My CrossFit Journal (Year 2 Week 30)

I went to CrossFit once last week. But climbed (bouldered) twice, which was a nice change.

[older crossfit journal entries]


year 2, week 30, day 1

Behind Neck Split Jerk

12 KBS; 24/16kg
200m Run

I ended up using these weights for the behind neck split jerk: 55-60-65-70-75lbs. My neck is definitely sore from cushioning the weight but still slamming it down occasionally. Oof sore.

Then it was time to do the AMRAP 15. I didn’t do the handstand pushups, but did a modified on with my toes on a 24″ box and my butt up in the air. I completed 5 full rounds in the 15min time limit.


I‘m finally starting to climb more than an hour now. It’s funny because I have callouses on my palms from CrossFit, but I need them on my fingers for climbing — so getting them back was a bit difficult and my hands were sore the first few times I climbed this month. Still sticking to bouldering as I haven’t really seen any of my buddies (I go at odd times — like on my lunch break or directly after work).

I have another blog post coming up this morning which is more beauty related. So if you’re interested in that, check back in about a half hour :)

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My CrossFit Journal Year 2 Week 26

Ahh last week left my legs feeling like jello. I went three times in a row. The third day I was summoned to the world of Karen. The Karen WOD is 150 wall balls and I hate wall balls. Please continue ;)

P.S I clearly love pink.PINK CROSSFIT OUTFIT

[older crossfit journal entries]


year 2, week 26, day 1

5 Rounds
5 Jumping Pull-ups w/ 1 sec pause at top and 3 sec descending
5 Kip/ButterFly


KB Situp; 24kg/16kg
KB Swing; 24kg/16kg
Hollow Hold

I ended up using a 12kg weird for the wod. I also got chafed really bad (I’ll let your imagine run for this one rather than go into detail) when I was doing the KB situps. Ouch :(

It was a really humid week last week. My entire workout tank was soaked through completely on the front and back. It was really gross, and I’ve never seen that much sweat (even throughout all the hot & humid summers at crossfit) come off my body. I took a photo but it’s hard to photograph sweat. Not that I should’ve really.

Purple lululemon tnak
My favorite Lululemon tank of the moment. Pre-workout ;)


year 2, week 26, day 2

5 Rounds
1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Behind Neck Push Jerk

2 Rounds of:
1 Min Power Clean
1 Min Front Squat
1 Min Row
Rest 1 minute
1 Min Toes 2 Bar
1 Min Russian Twist; 25/10lb
1 Min Double Unders
Rest 1 minute

ninja nancy
Felt like a ninja wearing all  black.

After this workout I took Alfie for a walk in the park. I noticed he was super bouncy and happy to be outside on the beautiful evening so I decided to start jogging with him very slowly, he seemed excitable so I kept going and ended up doing intervals of sprints and light jogs for about 2kms with him. That night was extremely humid, and due to me being already sweaty, it was unbelievable how much more sweaty I got going for a run with my dog. 

We timed our run back home perfectly, because when I hit the driveaway – in the dark distance by the door I saw the Boyf coming back in from one of his long bike rides. So that was nice, we arrived home at the same time. He asked what was wrong with me because my face was probably purple (as it always gets when I work out) and I was walking REALLY slow lol…


year 2, week 26, day 3

E2MOM (every second minute on minute: 4 rounds)

100m sprint
10 explosive pushups

– 8 minute rest –


150 wall balls (20/16lbs) (15 minute time limit)

I never, let me repeat – never- go to CrossFit when they have wall balls. I just hate them that much and I get really angry when I have to do them lol. Sounds silly but it’s true. But this week for a warm up we did wall balls and I felt speedier on them when using a 14lb med ball. So when this WOD popped up online I decided to woman-up and go to the box that evening to try and to ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY WALL BALLS.

When we were first setting up for the WOD I was using a 12lb wall ball. I knew I’d tire out quickly especially having 150 to do. So I bumped down to a 10lb med ball. The coach said if we completed 10 in 1 minute we could finish the wod. By the time 5 mins rolled around I had 60 completed and was definitely feeling it. 10 in a minute was doable for the first bit but I started to get achy (hip area) and only completed 3 at a time. I couldn’t get the PUSH from my hips. I started swearing (in my head) and got really frustrated. People were then finishing and “cheering me on” so to speak “C’mon Nancy do 10. Do 3 more.” etc. I was exhausted.  Once the buzzer went off at the 15 min cap, I had 17 left to do. I raced to the bathroom thinking my lunch was going to come up, but thankfully it did not.

sweatI still hate wall balls.

It’s funny. The next day I was walking around Target on my lunch break and I felt like I was walking with a wobbly strut. I’m not a strutter but I couldn’t move my hips/upper legs the way they wanted to go normally. It was the funniest feeling.


What is your favorite workouts to do?
I love cardio and gymnastic type of workouts. Anything with pullups, burpees, and sprinting is my favorite.

What workouts do you like the least?
Wall balls, end of story.

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My CrossFit Journal Year 2 Week 22

I went to CrossFit four times last week. That’s a lot for someone who hasn’t attended regularly since May. I definitely felt it. Friday’s workout was probably the most hard on me due to it being more strength than endurance. I looked at the back of my hands at one point and the sweat was just pooling up on them. The middle of my back I felt drips of sweat sliding down wanting to inch down into my butt crack. It was uncomfortable as you can only imagine.

Oh! How did I almost forget to mention. I hit a PR this week on front squats! Finally broke 100lbs!!

[older crossfit journal entries]


year 2, week 22, day 1

july 29 wodFront Squat
3 at 75%  – I used 75lbs
3 at 80% – I used 80lbs
2 at 85% – I used 85lbs
2 at 90% – I used 90lbs
2 x 1 at 95-100% – I used 95lbs then hit 100lbs on my 2nd attempt!!

10 burpees
10 snatch grip overhead lunge

I used 45 lbs since overhead things are SO flippin hard. I finished 4 full rounds and did 10 burpees in my 5th round when the buzzer went off.


year 2, week 22, day 2

10 minutes of kipping pull up practice

1km run
Then 5 rounds of:
7 wide grip strict pull ups
7 chest to bar
14kb pistols (I didn’t use a weight)
21 hollow rocks

I completed the 1km run slower than last week (5:15) and came in at 5:23.  For the WOD I completed 3 rounds and 9 pistols.


year 2, week 22, day 3

3 Rounds:
21 Overhead medball situps
200m run
15 thrusters
200m run
9 over bar burpees
* Rest 3 minutes after each round

One of the coaches said everyone finished this WOD. So I thought I’d finish it too. But I’m pretty sure everyone didn’t wait the 3 minute rest-time more like had a 2 min rest. Whatevs. So. I didn’t finish lol. I was on my last 200m run and had to do 9 more over bar burpees.


year 2, week 22, day 4

crossfit wod 4th day

This workout posted above was the mental one I was talking about. I don’t know if I’m just really weak with front squats but I had to bump down to 55lbs after the first few rounds because holy crapballs I was finding it impossible to get out 10 in a row. More like 3 and slam the weight down lol….That or the fact I had a tough workout week. Let’s say that ;)

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