Oh Sunday, we have such a love/hate for one another

When you get angry, what do you normally do?I usually become a useless slob when I’m pissed at someone: surf the net, call my parents, take a shower, sleep. You know the normal things. Last night something made me so angry that I couldn’t do any of the above listed because I felt it was being useless, so what better way than to spend 3 hours intensely cleaning the whole apartment? I love it, because the place smells like Mr. Clean, and my desk … oh just look at my desk. This is a big deal folks. Normally I’m quite organized with a lot of things regarding the apartment but my desk is the only “mine, not yours or ours” thing in the apartment (lol) and sometimes it gets quite out of hand when I neglect it. It looks so pretty now, at least. I wish it wasn’t so ugly though. As you can tell, I tried to decorate it with some ribbon on the bottom of my monitor. Kinda cute? Or major fail? You decide.

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Today’s Sunday. This time last week I would have been getting ready for soccer — so instead, I have my bowl of popcorn ready to get popped and waiting to watch thee best show in the house: Desperate Housewives! Apparently someone DIES tonight. I hope it’s Kathryn.

P.S: Don’t forget about:...

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Can you believe this guy?

I went to the Sports Medicine clinic yesterday afternoon about my gimp ankle. The last time I saw the Doctor was on Monday, November 23 — so I had a game of indoor soccer, a bone scan and an xray on my ankle before I got to see him again. I went in there yesterday expecting to be told that I would get some physio and/or massage therapy and I’d be able to continue on with my soccer.

He gave me good news, and bad news. Let’s start with the good because that’s always fun.

It’s just a fibula bruise that is on its way to being healed. As I was on the table getting my bone scan at the hospital, I could so tell that the bone scan was going to give great results, and it ankledid. I don’t need a CT Scan, or an MRI as the bone scan results showed a few dark spots, see in the photo? That’s my ankle! So it’s almost healed, right? I can get a few appointments with my “name twin” massage therapist and be off.

Wrong. The bad news is that this Doctor of mine, has advised me to stop playing soccer immediately and come back in March/April  to see if it has fully healed and then he can give me the go–ahead whether or not I can play outdoor soccer. Taking 8 weeks off during the transition between outdoor and indoor soccer wasn’t enough. I even missed a few extra days because I was in B.C.!

See, the thing is — soccer is the only sport that has my heart right now. I hate the gym, but I’ll go because it’s good for you and it thanks my waist line, and I don’t climb as often as I wish to because the local wall is the tiniest closet/room whatever you want to call it ever, and they don’t change the routes or holds as often as I’d like them to. So yes, soccer is the only sport I enjoy right now. I told him I’d think about it. Pretty bold of me, but I guess the news made me a bit angry. But then he re-assured me that if I don’t take this time off, it could very well  become a permanent problem which will never get fixed. A permanent bone bruise. Great!

I had a night to think about it and contemplate what I’m going to do. At first, I was upset because I just dropped a couple of hundred bucks to play this super long indoor season (beginning of October to the end of April) much longer than our outdoor season, and then I thought of just playing left wing, instead of right.

Still don’t know what to do. I don’t want to stop altogether because I love scoring and I’m totally going to pat myself on the back here, but in last 6 games I scored 9 goals. So awesome right? I don’t know. I’m not exactly asking for suggestions,  and would definitely take the opposite advice of what someone gives me because I’m a stubborn ‘taurus’  like that. I guess I’m just disappointed of the outcome.

I have decided to stop playing, for the better of my health.

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Two trips to the hospital and…

Nothing entirely major. But,I’m planning two trips to the hospital today. Why? Well I guess I don’t exactly talk much about it on my website, do I — so you all probably have absolutely no idea what’s going on in that regard. I’d like to think I have an abnormally high pain tolerance and I don’t know where I got it from because on the other end, I’m such a worry wart that my stomach is almost always in knots before a game, before a staff meeting, and everything in between.

To give you a rundown; I pulled something in my ankle in summer 2008 outdoor soccer. I collided with another player as we tried to hit the soccer ball at the exact same time. I’m a right (sometimes left) wing, playing striker. So the defenders are usually broader, much taller women that are twice the size of me. So when my right foot hit the soccer ball on the inside of my foot as I was about to pass/kick it, something tore, or pulled. It felt like I had broken my foot. I’m not one to fall to the ground and have the whistle blown against the other player. I try to sub off the field.  But sometimes referee’s are jackasses and won’t let me off. I had tears forming in my eyes, trying not to let them roll down my face. I wasn’t able to put any weight on it, so I didn’t do anything. I stood on the field until I was allowed off.

I was fine, the next day. 100%.

It never made much sense to me. I tried wrapping it, I tried arnica cream (that apparently works wonders for my team mates, but not I) . It never swelled up, or bruised.

Ever since then I couldn’t go more than 3 games indoor or outdoor without doing the same damage, over and over. Occasionally I’ll favor my left leg and limp a wee bit. I decided not to go to my family doctor in Guelph which is about a 45 minute drive out of my direction, obviously in another city. Plus since she “forgot” about one of my diagnosis / didn’t write it in my chart — I haven’t been back to her since.

I decided enough was enough, when I finally hurt it one more time on November 15. I was playing indoor and during the first few minutes of the second half I came 0n the field subbing for one of my players and I tore my ankle apart. I came off almost 2 minutes into my play time and had to come off. I sat down again, and just held my leg so it wouldn’t touch the ground. I knew I didn’t break it because I could move it a bit, but it was just unbearable and frustrating that something like this kept happening.

I went to my Chiropractor about 5 months ago to get him to fix it, but all he’s been doing is adjusting some stuff and it’s fine for a day or two but as soon as I play soccer it does something and whatever is happening in there, tears. So, I decided to quit going to the chiropractor altogether (mainly because my insurance doesn’t cover any more costs for the year — I’ll have to wait for January if I want to go back to him), and go to a Sports Medicine clinic in the city where a soccer team mate recommended that I go (plus, she works there!).

I went on Monday, and had xray’s. The Doctor also mentioned I should get a bone scan, which is this morning at 11:15 at a hospital that I have never been to, or seen in person. I printed off a route to get there on google maps, and apparently I’ll have to find some off street parking because it’s on a main road, and it costs $6 to park. Since I have to visit twice that day, I’m  not paying $12 for my bone scan if I don’t have to.

They inject my hand with some dye for a half hour and I leave once that’s done, and ocme back three hours later after my system has been poisoned filled up with dye and go back at 2:15 for the scan.

Hassle hassle.

The Doctor said if the bone scan and xray’s don’t show anything (whether it be a fracture, or bone chip in my talus) he’ll have to book a CT scan and MRI if the latter three doesn’t work.

Let’s get to the bottom of this.

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