Since I’ve taken a few photos over this past weekend of my outfits I decided to post them here!
Saturday I wore my dress to my Birthday dinner – I got a ton of stares while wearing this at Ikea. A little dressed up to shop, maybe too overdone but I felt confident and comfortable in the wedges and dress. Surprisingly the wedges were comfortable to walk around ikea for almost two hours. I do get uncomfortable when people stare though…
Dress: H&M | Cardigan: Joe Fresh | Necklace: Lisa Taubes from the current | Wedges: Cynthia Rowley from Winners | unpicutred Purse: Banana Republic | Bangles: H&M.
My outfit was very inexpensive. Dress was $34, Cardi $16, bangles was probably $4-something for a bunch of them.
Sunday was a beauty of a day too, and I was almost too hot with this ensemble.
Linen shorts: Old Navy | Tank: Guess | Flats: Aldo
Yesterday, Scott had his first Duathlon of the season. He rarely does Du’s and does more triathlons in the race season, so I ended up being a little bit more sporty cheering him on yesterday. Face is red since I forgot to take a photo in the morning, and came home after my soccer game, showered and let my hair air dry + no makeup = … well, red face.Scroll up – scroll down, scroll up scroll down. I don’t even look like the same person! No shame.
Fleece: Nike Outlet | Pants: Lululemon | HOT PINK SNEEKS: Nike Free’s.
Omg I don’t think I can do an OOTD every single day of the year. It took so much work for just this weekend. Hahahhahaaa… okay happy Tuesday — I’m off to work after a nice long weekend.