My CrossFit Journal (week 47)

Oh my flipping lord. CrossFit has kept my interest for nearly a YEAR. 5 more weeks and I’ve got a year under my belt!


Week 47 Day 1.

8 Ring Dips
8 Dive Bombers
8 KB Swings

 I completed 8.5 rounds.There’s a video of the dive bombers below in case you’re unsure what I mean.

However I’m a bit disappointed that I only went once last week. Be sure to check in next Saturday to see how I do!

Dive Bombers


[older crossfit journal entries]

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My CrossFit Journal (Week 5)

Week 5 Day 1, Sunday. The warm up was more annoying and longer than usual. I think it’s because I went at 10am and usually I go to CrossFit at 7pm. I felt tired and un-coordinated that is, until I started…

Warm up
15 push ups
Front squats against wall
Stretching glutes
2 laps outside
Side to side squat stretch thing

WOD 15 mins
10-1 (10, 9, 8, 7, etc…)
10 front squats (45lb) / 100meter sprint
9 front squats / 100meter sprint
8 front squats / 100 m sprint…and so on.

Thanks google images

There was me and one other woman in this class for Sunday. A lady older than me was ahead of me at the beginning since I found the front squats hard. The competitive person in me got …competitive and I tried so hard to sprint as fast as I could to catch up to her. Once I was even after a few squat rounds and sprints, that’s when my breathing became an issue and I got really embarrassed as the next class for 11am was watching us was like I was hyperventilating again. The trainer asked if I had asthema and told me I need to start running outside once a week to control my breathing “as my body is doing whatever the F it wants” (lol his words not mine). Either way the fifteen minute timer went off and by the end of it I had just one more round to complete: 1 squat and one 100m run left but the timer went off, so we had to stop.

I could’ve easily puked that day.


Week 5 Day 2, Monday.

AMRAP 20 (As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes)
8 pull ups
8 push ups
8 KB Swing

I can now do regular push ups!!! As for the pull ups, I had to use a lighter weight band to do the pull ups as I was getting “too good” with the easy ones. I ended up taping my hands, just like I used to do when I climbed, so I wouldn’t rip my almost-formed calluses off. I ended up doing a total of 6, but NEARLY completing 7 in the 20 minute round. I haven’t sweated so much off my face in a long time. This one was wild.


Week 5 Day 3, Tuesday.

For time:
70 Burpees
60 Sit-ups
50 Box Jumps; 24/20″
40 Supine Pull-ups
30 Push-ups

I was really afraid of this WOD, until we got started. I marked every 10 burpees with a piece of chalk on the cushioned floor. It went by so quickly! The situps got pretty difficult when I was at 50. Box jumps made me sweat and I did them on 20″ boxes. Supines were fun, and the 30 pushups I ended up doing 5 regular pushups, 5 on my knees. Took a break then did 5 reg’s 5 on my knees. My final time was 18:37. It flew by. I think that was one of my favorite workouts!


Week 5 Day 4, Friday. I decided to pop into the gym at 7 o’clock in the morning on this day. It was a busy few days I was disappointed I couldn’t go on Wednesday. We had a surprise (ok, to me—since I never check the forecast) snowstorm and ended up getting about 11 inches of snow. Took me a whole hour to drive home going 15km/hr. Thursday I couldn’t go since we enrolled Alfie back into Obedience School. So I decided to go on Friday morning because I got my hair cut after work and ended up going dancing with friends, Saturday morning an appointment at Scotia Bank (for my 4 free movies new visa card!!), and then Hamilton.

Whewf! Okay, so the workout consisted of:

21-15-9  20 minutes
Deadlifts (I did 85lbs)
Kettlebell squats with a 16kg bell

Is that his pooping face? I hate to admit but mine was probably looking a little like that too during my squats. Boy that shizzzz is hard. Maybe listening to some music with headphones in will distract me from making faces. Or a mirror…

There was only three of us girls in the morning class and the two others must’ve been competitors or ‘experts’ at CrossFit. They were done minutes before me. I was still on my second round while they were putting away their weights. My third round of dead lifts I was getting tired. The girls and the trainer ended up cheering me on, which was a bit awkward but totally needed since the trainer said “You made that one look easy!!” So I got pumped up and did them quicker. The squats were brutal and my legs were shaking at the end of it.

All images found on

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My CrossFit journal (Week 1)

The blog post is about my CrossFit on Day 3 and 4. View Day 1 and day 2.

Ah! There’s too much on the go! I need to blog on the weekends now, ha.

My 3rd beginner class was on Thursday. Again, I was the only one there so it was basically like a Personal Training sesh. I learned how to do a proper deadlift and work my technique with again, a PVC plastic weightless bar, until I worked my way up to the 15lb bar with some weights on it. I think it had 10lb’s on each side. Not too bad, as you were lifting it with your lower back, glutes and hamstrings. Not to worry Mom (and Boyfriend), he was watching me to make sure I didn’t do anything wrong so I don’t get hurt.

He set the timer for 20:00, and told me to finish my three rounds by then. I like this guy, he makes you work faster, and harder to get the workout done without taking a break. I wanted to stop so bad at the third round and I was feeeelin’ it.

This is what I did:

3 rounds
500meter row
21 jump box (literally, jump onto a box, and off the box. It’s not quite to my knees)
12 deadlifts at 35lbs

What they all look like:

Thanks google images!

Getting to 500 meters on the rowing machine was a pain in the you know what. Even in the first round! I always needed to take a breather before going to the jump box, because my breathing was compromised since I seriously never know how to breath correctly when doing cardio. He chatted to me about this after the fact and said it’d we’ll be working on my breathing since I’m only breathing in AND out of my mouth, and not breathing in through my nose, out through the mouth.

My first ‘regular’ class was Friday night at 6pm, straight after work. No time to get nervous, no time to pych mysefl out and freak out. I was a bit disappointed in my self with this class, as I felt I didn’t push myself hard enough. The workout consisted of:

5 rounds

10 knee to elbow (while hanging on the bar)
10 pushups
20 paralet jumps
10 kettle ball front squat at 8kg’s

What they all look like:

So my first week of CrossFit is over. So far — addicting. Maybe I’ll update this each Sunday. Hmm… still don’t know how to do this yet without bombarding my website with everything CrossFit related.

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