It hurts so good

So. I feel awesome. I can’t lift my arms above my head and it’s near impossible for me to play tug-o-war with my 8lb pup. Sunday was my first day at a place called Cross Fit. Two of my friends go to this thing and have told me it’s the best thing, and they’re already getting abs just a few months in. It’s challenging for me to get involved with anything fitness oriented, as bad as that sounds. But it’s true—I lose interest within 6 months and then end up quitting. It’s a terrible habit I have and I feel like I have no will power to stick things through.

Susan’s blog post on Saturday really struck me.

“Wisdom is learning to let go when you want to hang on. Courage is learning to hang on when you want to let go.”

I was the only person at the beginner’s class. The “trainer” and I was all that was there. I told him a bit about my history and how I used to climb from 1995-2006, and I’m a soccer player. By the time he was explaining the proper techniques on how to do squats it was then time for my 10 minute interval workout. The “Cindy”. Oh yea.

Complete as many rounds in 10 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups (I jumped then dropped, that’s how he explained how I do it)
10 Push-ups (on my knees)
15 Squats (and lower than 90º so your bum hits the medicine ball)

By the time the third round came around I was feeling it on the pushups, grunting and going all PPPFFTTHHH-ing a lot (that’s me blowing air out of my mouth pretty hard). The fourth round I had enough! I barely could get out 10 push ups and bucko-trainer-guy had to lift my hips up so I could get my arms straight from the pushup. I ended up doing 4 rounds plus a 5th round of just pull ups.

He was coaching me through it all and being so supportive with his words. When the 10 minute timer beeped I stopped. Trainer-dude let me catch my breath and then came over to me, saying something but all I could hear was a bunch of words that were just jibber-jabber to me. I asked him: “Do people ever puke after?” he laughed and said “yes, a lot of the time, in the bathroom, outside, everywhere.” Oh sweet. He talked to me more, unknowingly of my need to hurl up my breakfast and I had to stop him. I said “I think I have to puke” again, he laughed said I pushed myself hard, then pointed to the washroom. I sat on the floor for a while and nothing happened. I decided to get up using my arms and they were so weak!

Yesterday? I woke up sore. It’s the good kind of sore that I miss. It’s almost like you climbed a super hard route and your lats kill you. It hurts so good. My arm pits, my shoulders, my thighs. All sore. I couldn’t lift my arms above my head!

I know this was only my first time going to the class and I hope it keeps my interest, but when I go to classes at a regular gym sure they keep an eye on most people but they can’t see you give up after so many and then take a break. You warm up for 20-30 minutes then this you do a different round of  workout (it’s different every time) … ALL OUT, for a half hour or so. Then that’s it. That’s your workout.

I’m going again tonight, and then I think my free classes are up. It’s quite expensive, and I’m just going to purchase a 1mth package for now.

I’ll also be posting my workout outfits too. That’s always fun. Right?  Here’s what I wore on Sunday. Everything is Lululemon. Oops.

Purple top: Lululemon Run Swiftly Tech Tee
Black capris: Lululemon Zoom Crop (it was on sale when I bought them)
White pull over: Lululemon Run: Distance pullover
Track pants: Orca? I don’t know…
Jacket: Ice Peak from Ireland in 2005 lol.
Sneaks: Saucony Guide’s

If I keep this up, I may just end up posting it with on Friday’s with the outfit of the work week (OOTWW). But I most likely won’t be posting any diet pill reviews, since I’m not that type of gal to take them. Hard work is what it takes!

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OOTWW + November Fitness Recap

Back at the gym I went. This fall was killer with me slacking off. I didn’t want to get into another rut where I take 6 or 7 months off running or attending the gym. Yep, I decided to stop playing around and get back at’er, 5 long weeks after my 5k road race. Mind you working out 3x in one month isn’t going to cut it. My year membership expires next week. I’m renewing it.

Thursday, November 11
6:45am — 7:30am  [Legs and Butt class]

Monday, November 22
7:15am ran 1.7 miles in 21 minutes. Slow, painful run.

Thursday, November 24
6:30 til… whenever [1 mile run on the treadmill]
7:00pm — 7:45pm [Beginner Spin Class]

Here’s my OOTWW below.

My gourmet (food) gift basket (with no trans-fat!) ends on Monday, be sure to enter multiple times!

It’s Friday! It’s PayDay! Have a great weekend all :)

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Oktoberfestin’ Fitness

My fitness routine is SLACKIN’. My membership at the gym expires in December (or maybe January) and I haven’t used it since before the summer. I don’t like being stuck indoors when you can work out outside. Same goes with October. I didn’t do too much fitness-wise, just like September. But here you have it! 

October 1. Friday — Ran 4k
October 3. Sunday — Ran the 5k race and won 3rd!

Are you serious? I worked out twice this month. I’m telling ya. It’s time to stop slacking off. Ever since it warmed up I have slowly been avoiding the gym. It’s time to get back in the game and head in. I haven’t been running outdoors because I’m a wuss and it’s cold out and I only have short sleeved, or tank tops to wear. But I purchased a $17 long sleeved zip up, so – enough excuses right? :)

Happy Wednesday!

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