BC/Alberta (2)

Keeping in line with my first post, I’ll be reminiscing about my awesome vacation on the west coast.  I left it off where you saw my boyfriend on the bike, waving at us.

All images can be clicked and enlarged.


There isn’t a great photo of him on the run, or the finish but I assure you he did finish! So here he is at the finish line, still standing on his own and looking quite athletic in his 2xU outfit. Looks a bit soaked from the how many kilometers of racing? I love it when he wears his hat backwards. Much more hotter than on front ways ;) It was crazy because I saw people come in before him and they literally collapsed or their legs seized up and starting jolting around sporadically. It was pretty scary.

The day after the race we both decided to take it easy, and the next day we were going out to do some super fun water sports.

I present to you, the seadooing expedition and para-sailing!! Ignore out faces. It was difficult to get a nice photo on that sea-doo.


Straight after that we signed up to go out on the water again for para-sailing. They didn’t have anything open for about an hour and a half so we went to eat lunch at some random place, and the food was served to us within minutes. Literally. It was so fast. It was devoured even quicker. It looks like we’re bored to death in the photos below, but I’m a fast one, whipping out my camera at any given time. This was us, waiting for lunch lol.


Since the restaurant was close to the water and the next activity we weren’t rushed, so we walked down to the boat house for our 4PM appointment and we hopped on a speed boat  (shown below) and got to do this:

IMG_6981Okay actually I lied. You can’t see our speed boat, but you can see the 4 blue sea-doo’s on the dock. We went on one of those suckas!


Sitting down and getting harnessed in. There were two teenagers that went up before us, so that’s why there’s random people in the shot. I asked their mother if she could take photos of my boyfriend and I, and she took SO many. I was super happy and thankful for that :)

Up … up … up and awayyy.


That’s all for now. Stay tuned for post #3 coming riiiiiight up — in a few days, that is!

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BC/Alberta (1)

I always procrastinate on a huge project, especially if it doesn’t have a designated deadline. Like say, my vacation wrap-up and post photos? Yeah, I know. So I’m just going to try and sum everything up basically in photos and maybe if a photo triggers a memory, I’ll post that under the photo. It may be boring, and I apologize in advance, but that’s how I do. I mean, there’s just way too many photos to show, so I have picked out a handful out of the 850+ photos that I took during the 11 days of my vacation. Of course about 800 of the photos aren’t that great and all of my boyfriends’ photos are fabulous compared to mine, but I’m not jealousss. Though, to keep things exciting and not as lengthy (because that can get quite boring frankly), I will do a variety of BC/Alberta photo posts throughout the month of September.

[Photos are all clickable]

This video is of Takakkaw Falls which is in Yoho National Park. Near Field, British Columbia. You’ll see me waving and being all ‘Smiley McSmiley’ towards the end of the short video, while bundled up as it was like being in Newfoundland all over again with the wind and misty rain. I had two sweaters and a rain jacket on hence why I look like a fatty.

Speaking of Fatty, we totally got a huge kick out of the burger joint: FATBURGER. This was the only shot that I could get as we were in the rental car at the time and Scott’s face was in my way for most of the time, since it was on the drivers side lol.


Down below, we have some rappellers hanging off a cliff axing chunks of rock off the mini mountain. This is during the construction zone where we came to a complete dead stop on the beautiful looking highway (it’s like seeing those curvy roads and cliffs, on a BMW or fancy automobile commercial!)


We’re really immature for our age, but again we found this road sign quite hysterical and started making jokes after we saw it. This was after we picked up our rental car in Kelowna and on the drive to Penticton. So I’m not exactly sure where we saw it, but was almost immediately after the Fat Burger place. HAHA!


What would a photo post be, without a picture of your favorite person and the boy? Here we are proudly standing behind the Newfoundland flag that I brought along with me, to wave around at the Ironman Canada race. Awkward forced smiles for the both of us, after taking a billion+1.


