It takes 21 days to get your body adjusted to a new routine. For me, that’s waking up an hour earlier than I used to. Before Alfie I sometimes slept in until 8:15 before racing out of bed having a speedy shower, packing b-fast and lunch to bring to work and bolting out the door in 30 minutes flat and looking less than fab on a regular basis. I almost always had stomach aches, probably because I wasn’t so relaxed in the A.M. and still pretty tired when arriving to work.
Post-Alfie I wake up at 6:50 and possibly pushing myself in the near future to set that dreaded alarm clock for 6:00 so I can be a fool and be a morning gym junky. Not sure if I’m going to end up doing that, but it’s my goal for the next little while at least. But now, I’m more relaxed in the morning spending time with my little guy. I eat a healthy breakfast and I don’t inhale it, I actually take my time and I still have time left over to pretty up for work, do dishes, sometimes laundry and even clean certain areas of the apartment. It’s glorious I tell you.
So this morning I decided to turn on the computer and since I’ve been taking down dates on my calendar and writing down what I do at the gym; maybe I’ll write it in three places and be a bit OCD about it. This is what I have accomplished in January my friends:
January 1-6, 2010
Tues: Intro to Cycle (5:30-6:15)
Wed: Strength (5:15-6:00)
Clearly I wasn’t capable of getting my butt off the couch and head to the gym. Not hating on myself, I just came back from basically a 3 week break from going to the gym after only joining 5 weeks prior. Okay. Let’s get serious. See what next week brings.
January 10-16
Tues: Wave (5:30-6:00)
Thurs: Core Conditioning (6:00-6:20)
Okay, this cannot be a trend. Going to the gym two days a week isn’t going to cut it. Get healthy!
January 17-23
Wed: Fitness Assessment
Thurs: Core Conditioning (5:30-6:00) & Wave (6:00-6:20)
Gigabyte! What happened?! I cut down my gym sesh this week. Fail. Lame excuse but I blame female stuff for this one.
January 24-30
Mon: Sweat (5:30-6:15 ). Uncoordinated body + dance moves = frustration. But t’was a fun class. I shall attend, again.
Wed: Strength (5:15-6:00) I actually really love this class and wrote about it here. But Wed’s are now reserved for Mister Daniel Alfredsson (Alfie, for short) obedience school.
Thurs: Core Conditioning (5:30-6:00) & Wave (6:00-6:20)
February should be different. Right? This is what happened for the first week. I am pure awesomeness. Let’s hope I can kick it up a notch and stay at 3 or go to the gym4x a week! Think I can? Ideally, I’d like to incorporate some swimming into these week days (I really hate going to the gym on weekends. But I think I may have to), just for some diversity. I miss swimming, but it’s hard work! ha ha.
♥ February 1-6
Mon: Sweat (5:30-6:15)
Tues: Boot Camp (5:15-6:15) — This class literally whoops anyone’s butt. I was so sore for days afterward. This is the second time I went to this class, but I don’t know when I went to it. Maybe December??
Thurs: Core Conditioning (5:30-6:00) & Wave (6:00-6:20). I swear this isn’t my favorite class. It’s just a habit that I attend because on Tuesday’s I have to choose between two awesome classes that are the Boot Camp and Biking. Which is why you’ll see alternating classes on those days.
I hope this at least motivates some people, by posting all this abundance of info here. Anyone? Seeing it all written down makes me want to DO MORE even if I’m sore. But I found that if I work out the day after (or day after that) a super intense workout like Boot Camp (killah!), I won’t be sore. Imagine that.