OOTWW + a lot of Starbucks

Whewf. This week certainly flew by for me. How about yourselves?

Kind of glad it’s the weekend. It’s the busiest time of the year at work (from Sept-Nov usually) and not only that I need to catch up on my blog posting schedule! I feel like I’m a little behind at the moment. This week,  I had Starbucks four out of the five days. Whoa nelly.starbucks drink

That’s some massive sugar and caffeine intake. And a lot of money. I prefer not to add up the cost I spent on peppermint white mocha’s this week. Instead, let’s take a peek at what I’ve been wearing to work. Side note. Not sure how much longer I can handle taking photos outside in the mornings. I was freezing my buns off for these pics.ootww

What are your weekend plans?
Besides volunteering at the climbing gym, I am doing absolutely nothing. This is the first open weekend I’ve had since the end of September!

What do you usually order at Starbucks?
My orders are usually:

  • peppermint white mochas
  • passion tea lemonade half sweet raspberry
  • mocha frappuccino
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OOTWW + a little break

The past few months I have been treating my blog like a second full time job. It’s incredible how much time I spent at the computer in the run of a day. I work at my job from 9:30-5:30, come home and immediately pop on the computer from 6:00-10:30, and somewhere in between because I get all A.D.D. working from home, I make supper. I’m not complaining, in fact – I love what I’ve been doing on my blog lately and I don’t want to stop.

But I am flying home to Newfoundland for Thanksgiving. And I want to spend as much time with my family as possible so I’m going to just take the week off. Leanne will be guest posting on my blog next Wednesday, so be sure to check back on my site then. :)

My trip home is bitter sweet, because the Boyfriend and our pup aren’t joining us this time. Both of those two will be on the same flight as me for Christmas, so they’ll see “home” soon enough.

Have a great Canadian Thanksgiving everyone! Gobble gobble gobble, til you wobble!

 I left for BlissDom on Thursday after work, so you’re extra lucky this week and get to see two sets of my ‘outfits of the work week’. Horrah!

Last week’s outfits. My fav was definitely Thursday.ootww-

This week’s outfits. Loving what I’m wearing today. Got the suede boots out!ootww

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1 Chevrolet Sponsor, 11 cups of Tim Horton’s tea and 9 white wines later…

BlissDom recap: One Chevrolet Sponsor, 11 cups of Tim Horton’s tea, and 9 white wines later…I’m back from my weekend at BlissDom Canada blogging conference. I’m not even exhausted. Especially surprising since my liquid intake this weekend literally consisted of just white wine and an assortment of Tim Hortons, and Tetley tea drinking this weekend. I’m currently hydrating with the cute Philosophy water bobbles as I write a recap here. I also took an extra goody bag from Philosophy to give to you guys in a later blog post. ;)

philosophy water bobble

Towards the middle of September I decided I wanted to go to the third annual BlissDom Canada conference and I made it happen. This weekend is will truly be hard to recap into a few blog posts just how great the weekend was. If you’ve been following my twitter for the past weekend, you’ve probably been bombarded by me tweeting pictures of everything with the #BlissDomCA hashtag. I’m not even going to apologize at how annoying that may have been for some of my followers because I LOVED BLISSDOM.

And can I be honest for a minute? I really didn’t think it was going to be THAT awesome. Sure I thought I’d meet a handful of people, and talk to my favourite companies that were sponsors there. But my expectations were completely blown out of the water. My eyes even watered up at some most of the sessions, and I wasn’t really expecting that. I’m not a crier/super emotional person. Unless you can classify super excited doing a pee-dance all the time, emotional. Whatevs I may have had a few fan girl moments (meeting Lena, Kim & Sarah from Philosophy & Coty, Jared from McDonalds, and Kaitlin from Chevrolet) on more than one occasion this weekend. Not embarrassing at all.

When I walked into the Delta Meadowvale hotel, I didn’t have a sickly feeling. I didn’t want to walk right out of the hotel feeling overwhelmed.lobby-at-delta-meadowvale

I just felt like I needed to be there and I was. I was completely myself, I wasn’t shy (which is strange), and I walked up to people who were standing by themselves so they wouldn’t feel out of place or lonely in this huge unknown place.

Once I spotted Kaitlin, I did a happy dance and gave her a huge hug. She’s from Chevrolet Canada who sponsored me to attend and hooked me up with this sweet hotel room for three nights. kaitlin-from-chevy-canadaOh, and provided me everyone with candy. candy-at-chevrolet-canada

It was very swanky, and fancy hotel room I had. I felt like a million bucks when I walked in.Delta-Meadowvale

Making myself at home.Delta-Meadowvale-Hotel-room

The bathroom mirrors must’ve been one of my favorite spots about the room. K, wait. That sounded far more vain than I intended it to. But look at the ring of light around the mirror itself. It gave off a perfect glow to the bathroom and I gotta say, made me look preeee-tee flattering. I took a few selfies in that mirror the past weekend ;) bathrooms-at-Delta-Meadowva

The first night was the newcomers welcoming party which was sponsored by 19 Crimes wine. Love the marketing. Ha ha.19crimes-mugshot

Free wine? Don’t mind if I do.

The place was beautifully decorated. I LOVE white everything (computers, accessories… COUCHES..) and it felt so incredibly fancy. It’s the only word that comes to mind, so I apologize. Everything was fancy to me, haha. Shannon and Jennifer gave an introductory speech and welcomed us all to the event. shannon-and-jennifer

The first person I met at BlissDom was Paula from Product Junkie. Funny that we were neighbours at the hotel the entire weekend and didn’t realize it until the very last night. product-junkie-and-i

From all the free white wine I was drinking, I obviously had to use the bathrooms at some point throughout the night. What I didn’t know was that Cottonelle was one of the main sponsors, and sure enough they pulled through and decorated the bathrooms appropriately so. #LetsTalkBums folks.cottonelle-sponsored-bathro

I ended up going to bed fairly early throughout the entire weekend. Never a night past midnight. Does that mean I’m getting old? I’d like to just think it’s because I was stoked to use all the Philosophy products provided in the hotel. Betcha can’t guess which is mine, and what the hotel provided. Do it. Dare you.philosophy-at-delta-meadowv

Makeup already out the first night. Had to photograph it, the shelves and the products alone were just photo-worthy.philosophy-products-in-the-

I’m going to get really cheesy here for a moment. But I really couldn’t have done it without you guys supporting my blog. Commenting on all of my posts, and growing with me — it gave me the confidence to actually go to a blogging conference. ALL BY MYSELF. I knew no one! And I’ll do it all over again in a heart beat.

Look at the blogging business cards I picked up from 3 days. I counted them. There’s 51 of them. That’s not just passing them out to anyone/everyone because who just passes a card to someone and walks away? I managed to talk to each and every one of these bloggers and sponsors. I don’t even know what overcame me. But I was feelin’ chatty and met a shiz-ton of new friends who I have grown to cherish over the weekend. What a time, BlissDom Canada. What a time.
business cardsCome back tomorrow for a recap of the second day!

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