My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, Week 5)

I’m in a rut, and I need to get out of it. Once a week at CrossFit isn’t cutting it. Need to amp it up.


week 5 day one

This was the first WOD I did this week. I’ve decided to show you a video of it, Scott from Your Inner Skinny posted it and I loved it so I decided to share it with you all. Cool huh?

Except I did 45lbs not 100lbs. I got to 12 “thrusters” and about to do 12 kips. But only got to 8… in the seven minute allocated time.


Basically do as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of the following:
3 Thruster; 100/65lb
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
6 Thruster; 100/65lb
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
9 Thruster; 100/65lb
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
12 Thruster; 100/65lb
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
15 Thruster; 100/65lb
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups

Again. I used 45lbs not 65lbs for the Rx’ed womens.


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My CrossFit Journal (1 year + 3&4 weeks in)

I’ve combined my week 3 and 4 since I went once last week and made up for it this week:


week 3 day one


15 Box jumps; 24/20″
12 Push press; 115/75lb
9 Toes-to-bar

I was mentally exhausted this entire week and went in one of the very last days of the week. I managed to pump out 5 full rounds in the 18 minute AMRAP. I scaled it a bit though and instead of the 20″ box jumps I did 16″ (it was a really full class and I didn’t feel like adding weight to the boxes to make it higher) and for the push press I did 45lbs. I think I should’ve went up to 50 or 55lbs since I could do 12 push presses in a row without taking a break. It was hard, but it was worth it!


week 4 day one

Ring Dip
Push Up



week 4 day two

Back Squat

This was a “warmup” and I stopped at my max back squat weight which was 85lbs. I tried to go for 95lbs twice and could only squat once. The second squat I flipped the weight off my shoulders when I was in squatting position.

3 Rounds (12 minute time limit)
400m Run
12 KB Thruster right hand only; 16/12kg (I used 8kg)
12 KB Thruster left hand only; 16/12kg (I used 8kg)
30 V-Sit (like a regular sit up but your legs go up with your arms)

Couldn’t complete the 3 full rounds. We were only given a 12 minute time limit. But I managed to get two FULL rounds. Which was good!!

During this WOD I ended up practicing my kips while we were paired up in 3’s doing the backsquats. Since I had some time I thought I’d try to do some without the band. I managed to kip out 3 kipping pullups MULTIPLE times in a row! WITHOUT THE BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That made my day so complete. I ended up running over to a few friends and even showing the coaches at the end of it. I can’t believe I can do 3 kips in a row now, that’s so insane to me! I love it. Maybe one day my Boyfriend and I will go to a local park and he can film me doing it haha.


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My CrossFit Journal (1 year + 1 week in)

My post is a bit late. Usually I post my CrossFit entries on Monday. Busy posting schedule this time! 

Moses. One year in. Let’s see how I did, shall we?


day one

25 minutes:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
I love sick workouts like this. I love kipping pullups, I kinda don’t mind pushups, situps or squats either. But putting them all together to see how long it takes me to do this crazy WOD.
Our warmup was similar and kinda nuts:
2 minute squat hold
15 pullups
2 minute squat hold
15 pushups
2 minute squat hold
15 situps
2 minute squat hold
15 squats
2 minute squat hold

Day of, and then 6 days later. Gross, I know. Apologies.

We had a 25 minute time limit. I didn’t come close to finishing the workout at all. 100 pullups took most of my time and ended up giving me an ugly blood blister which has yet to go away. I had 29 pushups left to do. My lats were sore for DAYS that I decided to not go much that week at all.

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