It’s time…

I’m probably at the race site right now calming my nerves. I pre-wrote this post last night so I could publish it in the a.m.

I have had(?) all my stuff laid out the night before. Ignore the IRONMAN black tee, the back is the reason why I picked up the shirt. Kind of playing off the whole mantra ‘running is all mental’. But this one says ‘Pain is just a state of mind’.

I’ll be running solo this race as one of my friends is running the 10k and I just don’t have the nerve to sign up for a 10k just yet, and another one will be watching. Eeee!!!!

I psych myself out too much so I didn’t want to talk about the upcoming race. This one today, is a 5k race that that I ran a while back, and I ended up quitting running the very first time I ran it. The race is very close by and I’ll be walking to the race site. I ended up training on the route a handful of times. I got sick just this past week but I was determined to race it again.

I’ll post a re-cap when I come back. I doubt I’ll do another personal best, just for the fact that I suck at motivating myself and I have a wretched cough right now right after the sinus cold. NICE.

Alright, bye guys!

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Breathing reports are back…

I have been putting off writing about my pulmonary function testing done at the Hospital a while back, mainly for the reason that there was nothing exciting to report. That’s great news right? As soon as I stepped into the room I didn’t notice any treadmills like I assumed there would be. There was just a clear plastic box with enough room for one person to sit down inside. That’s where all the testing was done on me. It wasn’t that exciting, except I had to stop a few times due to the fact that some of the tests were a bit difficult.

Sitting down and doing the breathing test was easy, because I wasn’t exerting myself with exercising. I told the dude that it only happened when I was playing sports. I’m disappointed I couldn’t get to show him how my breathing affects me when I’m running.

It looked just like this (thanks google images!)

I thought I’d be set up like the V02 testing. I even brought my running gear with me :(

The specialist guy, mentioned to me that my breathing was normal, and above average in a few cases. Then he said “You didn’t hear that from me“. I assume it was because he’s not the Doctor (maybe he’d get in trouble for telling me?) looking at the results and the Lung Dr has to review them, then send them back to my family doctor.  Which I presume hasn’t happened because no one has called me back lol. I guess I need to calm the eff down when I’m running then. It is all mental.

See? Not really anything interesting to report, except for the fact that none of that explains why my whole life I have felt the need to yawn while doing strength exercises and difficulty breathing when running. But I’m sure glad the tests came back A+ and that I’m a healthy athlete!

Yay for running!

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Running solo

Last night I went on my second solo run this week, only for the fact that my running schedule was a day off of my running friends. :( I ended up doing most of the race course that is coming up soon. I started out wayyyy too fast and I’m estimating I was doing an 8 minute mile, because I had to stop at minute 6 to gasp for air. That and the fact I was listening to house music with crazy beats that wouldn’t let my body slow down. On my 9k run on Monday I listened to something a bit more subdued — Queens of The Stoneage lol.

I ended up running a 4k loop in 23:49 which estimates out to be a 9:34 (ish) minute mile thanks to the Cool Running Pace Calculator that I always check online. That’s decent, especially since I walked about 5 times during those 4 kilometers! That means that I’m really faster than the 9:34/min/mile, right? Because that’s including the walking times. If I had a fancier running watch, I guess I could tell my proper running time. But I can’t.

Why are Garmins so ugly?

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