him up from school.
Gotta say the little buddy takes after me with his many facial expressions (as he steps on my boot purposely in the above pic lol). When he spotted me waiting in the lobby of the school, his face dropped into a shy but expressive jaw-dropping smile. It was adorable. Once he got close, he starting running to me. I bent down to my knees and gave him a warm bear hug. One of the best moments of my trip.
It’s so bitter sweet. I almost cried at the sight. I’m not a crier. I was ecstatic picking up my nephews from school, but sad in a way that I don’t get to do it more often.
I have to say that is truly one of my favorite things about being home. The joy of picking up my nephews from a full day of school. A school that I went to Jr High (grades 5-8) in, now turned into an elementary school. The hallways back then seemed long, the classrooms seemed extraordinary large. Going back into that same building, with that same foul apple-smell in the hallways (why do all schools SMELL the same?) brought back so many memories of attending that school. Plus omg not to mention — the hallway is SO LITTLE. It’s funny how your perception changes as you grow.
It’s also a little disheartening cute how kids see adults as all the same age. I even went on a FIELD TRIP with my nephew’s 7 year old class. How crazy is that? His mother (my sister-in-law. Duh) attended as well. We the class learned about the weather and had some cool experiments that I gladly participated in. My nephew blurted out a question while we were on the adventure walk with the class “Who is older? YOU or my MOM?” Legitimate question, I understand your concerns kid. But omg there’s a freaking DECADE plus a few more years tacked on between our ages. I suppose he thinks me and my own mother are only 3 years in the difference too. Right?
Either way. Won’t be that log until I’m back again. 7 more weeks til I’m home for Christmas and get to see these sweet faces again.
Huge thanks to my Mom for taking all these fantastic candid shots of my nephews and I that day in Bowring Park, St. John’s.