Where I blog


First of all I want to wish my cute little nephew a Happy Third Birthday. Unfortch for me he’s in Ireland and he’ll just be getting a phone call from auntie nancy tonight. :) My brother is on his way back to Ireland as I write this. He flies to Newfoundland every three weeks to work out on the oil rigs, and then flies back to Ireland when his 3 week shift finishes. I keep telling him I don’t want to hear any more birth announcements and finding out I have MORE little nephews (I have 4 lol).

Ok. Back on topic. Where I blog.

I’m not sure if this has been done before, or not. But I’d like to know where people update their websites from! I actually updated this site, and my other one from three different places! First I will show you where I am on a computer for 8 hours a day— my work ! (Remember that the images are clickable if you want to enlarge them.)


This is my desk at work — photos do no justice. It’s actually pretty big so I guess I suck at taking good perspective photos. The office that you see above, used to be my bosses corner office which she gladly traded an open room to give me her office. I was always chilly in the open area and she was always over heated in the office. Since we’re both opposites she snuck around one day and totally reversed our spaces! I have the best boss, ever. Even after two years of working here, it’s so great! I have an office DOOR, two windows and *ahem* it’s the second biggest office in the building and of course the CEO has the largest one. Doesn’t that make me feel awesome? I think so!


Secondly, I usually read blogs on my boyfriend’s leather couch when I’m at his place and he’s either at the gym (while I sit on my butt!) or on the bike trainer in the other room. I like to relax after a long day of being on the computer, by unwinding on a computer. Now tell me that isn’t nerdy! It really does relax me. Either that or I’ll turn on the TV for an hour to relax while I’m prepping supper.


Lastly, this is my desk in the house that I rent with another girl (we have another room mate who moved in, in April but we’ve seen her maybe three times?) K and I are moving out at the end of August, and the 3rd room mate who we don’t see have already signed a lease for the house with her friends. So maybe she’s waiting on that? I don’t really know. Anyway that was a bit off topic, but this is where I rarely blog from. I’m not really at the house very often and when I am, I’m rarely on the computer. I’d rather socialize with my room mate, and her cats or play the Wii!

So that pretty much sums up my nerd area. Though I’d like to know where do you all blog from too! Post your photos and let me know, I’d like to see! :)

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Very random

  • Weekend was very very busy and now I’m very very tired. Sunday we woke up at 3:30AM to head to Peterborough for the Half–Ironman my boyfriend competed in (photos soon!). We got back in time for my soccer game at least! We lost.
  • I think I wished too hard for the sun to come out this weekend. I got burnt yesterday. Bad.
  • I signed up for Dairy Queen’s mailing list and got a coupon e-mailed to me. Buy 1 blizzard, get 1 free.
  • I will have a real post later as I feel incompetent to come up with a real post.
  • I also used a lot of coupons on Saturday and got some great deals and freebies. Will also post that later.
  • I’m going to do the “10-things” (The HonestScrap award comes with a caveat or two. Firstly, you have to tell your readers ten things about you they may not know, but that are true. Secondly, you have to tag 10 people with the award.) that Pam tagged me in below, break the rules and not tag 10 people. Mine are so boring:
  1. I remember faces and never names. I’m often too embarrassed to ask the woman in the elevator her name again, because I’m sure I’ve asked her 3 times already. She always greets me with “haaallooo nansee”.
  2. I have a sneaking suspicion that I will never purchase my car (at the price I want to pay for it) before the end of the summer.
  3. If I’m in a bad mood — just give me food. Food always makes me smile. Especially at work, when it’s free.
  4. Before every soccer game or anything athletic like going on the track for a run, or climbing at the gym; I get so incredibly stomach sick. But not enough to get ill.
  5. I’m an amazing saver if I have something in mind. I will put everything I possibly can towards that little piggy bank in order to get the amount I aimed for, as fast as humanly possible. Sometimes I even eat poorly because of it. Oops. Guess it’s a good thing though, because I don’t like debt therefore I never have any! lol
  6. Sometimes I wish I had my Brother and Mother’s outgoing traits. But I’m a bit shy and awkward like my Father.
  7. I have nightmares that my teeth go back into place. Like they looked before braces. I wear my retainer nightly. My boyfriend got me into this fantastic habit, as he still wears his religiously — every.singly.night. after 6 years of having braces off.
  8. I wish I had an SLR camera. However, I probably wouldn’t be patient enough to figure out the settings to make the photos look awesome. Instead I will stick to my point and shoot.
  9. I want a puppy. I also want an Acura TSX in white, more vacation time, spend more time with my Irish nephews, and own a home. HA!
  10. I blush when I hand over coupons to the cashier. I don’t know why I feel so embarrassed sometimes.
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Soon? Oh please please pleeeeaasuuh

It’s so close I can taste it. Alright, maybe not close enough. But I’ve got four exact Mazda 3’s picked out, all without the help of the large dealerships even though 3 places are keeping an eye out for me at the car auctions. All white, and just 1 of them doesn’t have a sunroof. I’m going to look at one in the next city over (45 mins away), on Monday afternoon. Negotiations can probably happen as early as late next week. EEK!? But these cars I found (all from autotrader.ca) are small tiny side of the road dealers, not like “MAZDA” dealerships or anything. I need to do some google searches on how their reputation is, and scope out the VIN numbers on the cars I’m wanting!

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