Canada Day in Newfoundland

Next up on my adventures in Newfoundland was a trip to downtown St. John’s on Canada Day.

The boys got their face painted with sea turtles.

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Posing with “Ancy Nancy”. 1063923_10153005567830176_279018400_o

Next stop was getting a tour on the Military Boat with my nephews, brother and his parents-in-laws from Ireland.

The boys were clearly interested in the guns.1004773_10153005590235176_763694361_n

My brother and his sons :)1064105_10153005590250176_692482948_o 1064105_10153005590245176_1948124686_o

Looking every which way at the two cameras taking pics of the boys.1064105_10153005590255176_2110508416_o

The photo below is one of my favorite ways to ‘walk’ with my nephews. Cart them around on my shoulders! This lil’ guy is now 7 and is starting to get a little too heavy, but I won’t let that stop me yet.933898_10153005602725176_1733057314_n

We then headed up to another location during Canada Day where they had all sorts of free games for kids. Here are three of my four nephews. Love my little buddy crossing his arms as he watches another kids play. 933898_10153005602735176_445039921_n

Taking a rest with a drop of pepsi, on the scorcher of a day.933898_10153005602730176_2139794962_n

During the evening, we had Canada Day celebrations at the house, of course! The neighbours were all invited and we had a grand ol’ feed. Here is my Sister-In-Law and I below. Behind us are her Irish parents who were also in Newfoundland for a visit. 1070048_10153005627665176_2050334661_n

Daddio and I on Canada Day :) 1070048_10153005627630176_146269213_n

I know I’m 11 days late on getting this up, but I took a nice little rest from everything technology related on my visit home. What did you all do this Canada Day? Please do tell! I ended up fixing my Feedly reader (but not on the iPad) and I had 1979 posts unread from all the blogs I subscribe to. I decided to ‘mark all as read’. So if I missed anything, that’s why.

Happy Friday Jr and I’ll see you tomorrow!

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Climbing in Newfoundland

The next few posts on my blog are going to be quite photo heavy. I’m about to bombard you with pictures from my trip back home to Newfoundland.

Let’s dive right on in b’ys! The first day that I was home I didn’t do too much besides hang out with family, especially my little nephews. That night I got a text from one of my climbing buddies asking me to go outdoor climbing with them by the Manuel’s River. I had never been there before, so I decided to go out for a climb!

I’m not one for outdoor climbing. I don’t have any certification to set up lead or anchors. But I’ll gladly top rope. So that’s exactly what I did.

Lori, me and Kerry getting ready to hike in.


We hiked in the trail about 30 minutes or so, along this muddy, overflown trail. I borrowed some shoes from Lori ;) since I didn’t bring any hikers home. Thanks buddyhiking the trail

This was Lori’s second climb of the day and I wanted to belay her on lead. Chalking up to top rope.climb5 climb7 climb10

High fives throughout the day for the awesome climbing day!climb12

I went up after Lori lead the climb and set the anchors. It was my first time ‘cleaning’ the route, which meant taking off all the quick draws so you’re only left with an anchor at the top for top roping.

Tyin’ in and making faces.IMG_0025

 Sweet moses. It’s been YEARS since I climbed outside. Over 8…climb1

Here we go, cleaning the route:


Apparently it was only a 5.6 but I made it much more difficult, haha.


Scared here.climb13 climb14

Almost to the top. 60 feet.climb16 climb15 climb13

Hellooooo up there!climb17  All the gear safe back on my harness. IMG_0055

I climbed twice more (or maybe just once?) after that climb. One was a 5.9 which I really liked because sections of it were difficult, and others were quite nice and ‘easy’.

Someone brought a dog. I’m obsessed with dogs.lol2

So that’s that! An outdoor climbing adventure a few days before Canada Day. Such a fun (and scary) time. climb20 Tomorrow I’ll be back with more photos from my vacation.

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I didn’t quit!

Hey, anyone still out there? I didn’t quit my blog!

A mid-day update for you folks, I’m grabbing a quick (and late) lunch from home and heading back to work in a few minutes.

As you probably already guessed, I just didn’t blog while I was on vacation back home in Newfoundland, and of course when I arrived back in Ontario my internet connection was just wrecked for a while and I couldn’t do anything. Pair that with me not being able to catch up on reading your blogs because Feedly is having some issues on iPads/iPhones so I’ve only been reading the blogs that I really know the URL of. Which isn’t many! (Iowa Girl Eats, Posh Meets Pavement, Fresh Season, Js Everyday Fashion, Healthy Tipping Point, Peanut Butter Fingers). Sooo I’ve switched over to Blog Lovin’ for the time being. #FirstWorldProblems, I know.

Ever since Paleo ended on May 7th, I said I’d take a wee break from eating strict. When in reality, I have just went back to my regular eatings. Let me backtrack here… I’m not as mental as I was in the past eating candy for breakfast. I’m not eating carbs or dairy at all. I can’t stand cheese anymore – isn’t that strange!?  So to get back on track — the first night back in Ontario I didn’t cook because I was just tired from travel. But the next day I was in the mood to cook up a scoff (hey, gotta use some Newfie terminology while I can) and made a nice paleo and non-paleo meal for the Boyf and myself.

burger-and-fries-paleo-frieHomemade extra lean ground beef burgers with spinach and mustard on mine, topped with a portobello mushroom (boyf had a regular bun), and I also made some delicious sweet potato fries.


paleo-burger-n-friesThey’re SO easy to make: fry’er up in the pan with some coconut oil on super hot, and flip them every now and again – once done put on a plate covered in paper towels and dab off the excess oil. Pour in a bowl and mix in some salt and Mrs. Dash’s Southwest Chipotle Seasoning and you’ve got some restaurant quality fries on hand. I also made a spinach salad for us too, with balsamic vinaigrette and coconut oil as the dressing. paleo-saladI’ll clue everyone in on the adventures I had on my vacation, but for now there’s a few photos to have’a gander at. See you when my internet works again!!

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