Holiday Gift Guide: Bikini Genie


Sometimes you don’t know what to get your friend, and if you’re close you’ve probably already bought them a few things for them throughout the year. At least that’s what I do. Surprise my girl friends with treats and presents that I think they’ll like. I need to stop doing that, and save those presents to give them for Christmas.

Bikini-Genie-by-PhilipsI bet you hadn’t thought of getting them a battery operated (not what you’re thinking) Philips bikini genie. Am I right? 

I have absoluetly no issue wrapping up this little hair trimmer gadget to a girlfriend of mine and giving it to her for Christmas. But I mean, some people may feel weird giving that kind of present to a friend, maybe you’d like to keep it for yourself. I mean, you gotta keep things looking under control. Know what I mean.


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Facial Cleansers: Which One’s Work For Me

You guys know how much I love my Purity by Philosophy facial cleanser, right? I’ve given it away on my blog, and talk about it more than a few times per month. It comes in an assortment of sizes and you can get it anywhere from The Bay, Sephora and even Shoppers Drug Mart.

I have never strayed from using it the past 12 months and I finally ran out of my large bottle. I ordered a new 24oz of it though, on the Sephora website when they had the VIB sale. Since I’ve ran out of the purity cleanser, I went out and bought my old school trusty Marcelle cleansing milk. It was the very first beauty product cleanser I was ever recommended and it was recommended to me by a pharmacist back home in Newfoundland who just happened to be our neighbour.

I since then have recommended it to others.

Marcelle is my second favourite cleanser, if I can classify it as that. It’s backed up by the Canadian Dermatology Association. Because of CDA’s mission to “offer patients, their families and the public, education on the prevention of skin cancer and other ways to maintain a lifetime of healthy skin, hair and nails”, the CDA has just launched a new initiative: the Skin Health Program.


There is a common ground here, you see. Marcelle products have always been hypo-allergenic which is why it was recommended to me in the early 2000’s. It’s gentle on your skin, especially the eye areas and of course is perfume free. Their products don’t sting your face. It’s just as gentle as Purity. I hate comparing the two, but they’re both pretty up there in my opinion and the only one’s that I like to use on my face. I dislike using cetaphil, only for the scent— it smells too medically or something.

marcelle cosmetics

Cleansing Cloths*, Soothing Cleansing Water*, Eye Make-Up Remover Cloths, Oil-Free Eye Make-Up Remover Lotion*, Eye Make-Up Remover Pads

* = products I’ve tried out and used and would completely recommend. The stuff that isn’t asterisk’ed are product I have not tried.

Already available at and in stores      
Marcelle Cleansing Cloths         $12.50   25 cloths  
Marcelle Soothing Cleansing Water $14.50   6.7 FL OZ 200 mL
Marcelle Eye Make-Up Remover Cloths              $12.50 30 cloths  
Marcelle Oil-Free Eye Make-Up Remover Lotion $13.50   5 FL OZ 150 mL
Marcelle Eye Make-Up Remover Pads $9.95     80 pads  

What cleansers do you use?
I use Purity by Philosophy, or Marcelle cleansing milk. Nothing else (okay sometimes make up wipes if I’m really lazy)

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Take care of your beautiful chompers!

I’m no stranger to candy. I love it so much I’ve been known to eat it for breakfast. Not sure why I admitted that, but hey. I’ve got a valid point to make later on in this post.

I’m not as quick to eat sugary foods anymore. Doing the Paleo challenge for 30 days, I’ve learned so much about food than I had in my entire life time. If anything, it changed my way of eating, and thinking of the consequences that food has on your body. Healthy food like eggs for breakfast is way better, than eating a mars bar. Who knew.

Treats are just that. Treats, reserved for a special time. It’s not a meal replacement or even a snack. It’s just a treat to have. Once in a while NANCY. Not for breakfast!

Upon moving from Newfoundland to Ontario in 2006, I had two main purchases I wanted to make. First up was fixing my crooked teeth, then I wanted to buy my very first car. Flashback time!

Since then I’ve gotten my braces off and now I have beautiful teeth that I like to take care of, as they cost about half of what my car did.

