My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, week 46)

I hit a mental block in January and I didn’t workout much.  Which is why you haven’t seen the weekly CrossFit recaps, or running stories from me.

I don’t know why I stopped working out for a few weeks, and to be quite honest I enjoyed it while it lasted! My running Coach decided to stop working with me for the remainder of the winter to focus on his own skills. So I’ve been grabbing the Boyfriend to run my Sunday runs with me, and so far so good.

I’ve been cleaning house in January, and getting rid of a lot of clutter in my life. It feels very good to have a clean desk, a clean bedroom and more organized system of doing things around the apartment. I’ve chucked out countless bags of garbage, and donated 5 grocery bags full of clothes and shoes.

I went to CrossFit twice last week, but before that I went once since returning from Christmas vacation! Jeeze. Thankfully, I wasn’t eating terribly so I didn’t feel lethargic upon returning to exercising. I also started taking vitamins the second week of January. So while it takes a while for vitamins to have a noticeable effect on your body, I’m glad I’m doing something good to my body.

daily-vitaminsI’m taking vitamin D, B12 and iron supplements. I can only handle taking the iron 3x/week since it’s quite harsh on the system.

Since I’m nearly at the 2 year mark of attending CrossFit (February 24, 2011!), I decided to get my booty in gear again. I’m not going to be a slacker.

In lieu of celebrating my month off “comeback” I’ve decided to host a little give-away for all of you great readers. Scroll to the bottom of the post to see that :)

Onto my workouts from last week! I planned on going to CrossFit three days last week but took a break since I couldn’t stand up straight from the soreness in my abs.


year 1, week 46, day one

Back Push Press

First set of eight’s I used 35lbs. Second set of eights I went up to 55lbs. First set of five’s I used 65lbs and the last five I was up at 70lbs!

15 minute time limit for 3 rounds of the below. My time – 14:28, and I used an 8kg KB! Felt awesome.

3 Rounds
15 LS KB Snatch;16/12kg
15 V-Sits
15 RS KB Snatch;16/12kg
15 Toes to bar


year 1, week 46, day two

10 Rounds:
11 Chest to bar pull-ups
22 Front squat (75/55)

We had 26 minutes to complete the 10 rounds. This WOD was so brutal on my wrists that I was close to tears lol. I ended up only doing 4.5 rounds of the WOD. I got a pat on the back from one of the female coaches saying good work. Which was pretty great feeling. That’s what I get for taking a month off. Oy!



I cannot stand the way soccer makes me feel lately. Ever since leaving the ladies league in Summer 2011 I thought I had stopped soccer forever. I’m in a non-competitive co-ed soccer league now with my CrossFit crowd.

I feel SO self-conscious and I dread going to every single game. So much, I sometimes say I can’t make it. I went from scoring goals every game (on the ladies league), being aggressive on the field to the shittiest (on the co-ed league) person on the team. When I’m open, they don’t pass. When I’m not ready for a pass, they give me the ball and I fumble it and people stop passing it to me. It’s very frustrating and I’m considering quitting (again). I just really dread it, and wish I didn’t pay the money to play. It’ll all be over in March. So there ya have it. All out.


[older crossfit journal entries]

Onto the giveaway:

Brooke Burke has come out with new fitness programs, the DVDs Sexy Abs, and 30 Day Slim Down hit shelves just on New Years Eve. If you’re looking to start working out, and are more comfortable doing so at home, this would be a good treat to try out for yourself.

Did you know she’s a mother of FOUR? Woah.

These two DVDs will be a challenging workout to help you sculpt, tone and tighten your muscles, with the aid of eating well in the kitchen of course. You do know the statistics for getting in shape, right? 80% is made in the kitchen, and 20% of it is working out. Which is why I still don’t have abs. I love candy too much. That’s besides the point though ;)

Exclusive to the DVDs are her favourite smoothie recipes that are fast and apparently delicious. Wait. Honestly? I don’t own the DVD so I can’t tell you if they’re really delish or not. But I’m sure they are!

Brooke Burke Body: 30-Day Slim DownBrooke Burke Body: 30 Day Slim Down

Brooke Burke Body: Sexy AbsBrooke Burke Body: Sexy Abs

Five winners will be eligible to win both copies of the Brooke Burke Body DVDs. I’ll run the contest for 5 days since any longer, people either forget to check back, or they get annoyed with long contests. I know I do.

Once I draw the names the winner has 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise I will draw another name.

Canadians only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, week 40)

Before I emerge myself in writing this blog post. I want to give all of my love, and thoughts to everyone involved in the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting on Friday. There just are no words to express, so I just want to mention that I’m thinking of them all.


I filled out a December workout calendar and stuck it on our fridge at home. It keeps me accountable, and also lets me know what the Boyf is up to during the week, since I always seem to forget his schedule – even though it hasn’t changed in three years… oops.

december schedule

(Mine is the one on top)

Sunday through Thursday is when I workout, and I get Friday and Saturday’s off. I’m pretty proud of myself keeping it up! Boyf’s schedule isn’t really set in stone and has “gaps” because he usually cycles 4x/week, not twice like its listed on the schedule.

