Can I play?

[December’s Bone Scan]

I have my follow–up appointment with the Sports Medicine Doctor tomorrow at 3PM. Last time I saw him was in December, when he said I couldn’t play indoor soccer for a few months, remember that?

The nervousness has been taken over with a little bit of excitement. I’m feeling positive about my ankle, but at the same time I’m unsure if he’s going to give me the go-ahead to play outdoor this year. To be fair though, outdoor will be less aggressive on my foot, as it’s a larger playing area.

I have yet to get the bone scan, so tomorrow’s appointment is just going to go through the basics and give me a requisition to go to the hospital and have it done.

My ankle has been bothering me, now that I know my appointment is coming up. If I have to take another year off soccer, then so be it. I just want to be able to play again, eventually. Maybe I’ll take up swimming, since I’m now running and biking. Maybe I’ll get into some sprint tri’s. ha!

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Fitness + Weekend wrapup

It feels so good to be up and awake so early in the mornings and get a workout done (at 6:45 mind you!), supper prepped for when I get home, Alfie is all played out and resting in his cage for me to come home again at noon. This morning I did another Boot Camp class, and while I really enjoy one teacher, it’s pretty hard to switch up to another. She didn’t have the energy the other teacher had. Also? She had us running laps + sprints around the workout room. My right leg killed by the end of the four minutes, as we didn’t turn around and run the other way. I’m not going to be doing that run again if I go to her class next week — Seriously, I’ll head on the treadmill if I wanted to do some running. Besides, I have to let my ankle rest before I start up on soccer again… if it’s healed.

Speaking of Soccer, I decided to watch my girls play last night for a 6 o’clock game. I picked the best day to come and watch, as we were playing our rival team, who is a lot more aggressive and pushy (remember this is a rec league). I cheered and shouted at my team mates from the sideline and danced and screamed when we got goals. Towards the end of the game it was tied 4-4, the other team scored. Leaving it 5-4 for them. The last like 4 minutes we scored TWO MORE GOALS, getting us a great finish and win. I was so proud, I literally smiled the whole way home lol.

Have a great Monday!

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Paranoid much?

After getting my braces off in 2008, I contemplated getting a sports retainer for soccer. I first went to my orthodontist to set me up with an appointment, but after contacting my insurance company through work, and finding out I wasn’t going to be reimbursed, I forgot about it altogether.

I’m not glad that I stopped playing, but I’m very thankful that I’ve never gotten a ball to the teeth while playing in my X number of years playing indoor and out. A few of my (former) team mates have had such bad luck playing soccer that they had their teeth chipped twice in one year. Brutal. I’ve even thought of googling places like Plano cosmetic dentist in case it ever happened to me. Paranoid much?

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