Luckily I can use my new Philips Sonicare PowerUp toothbrush to make them extra sparkly. I received this brush from the PR company to review about a month ago, shortly after the BlissDom Canada conference. I had a chat with one of the PR girls at BlissDom, and asked to review this particular product.Philips Sonicare with toothpaste

My boyfriend is a huge advocate of dental health. He was the person who pushed me to care more about my teeth. If he wasn’t around, I’d probably have dentures by now. One thing that always sticks with me that he suggested was that: always drink water after drinking/eating sugary treats — especially if you don’t have a tooth brush around. It sloshes away all the grim and gunk on your teeth and doesn’t just sit and chill out there making holes in your enamel. Kind of makes sense to us. Again, he nor I aren’t dentists nor do we want to be. But we like to think it works.

Don’t say bye bye to those beautiful chompers of yours. You don’t want dentures do you? Take care of them. Floss more (errr…note to self) and if you hate flossing, get those fancy tooth pick flossers instead of the dirty string that I HATE holding onto when he gets tooth-goo all on your fingers. So nasty.

Also. Please remember to brush your tongue. That’s where your stank breath comes from.his and hers philips sonicare

Fun facts about my mouth:

  • I never started caring about my teeth until I met my Boyfriend, over 8 years ago. He’s a huge dental hygiene fan.
  • I have a lot of fillings. I’m embarrassed to say how many. Actually scratch that. I have no idea how many I have. They’re all white now because I got the silver ones dug out and replaced with shiny new white fillings.
  • I get complimented a few times a week on how white my teeth are.
  • I don’t white my teeth.
  • I brush my teeth 3-4x/day (morning, after work, sometimes right after supper and again before bed)
  • I still wear my retainer after getting braces off in 2008. My teeth most definitely shift and move, especially if I don’t wear my retainer for a week. It’s painful putting those suckers back on for the night when I don’t wear them.
  • I drink through a straw. Always. Mainly to avoid stainage. At least that’s my philosophy behind it all. I have no idea if it works.

Philips Sonicare has surveyed Canadians asking their opinion on beauty related questions concerning their smile and beauty. Here are some interesting facts I pulled from the PDF they sent me.Philips-Sonicare-survey2 Philips-Sonicare-survey1

My boyfriend bought a sonicare toothbrush at walmart a while ago and only uses it at night. Now I have one and they can be BFFs! Here’s a photo of our toothbrushes chillin out. It’s a his and her’s station. Twinsies, even. Except mine is way newer and cooler. I enjoy that the base of my toothbrush doesn’t take up as much space. It’s only a tad smaller, but with an itty bitty bathroom like ours, every inch truly matters.Sonicare-in-bathroom

What can I truly say about a battery operated toothbrush besides that I love using it before be when I’m already tired and don’t feel like doing anything but besides laying down in our comfy bed.

Are electric toothbrushes better than manual?
Well, that’s a personal preference really. My Boyfriend and I both have two toothbrushes each. A manual and electric that we use on a daily basis (no, we don’t share. Gross). I’ve been told by my dentist that proper and diligent brushing with a manual brush is just as effective as electric ones. The key is to be consistent and brush regularly.

The bottom line? If you’re concerned about your oral health, grab a sonicare toothbrush and use it. The benefits from using an electric toothbrush is that it takes less time to do a throughout job than you would do manually. Good for people who are sleepy and just want to head to bed quickly.Philips-Sonicare

How often do you brush your teeth?
I said this above but I usually brush my teeth 3x a day, sometimes 4. I use an “extra soft” tooth brush and change the brushes every 5-6 months and at night use the Sonicare.

Do you floss every day?
I don’t. I’m a hypocrite.

When was the last time you had a dental check up?
I am covered with insurance with work and go every 9 months. It’s funny, every time the dentist calls I question her if it’s really been 9mths since I’ve been. Feels like only 3mths ago. Hate going, in fact I’d rather go to the gynecologist than the Dentist. Probably because for years — every time i went to the dentist I needed something fixed.

Philips Sonicare PowerUp is available for $39.99 at major retailers.

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