I think this was taken on the Thursday that we arrived in Penticton. Boyfriend had to go sign in for his race all the while they took his weight, height and other stats. This is just on the other side of the parking lot, as everything was set up in tents on a field behind this. This is the parking lot of the holy grail super close want–to–have–a–room–here–next–year, hotel. Alas, it sells out even before the next year’s race is even thought about!


htfuI should probably get on the topic of what we were really there for. Ironman Canada, my boyfriend’s first full Ironman: 3.8km swim, 185km bike, 42.2km run. I honestly didn’t know what to expect when I was seeing him in the transition zone getting off his bike and going out to run a marathon after all the previous bike and swim. While everyone was out on the bike course I decided to copy pretty much every family member and support crew and purchase a box of chalk and scribble some silly things on the ground for the racers to see. Instead, I decided to go with HTFU #199 (Harden the f**k up + Boyfriend’s Race number / 199). While I was on my hands and knees coloring it all in, a few kids at different times, from different families came over and asked me what it meant. Of course I didn’t want to tell the kids exactly what I was writing on the pavement for my boyfriend, so I told them that it was his initials lol. I asked my boyfriend if he saw it on the pavement when he was racing past it on his run, and surely enough he did. I mean — how could you not see it? It was massive. But he didn’t know that it was for him specifically, as he missed reading his bib number right underneath it all.

I’m going back and fourth here with photos. Triathlons are swim, bike then run. But since I just talked a wee bit about the last event: the run. I’m going to jump back and show you a snap of the boyfriend waving to us and a woman glancing over at him presumably laughing at us, the spectators as we’re super stoked to see him at this point, after an hour and a half swim! This is where we (his sister, her boyfriend and I) first saw Scott throughout the race. So low and behold you know we were going to go a bit crazy when we saw him. We were so excited and screaming at the top of our lungs (okay, just his sister and I — her boyfriend understandably was a tad shy, of course since he doesn’t know Scott or I.) But his sister and I were going wild. “GOOOO SCOTT AHHH!! YEEEAH WOO!!” And there you have it. He acknowledges our presence and waves to us.


Until the second vacation/Ironman post, that’s all I’ve got for now!

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Oh hello there

We arrived back to the homeland last night but of course a little drama has to occur for it to all be complete.

When we got off the plane in Toronto and took the shuttle to park’n’fly my Boyfriend noticed that the car’s battery was dead. Before our flight to BC, we drove to the airport and it was early morning so the parking lights were on and he just didnt’ notice. In the 5 years he has owned that vehicle, he has not once forgotten to turn off the lights in the car. It’s funny it would happen at the most inconvenient time too. Of course. 11 days with the parking lights on in the car and the battery was dead.

For an hour we sat there, thinking of people around Toronto that we could call. Obviously no one since we don’t have friends out that far away. But coincidentally enough after 60 minutes of waiting, a guy came walking towards his car/towards us and my Boyfriend asked him for a boost or if he had booster cables. He did. But what was awesome was that we noticed he was walking towards us more than towards the parking lot in any other direction (there’s hundreds of cars there, guys) and he parked directly in front of us. No pushing the car out of the parking lot to get a boost. We did it right then and there. Quick ride home and we were set!

So, shall I get to the exciting parts? I haven’t taken the photos off my camera yet so everybody will have to wait for those exciting photos. I did grab a few snaps off my flickr account here to post in this entry. So that’s all you get for now, heh heh.





Scott’s Ironman race was absolutely terrific. It went smoothly and he was expecting to finish under 12 hours but he wasn’t exactly pleased with his time of 12:20 ~ish.I sure was though! Waving my Newfoundland flag and meeting new people because I was wearing it like a sarong, and/or just waving it around in general. I even ran into an acquaintance of mine at the race. We used to climb at the same gym back home. Her boyfriend was doing the race too.

After the race:

We went parasailing — which was impressive in itself. We went sea-dooing the same day in Penticton in the same lake that you see in the photo above. We drove on top of mountains that over looked Washington (first photo). We drove to Banff,  and we climbed Mount Fairview in Lake Louise (that took 6 hours to go up and back! My ass was killing me). I saw the Rockies. It was a memorable vacation, and pretty much tops all the others, as far as I can say right now. The 11 day vacation was so indescribable. We’re not exactly planners, but each day was still filled with something to do, and 11 days we slept in 8 different hotels/motels. It was great to sleep in my own bed last night, with my favorite pillow.

Seems like we were gone for a lot longer than 11 days, but it’s still good to be back. Once I get home tonight, I will go through some of my many (estimating 700 photos lol), and I will post them on flickr/facebook/ and here. Yay! I have so much catching up to do on my google reader. I think adding every blog that I found somewhat interesting, to my google reader was a bad idea ;)

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