Looks like I wore a lot of orange and pink this week.

It’s Canada Day long weekend! What does everyone have planned? I hear that The Trews are playing in Kitchener on Sunday. Let’s hope nothing goes wrong during their set up and not have the show go on. Anyway, either way, we may make the drive over there to check it out!

Happy Long Weekend!

Stay tuned for my CrossFit workout tomorrow, I decided I’d post it tomorrow instead of Monday. Bit of a rebel ;)


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Outfit of the work week number 91. I’ve been doing this for 91 consecutive weeks. Holy moses.

Why is it only three photos? I was sick on Thursday and while I was heading into work on Friday, but I got a call not to come in as the hydro was out!

What did everyone’s weekend look like? I hung out in Guelph for a bit, and then also went out with Stephanie on Saturday to the KW Multicultural Festival. I’ll wait for her photos before I blog about it though :)

 p.s. Anyone want to donate a house to me? I’m getting bored of this apartment living ;)

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