First of all I want to wish my cute little nephew a Happy Third Birthday. Unfortch for me he’s in Ireland and he’ll just be getting a phone call from auntie nancy tonight. :) My brother is on his way back to Ireland as I write this. He flies to Newfoundland every three weeks to work out on the oil rigs, and then flies back to Ireland when his 3 week shift finishes. I keep telling him I don’t want to hear any more birth announcements and finding out I have MORE little nephews (I have 4 lol).
Ok. Back on topic. Where I blog.
I’m not sure if this has been done before, or not. But I’d like to know where people update their websites from! I actually updated this site, and my other one from three different places! First I will show you where I am on a computer for 8 hours a day— my work ! (Remember that the images are clickable if you want to enlarge them.)
This is my desk at work — photos do no justice. It’s actually pretty big so I guess I suck at taking good perspective photos. The office that you see above, used to be my bosses corner office which she gladly traded an open room to give me her office. I was always chilly in the open area and she was always over heated in the office. Since we’re both opposites she snuck around one day and totally reversed our spaces! I have the best boss, ever. Even after two years of working here, it’s so great! I have an office DOOR, two windows and *ahem* it’s the second biggest office in the building and of course the CEO has the largest one. Doesn’t that make me feel awesome? I think so!
Secondly, I usually read blogs on my boyfriend’s leather couch when I’m at his place and he’s either at the gym (while I sit on my butt!) or on the bike trainer in the other room. I like to relax after a long day of being on the computer, by unwinding on a computer. Now tell me that isn’t nerdy! It really does relax me. Either that or I’ll turn on the TV for an hour to relax while I’m prepping supper.
Lastly, this is my desk in the house that I rent with another girl (we have another room mate who moved in, in April but we’ve seen her maybe three times?) K and I are moving out at the end of August, and the 3rd room mate who we don’t see have already signed a lease for the house with her friends. So maybe she’s waiting on that? I don’t really know. Anyway that was a bit off topic, but this is where I rarely blog from. I’m not really at the house very often and when I am, I’m rarely on the computer. I’d rather socialize with my room mate, and her cats or play the Wii!
So that pretty much sums up my nerd area. Though I’d like to know where do you all blog from too! Post your photos and let me know, I’d like to see! :)