Hi guys!

Hope everyone (who is around the area) is enjoying the two days of much needed rain. The grass is already looking greener. Can you believe it’s 18ºC outside, and I had the heat on my car the past two days? Who am I!

What’s everyone up to this weekend? I’ll be drawing the Sharpie Markers winners name this weekend, and no security cameras around to make sure you check back, but please do!

Until then — my outfits of the work week:


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Happy weekend everyone! Happy long weekend to those of us who have the civic holiday! Ooooh yeah.

Time for the outfit of the work week post!

What does everyone have planned for the weekend? I think I’m going to end up going for a run on one of the days, and most definitely going to Yoga on Sunday. I went last night and the class literally flew by. I walked up to the instructor and asked if she taught anywhere else besides the YMCA. She’s really good, and keeps coming around to make sure you’re in the correct posture or try to get you lower in a warrior stance etc. Really good stretches, I feel so relaxed after. It’s a strange, but good feeling.

Don’t forget to enter my Sharpie contest. (Canadians only) :)

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I’ve never felt this way, up until two weeks ago. I felt like getting my outfit of the work week has been such a chore to me on Sunday nights, so I either got a couple of outfits together or just one outfit ready each night before work in the a.m.

Thus resulting in boring OOTWW’s. I’m away today— I took today off and at this very moment, I’m on my very first train ride! I’m going to be spending the weekend in Ottawa. Yay free wifi — I’ll most likely be on twitter a lot so you can follow me there or see you when I return!

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