My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, week 15)


year 1, week 15, day one

21-15-9 with a 20min time limit

Hang Clean and Squat (135/95)
Hand Stand Push Ups (or dive bombers if you couldn’t do HSPU)

I ended up using 55lb for the first round. I tweaked my knee and went down to 35lbs. Then back up to 45lbs for the last 9. I was so excited to go do this WOD because it was my first day with my asthma inhaler! Oh well.


year 1, week 15, day two


Behind Neck Press
Strict Muscle Up / Strict Pull Up

I did the behind the neck press with a total of 35lbs at the beginning whcih I found was wobbly til I remembered to keep my chest and abs in, and my butt tight. Thanks to the coaches for reminding me to do so. I then ended up going up just five more pounds to 40lbs behind the neck press and did pretty well. It was still tough. I have weak shoulders.

30 D/U
15 G2O; 55/75lbs

I did the prescribed workout for this!! I ended up doing the Ground to Overhead with 55lbs. I only completed three full rounds and was on my fourth, but still pretty awesome.

I’m taking a break from CrossFit because on the first day of workouts (shown above) I tweaked my knee. Then on this WOD I feel like my rotator cuff in my shoulder was a bit off and sore to move immediately after. I don’t want to injure it anymore so I’m not going to do any shoulder work until it’s completely healed.

We also practiced doing double unders. So difficult!

Here are the wounds from my attempts. Needless to say I wore long-ish sleeves to work the next day.


[older crossfit journal entries]

What did everyone get up to this weekend?? It was pouring rain the entire day on Saturday. Which made a perfect day for a deep clean of the entire apartment. Mopping floors, and scrubbing baseboards. Nothing better than a lemon fresh apartment after you spent half the day cleaning ‘er right up.  The boyf helped too, which was nice – he was also easily getting distracted by looking up info on a Honeywell Barcode Scanner. Don’t ask!

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My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, week 14)

Oh dear. It’s been AGES since I did a CrossFit weekly post. Apologies!! I’ve been a slacker.

What I did this week? See below!


year 1, week 14, day one

5×3 – Clean Pulls

3×3 – Tempo Dead Lift
*3 seconds from ground to knee on way up, 3 seconds from full hip extension to knee on way down

200m Sprint
15 Hollow Rocks
30 sec. Superman Hold

For the AMRAP I completed almost 4 full rounds. The buzzer went off and I had 4 seconds left to hold my Superman pose. I did it anyway. It was a tough WOD on the abs. There were 2 guys in the class and 3 females including me. I loved being the second fastest runner (one of the guys was ahead) and the other guy swore to me: “Holy shit you’re fast!”. That is, until I burnt out on my 3rd round. Like I said, those abs… ugh it was wonderful.


year 1, week 14, day two

5 rounds

800m Run
30 Toes To Bar (T2B)

We had a 40 minute time limit for this WOD. I ended up doing the 5 complete rounds of running. I had 2 minutes to complete the 800m run as time was running out. I got back in 4. So obviously I didn’t finish the last set of 30 T2B’s.

I posted this picture of me right after I finished. I’m purple!!!



year 1, week 14, day three

18min time limit

5 Rounds of:

12 Deadlifts; 155/105lbs
9 Hang Clean; 155/105lbs
6 Push Jerks; 155/105lbs

So I obviously didn’t do the prescribed workout since my weakness is in my shoulders. I ended up using 55lbs in total. I’m usually like a rotating helicopter with that weight over my head usually, and I wasn’t wobbly!

I’m surprised I did the full WOD. We only had 18 minutes for 5 rounds. Coach shouted out TEN SECONDS, as I had 2 push jerks left of my 5th round. Go the very last one up over my head as the timer buzzed. Sooo awesome. I felt great.

I felt so great I asked my boyf to take a photo of me flexing, hahahaha!! Check it out. I kinda love it. All that stuff in my left hand are screw drivers and my new license plate sticker for the year. Thursday was the last day to swap it out so I met him down there and he changed the sticker for me. Whatta guy.


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My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, Week 6)

This week was wicked. Felt strong.


year 1, week 6, day one

Back Squat (225/155)
KB Swing (32/24)

For the backsquats the prescribed weight was 155lbs but I’m not that strong lol, so I did 55lbs in total for the back squats. Had to clean them up, push press them over our heads and then do the backsquat that way. If we couldn’t do the prescribed workout we had to do this:


30 backsquats, 30 KB swings (I used a 16kg weight. Which was SOOO hard. I was grunting using it! So intense)

My workout looked like this:

30 backsquats at 55lbs
30 kettlebell swings at 16kg
20 backsquats at 55lbs
20 kettlebell swings at 16kg
10 backsquats at 55lbs
10 kettlebell swings at 16kg

I finished in 14:49.


year 1, week 6, day two

(No photo for today. Use your imagination)

21-15-9 for time:

Left Foot Step-up; 24/16kg + 20/16″  (using a 16″ box with 16kg in each hand for females)
Right Foot Step-up; 24/16kg + 20/16″ (using a 16″ box with 16kg in each hand for females)
Chest to bar pullups

I’ve been doing unassisted kips (watch a video of kipping pullups here. Cool right?) ever since I learned how to do them on my own last week. It’s SUCH a great feeling. I ended up doing kipping motions, 3 in a row until I had each and every one done. I also lowered the weight I was carrying from 16kg to 12kg. 16 is insane.

I finished this WOD in 15:28. I was surprised at how quickly I finished it, but everyone was done about the same time give or take a minute.

[older crossfit journal entries]

Stay tuned in the next few days. I’ll be showing you guys some great photos from Girls Night Out! It wasn’t warm enough for patio weather or pool parties with a pool safety fence, so we went to a restaurant/bar. So exciting!

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