Explore California: Fremont Older Open Space Preserve


Prepare yourself folks, this twelfth edition of  POM Friday is going to be photo heavy today.

I’ve been meaning to check out Fremont Older Open Space Preserve for a while, and finally I decided to drive there with Alfie earlier this week. If I was more technical savvy, I’d insert the Instagram video I took of Alfie on the hike, with some beauty views. But you can see that on my instagram feed :)

We only went for a quick jaunt which was a 3km round trip, but I’d love to come back on a weekend with my husband and Alfie again as there were many trails to explore. I just didn’t want to get lost. Trust me, it happens.

Side note if you do take your dogs, note that they do not have garbage cans on site. Of course Alfie decided to take the biggest stinker of his life moments before we got on the trail and stupid me bagged it up AND PUT IT IN MY CAR. You know darn well on the drive home all windows and sunroof was cranked open. Next time it’s sitting beside my car until we were ready to leave.

I brought my bright green nerd pack and tossed in a granola bar, water, and dog bags — then Alfie and I were on our way up the (somewhat) steep trail until we got to Hunters Point. It wasn’t too far from the public parking, and you can choose various lengths of trails, as there were a lot of forks-in-the-road. I love how diverse these trails were, Alfie had a field day barking and saying hello to all the mountain bikers, we walked past a couple of other dogs and their owners and some seasoned hikers with their hiking poles. I’m fairly certain this was a horse riding trail too, so many hoof marks and droppings. Ha!

Now I’ll let the photos do the rest of the talking. Enjoy your weekend!




















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POM Friday . 11

I’m quite impressed with Alfie’s athletic abilities.

Last weekend was so warm outside, we decided to go for a run in our summer gear. A six kilometre run. We brought Alfie with us. I think it’s safe to say he (yes, the dog) is in much better shape than I am! I had his leash wrapped around my hand a couple of times in case he decided he wanted to run in front of me and trip me up, so it worked out pretty well. The three of us went on a slow run, but a run none the less. I couldn’t believe at how well he held up, especially since he has little pinner legs. And you know what? He was rearin’ to keep going long after we got home. He wasn’t pooped out one bit. That’s what I call impressive. I was so proud of him!

We like to take Alfie on a two hour walk together on the weekends, so while we were doing that last weekend, the Guy wanted to pop into a store to check out some sales on games. Alfie dislikes it when The Guy and I separate for any length of time, and especially if he is missing out on anything, so I couldn’t help but laugh at him being in panic mode waiting for the guy to come out of the stores. Naturally, I documented it.

Enjoy pom friday, especially the one where he’s mid-bark. Ha!tinyPomFri




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POM Friday . 10

The day I look forward to the most! Pomeranian Fridays, is back in the new year.

Are you ready to see Alfie look like a hipster dog? He’s such a great sport, smiling for the camera and all. However, by the end of it he was making faces at me. But as usual, he knows he gets a treat after I’m done taking snaps of him for my blog. He’s the newest model. :)










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