When I first started doing reviews and giveaways on my site I was contacted by Cover Your Hair and did a review/giveaway. That was back in January 2010. A few weeks ago they contacted me again. Instead of having the gift being a surprise, I decided to actually pick out something to review and have a chance for you all to win it as well.
In October you may remember me talking about the boar hair brushes and how amazing they are for your hair, to make it sleek, shiny and even fall straight without the straightening iron.
So I thought I would request to review the Goody Boar Ceramic Cusion Brush on Cover Your Hair so you, my friends and readers could also have a chance to win a nice boar hair brush.
Don’t you love it when you have a great hair day? Especially on a Monday morning? Honestly, it’s all the help of the boar bristle brush, whether it be this goody one or the Sephora one I mentioned a few months ago. I don’t ever use my hair straightener anymore because of the boar bristle brushes. But I talk more in depth about that here. However, there is a difference between the two brushes I own. The sephora hair brush that I have right now is all boar. Where as the Goody one that I’m reviewing and giving away today is boar blend. Which means it has some of the regular hard plastic in with the boar. You can see what I mean in the photo shown below.
Now that holiday season is in full bloom, http://www.CoverYourHair.com is offering 20% off to you lucky followers. Use promo code “blog1231”. Promo code expires 12/31/11. You can get all sorts of stuff on Cover Your Hair’s website like hair accessories, baby headbands, baby hats, and of course head accessories.
Alright, I know everyone here just wants to get right to it and enter away at this giveaway. So I’ll tell you how you can enter and who is eligible to win a boar bristle hair brush too!
Good luck, and enter away!