The short:

M – CrossFit (+ 40 pushups)
T – CrossFit (+ 41 pushups)
W – Soccer (+ 42 pushups)
Th – CrossFit (+ 43 pushups)
F – Rest Day (+ 44 pushups)
S – Rest Day (+ 45 pushups)
S –
Run 5.5km (+46 pushups)

50daypushToday marks day 47 of the 50 day pushup challenge. So close yet soo far away, haha! I think I’ll write a blog post once it’s all finished. Who knows. I’m getting pretty sick of talking about it. But at the same time, I don’t want to stop. We’ll see how it goes.

year 1, week 40, day one


For the deadlifts I ended up getting up to 145lbs, but only did one because we were running out of time and I didn’t want to hurt myself. I feel so strong! Arr! haha

For Time:
5 Rounds
20 KB Swings 24/16kg
30 Squats

There was a time limit on this one, 18 minutes. I actually tried to do the handstand push-ups for this one, and I set up 2 ab mats, plus a 10lb plate to rise it up. I did them all for three full rounds and on my fourth round I decided to do dive-bombers instead. I was starting my fifth and final round and completed 12 KB swings, and the timer went off.


year 1, week 40, day two

I have no recollection of this CrossFit WOD. I forgot to e-mail myself details of it, and had to scroll back through my local CrossFit’s website to get the WOD to write my blog post.

3 Rounds

10 RS KB Clean & Press;24/16kg
5 Strict Chin ups
50 D/U (or 150 skips)
10 LS KB Clean & Press;24/16kg
5 Strict Chin ups
50 D/U (or 150 skips)

I do remember having bruised forearms from doing the clean and presses with the kettle bells. Don’t remember if I finished in the time allotted or not.


year 1, week 40, day three

Had a ten o’clock soccer game this Wednesday evening. I’m getting back into the swing of things with soccer. Not so afraid to go after the ball any more, and I’m getting a bit more aggressive. Still not loving it as much though. The end.


year 1, week 40, day four

4 Rope Climbs
30 Box Jumps [30/24]
3 Rope Climbs
25 Box Jumps
2 Rope Climbs
20 Box Jumps
1 Rope Climb
15 Box Jumps

Remember to bring long socks or pants for the rope climbs!

Instead of the rope climbs the scaled version of the WOD was this:


*15 supines
*15 pushup
Box jumps 24″

That may look confusing to those that don’t know what it means. It went something like this:

  • 15 supines, 15 pushups then 30 box jumps on a 24″ box
  • 15 supines, 15 pushups then 25 box jumps on a 24″ box
  • 15 supines, 15 pushups then 20 box jumps on a 24″ box
  • 15 supines, 15 pushups then 15 box jumps on a 24″ box

I finished the twenty minute time limit WOD in 18:53.

Oh I just love those type of cardio speed work WODs. I ended up being the FIRST one finished. But that’s not really saying anything because 90% of the class were new CrossFitters. Either way I felt pretty good during it!


year 1, week 40, day five

5.5km run incorporating two hills with my coach on Sunday mid-morning in the misty/sometimes pouring rain, and surprisingly I didn’t mind it. Who have I turned into!? He sneakily incorporated two hills to see what I was capable of. I’ve been enjoying my runs lately and haven’t had the need to stop and rest/walk. Instead, I slow down to get my breathing back down and even then it doesn’t seem like i need to do it that often any more. Keep on truckin!

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My CrossFit Journal (1 Year, Week 39)

As soon as I hit day 30 on November 30, I thought all went downhill. I wasn’t doing my push-ups when I first woke up any more, and dreading them all day long. December 3rd came around and I had 33 to do. I don’t know what happened but I managed to get 21 done in a row at once, took a break and did the rest. Guess I’m getting my second wind. But then I spoke too soon. Each morning before I do them my arms just ache thinking of getting them done. It’s SO hard. I just completed day 40, this morning. Rough stuff.

This was an AMAZING workout week. So much accomplished, and I felt so strong (except in spin… but you’ll read why shortly…)

The short:

M – Spin class(+ 33 pushups)
T – CrossFit (+ 34 pushups)
W – Soccer (+ 35 pushups)
Th – CrossFit (+ 36 pushups)
F – Rest Day (+ 37 pushups)
S – 6.02km run (+ 38 pushups)
S –
Rest Day (+39 pushups)


year 1, week 39, day 1.

I had a plan to go with my co-worker to her local gym to incorporate more yoga into my routine. I’ve missed it, and wanted to do it a few times per month. Instead of shelling out the money for another gym membership it I decided to be her guest at her gym just go get my “fix”. That was, until she made a change of plans and decided we’d do spin class instead.

I remember why I never got into spin. It hurts so bad. Do you gals have callused ‘ginas?! Honest go my God, it was brutal.  The backs of my hands and arms (not palms) were drenched. That and the fact that my breathing was getting a little out of control. Keeping up with the class was impossible, since it was my first spin class in a few years. I had to tame the resistance down, often. That is one sport I will never get into. I have absolutely zero interest in spin class, or biking hard at all for that matter. Let me tell ya. It wasn’t enjoyable, haha. I nearly left my supper at the gym. It was hard.

