OOTWW & Fun, Fit, Fashionable #4

This week flew by and I haven’t had much time on the computer before/after work to get posts written up! So here I am, sitting at my desk frantically typing away with my wet hair, to get this post up before I head into work! I need to have a scheduler to plan myself!

Last night the Boyf and I drove to Stratford and saw a live theater production. Both of us like to get dressed up for these sorts of things, so I kept my “ballerina” look from yesterday, replaced the white cardi with a black blazer, and took off my H&M cotton navy pants and wore nice dark blue/black skinnies.

Elevator shot!

We always try to go a few times towards the end of their season, as that’s mainly when the tickets are practically given away.

The Matchmaker, was a comedy and despite me having a full on cold/flu/sinus-thing, I really enjoyed it. The productions are so amazing, and it’s a really well known place. Did you know Justin Bieber is from Stratford? lol

Enough rambling for now, here’s my outfits of the work week!

Onto Triple F Friday!

I’ve been a huge fan of Blair’s blog: Atlantic-Pacific, for a few months or more. I don’t remember where I found her blog, but everything she wears, she wears well.

I tried to see if I had any of this stuff in my closet that Linda has. I want to recreate this entire outfit. I actually tried, on Wednesday but decided to pair it with a red light-weight sweater, instead of  grey tee.

Erica went to her very first pole dancing class last night!

Lindsey posted about her triathlon getting canceled due to a hurricane. Just go with the flow, she says!

Danielle is posting about her wedding cake, and needs your help!

Submit yourself to my weekly Fun, Fit, Fashionable posts. You can certainly submit your own, next week. Just shoot me an e-mail to spiffykerms@gmail.com. Just include any of the following:

  • Your name
  • Your URL, if you have a blog
  • Description of you being Fun, Fit or Fashionable
  • A photo, which is optional of course
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OOTWW & Fun, Fit, Fashionable #3

Ah! It’s finally here. The weekend! Monday’s OOTD is missing from the outfit’s of the work week post. It wasn’t anything to write home about. I had just gotten off the air plane that day, and went straight to work. Was definitely not in anything fashionable, haha.

I’m headed off to SCCTO tomorrow which I blogged about last month. I’m so excited! It’s a blogging convention just like BlogHer that I went to last summer.

It’s the third episode, of #TripleFFriday on my blog! I skipped last week, since I was away in Newfoundland for the Canadian Thanksgiving. Let’s get to it!

As always, I love starting out with my friend Meg. I got the idea for Triple F Friday, from her popular posts about High 5 Friday’s! Earlier this week, Meg talks about The Power of Positive Thought and Talk.

A fellow FitFluential ambassador, Danielle posted a WIAW (What I Ate Wednesday) post earlier this week, which looked delicious.

Carrie, another FitFluential ambassador posted 10 great tips about running!

OMG Leanne bought an iPad!!

Happy Belated Birthday to Gina! She’s having a fun giveaway in liu of her birthday, how great is that!

Rachel ran the Nike Women’s half marathon! Way to go :)

Submit yourself to my weekly Fun, Fit, Fashionable posts. You can certainly submit your own, next week. Just shoot me an e-mail to spiffykerms@gmail.com. Just include any of the following:

  • Your name
  • Your URL, if you have a blog
  • Description of you being Fun, Fit or Fashionable
  • A photo, which is optional of course
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OOTWW. Fun, Fit, Fashionable

Summer should get a speeding ticket. Right? I started wearing layers this week and last weekend! Yikes!

Here’s what I wore to work this week:

I swear Monday’s outfit looked fine in person, it was just the I’m-tired-and-don’t-want-to-snap-photos-stance. The outfit was off balance since I was wearing skinny pants and decided not to pair it with a larger top. I don’t think I woke up on Monday, until the mid-afternoon.

Tomorrow I’m supposed to go to a FootBall game at the local University. The Boyf and I are heading to Nuite Blanche and to run errands in Toronto instead! Much more fun :)

But what’s this new blog post title? A new feature I’ve decided to add to my website! I’m forever asked to share some of the blogs that I read, and I think doing weekly posts of some Fit and Fashionable people is much more fun. So hopefully you too, will find some great new blogs to read from these weekly posts that will now go live on Friday’s.

Hence the #TripleFFriday: Fun, Fit, Fashionable in the blog post title. It stemmed from my friend Meg from A Dash of Meg’s High Five Friday posts. I loved the idea, so I thought I’d do something similar. They say copying is a sincere form of flattery. :)

So since I’ve been inspired by Meg, I thought it would be just fitting (ah love the play on words?) to start with her! Let’s get to it:

Meg from A Dash Of Meg features her thirty-third (!!!) High Five Friday today :)

Courtney tests out the ‘best tank top to work out in’, last Saturday!

Shannon looks great modeling her Fire Daughter tanks from Etsy. Look at her pipes! Shannon says the Fire Daughter tanks are flattering, comfy and have empowering messages.  (Hey I have some of the clothing too!)

Coach Scott from StoneWay CrossFit wrote a post this week on “3 Step Solution to Change

Teri from A Foodie Stays Fit sports her new hair cut. I always love her hair styles, she’s forever changing it up!

I also wanted to feature Laura from Buy Now Blog Later, I always love her style and her blog posts – she’s living in Dubai right now, but is from London England!

Submit yourself to my weekly Fun, Fit, Fashionable posts. You can certainly submit your own, next week. Just shoot me an e-mail to spiffykerms@gmail.com. Just include any of the following:

  • Your name
  • Your URL, if you have a blog
  • Description of you being Fun, Fit or Fashionable
  • A photo, which is optional of course
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