I don’t understand how people can put themselves through that kinda pain. Is that normal? I mean, my co-worker felt like she was in pain too. You must end up getting numb somehow, or calloused like I said, hahahahaha.

I quote my co-worker when I told her about the ‘gina pain I was having.

Her response: I’m actually tearing I’m laughing so hard!! V’jay was in pain! Not normal! I thought I was bleeding at one point. Just sweat. Like a hot wedding in Toronto. I was planning my run to either the sink in that room, or the bathroom! Just when I thoguht I was good with my cardio, a spin bike came along and slapped me in the crotch.


year 1, week 39, day 2

In January I started waking up really early in order to incorporate morning workouts. That failed miserably. I’m not a morning person.

I had every intention to start going to CrossFit before work. I just would never get dressed and drive there. I went in the morning once. I noticed that I was weaker, and more clumsier than usual, and just feel much more energetic after work. I would always set my alarm for 6am, eat, get ready for work and just hang out on the couch with Alfie for a few before heading into work for 9:30.

I don’t know what changed. But on Monday morning I had an appointment at the mechanic’s to get my winter tires put on. I woke up at 6:36am (precisely…) and got all ready for work and arrived at the mechanics for 8am with my Starbucks in hand. Only after the fact that I conditioned my hair, and shampooed the ends. It was Monday alright.

The reason I decided to go in the morning this week was because I knew I’d be busy on Monday with my co-worker at her gym, and the Boyf and I had planned on seeing SkyFall on Tuesday night. I didn’t want to be exhausted during the movie, plus I missed an entire week last week due to me taking a break.

So Tuesday (being day 2 of my workout schedule) I woke up at 6:00am and headed in for a 7am WOD at my CrossFit box.

The prescribed WOD:

5 rounds
50 Double-unders
10 Push jerk; 185/135lbs
Rest 1 minute

Since I can’t do many double-unders in a row I stuck to burpees. My WOD looked like this:

5 rounds
15 burpees
10 Push jerk; 65lbs
Rest 1 minute

I think we had 20 minutes, or 10 minutes (should’ve written this the day of..) for the WOD and I know I was on the 4th round when the buzzer went off.

My wrists were feeling sore during the WOD so one of the coaches noticed, and half way through he taped up my wrist for me, and it felt a million times better!


year 1, week 39, day 3

Wednesday night was soccer. I think we won. Clearly I’m not involved mentally in soccer this year. I don’t want to say “I can’t wait til it’s over” because I do enjoy it while I’m there. Just not when I think about it. Know what I mean? No one really passes it to me, and when they do it’s been so long since I’ve had the ball that I fumble and mess up the play. Not the most fun time.  When soccer stops, I’ll be moving my CrossFit to Wednesdays and incorporating more climbing.


year 1, week 39, day 4

One of the warmups was pretty speedy. 45 seconds for each, with no breaks in between. Or maybe there was a few seconds. I don’t remember. Either way, it was breathless and speedy. My FAVORITE!

45 seconds of as many burpees as you can
45 seconds of alternating supermans
45 seconds of overhead squats with the PVC bar

How’d I do?

13 burpees 45 supermans and 20 overhead squats. Not too shabby… I felt so fast doing the burpees lol.

Then was the second part of the warmup:

Pendlay Row
Bench Press

I ended up doing 75lbs for both.  I’m telling you. The Pushup Challenge is making me so strong!

This is my “I’m happy I bench pressed 75lbs twice in a row” and I could’ve kept adding weight but we ran out of time in the warm up and had to do the WOD.


year 1, week 39, day 5

I had to do a solo run this weekend sans coach. So I loaded up my iPod with some songs and off I went.

I ended up running an out and back route which was 6.02km with a minor bit of elevation. I only stopped once at the turnaround point and that was because I wanted to catch my breath due to the spring I did from one light pole til the next. It was a fantastic run. I hid my watch underneath my sleeves so I wouldn’t worry about my time. I wanted to stop a few times, so instead I remembered what my coach told me to do – just slow down instead. I felt like I was doing a shuffle, but at least I wasn’t walking. Towards the end (since it’s more of a downhill towards there) I felt really good, I was even smiling at random strangers on the run.

I honestly thought it was going to be a slow run, in the higher 40 minute mark. I started getting anxious when I saw my apartment building. Whenever I see finish lines my heart races and I want to sprint fast. So I slowed it down again and when I was about 200m away from “the finish line” I sprinted hard and fast (uphill) to my apartment. I looked down at my watch and saw I did the 6k in 36:05. I took ANOTHER 20 seconds off my time from last week!

I text messaged my coach, while I was still breathless when I got up to the apartment and told him what I had done. He actually called me, to hear my excitement. It was such an amazing feeling. I did this run back in the summer, a few minutes slower – and to know that I’m taking 20 seconds off my time from last week, and a whole minute off my pace from 2 weeks ago (if I’m getting this right) … it just makes me not want to ever stop running again. I’m really starting to enjoy it now that I can control my breathing with the asthma inhaler, a coach, and some breathing techniques.

Bring on the distance running!


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