prAna Fall Style | OOTD

IMG_20160904_223757Gosh, can you believe how ancient I am? I’ve been climbing for 21 years! The reason this is relevant to today’s blog post, is because I remember the days of indoor climbing back home in Newfoundland and seeing my pals wearing prAna gear.

IMG_20160904_224114Skip forward 21 years and I’m living in the same state where prAna started their business, Carlsbad California. It’s kinda cool really, and I’m loving how well known they’ve gotten over the years. You might even remember my #SpiffykermsprAna instagram giveaway that I hosted last year directly with prAna with their new retail store in Palo Alto. Two people won outfits from their collection, and I’m still rockin and wearing those striped yoga pants. Love’em.

Digging the sweater, since it dips into your waist a little bit giving you a nice figure flattering shape, instead of a regular sweater where it just looks a little boxy.

IMG_20160904_222230Here I’m wearing the prAna Mattea Sweater (recycled wool), and the London Jeans (organic cotton jeans, which are now on sale!), on my feet I’m wearing a pair of suede wedge peep toe booties that a friend GAVE me. I know! I love them. Here’s a close up:

IMG_20160904_224400prAna’s mission is to inspire healthy, active, and free-spirited living. Since there was a mild crispness in the air this Labour Day weekend, I thought it was perfect timing to wear my sweater from prAna to show you some pieces that are upcoming to their Fall Collection, this was the outfit I wore yesterday! I’m happy to see they bring back the classics from last year — I spotted the exact sweater on their website when I was doing my giveaway last year.

IMG_20160904_221525What did you guys do this weekend? We had a pretty low-key Labour Day weekend, as Mr. Spiffykerms came down with a bit of a head cold on Friday. Just in time for the weekend right? Poor guy.

IMG_20160904_230918We were productive though, and washed some of the bikes down, ya’know gave them a little yearly bath so to speak. Let me tell you. That’s a bit of a #WeirdWorkout if there ever was one. Either that, or I’m gettin’ old. My back is a little sore from crouching down in my flip flops and jogging pants for a good hour giving these old bikes a sponge bath! Haha.

Want a discount code and see more outfits? Read more below! (By the way, are you liking this ‘read more’ option? I’m still undecided. I like how clean it keeps my website but I don’t know how many people are into it…?! Tell me!)

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POM Friday | Exploring Downtown San Jose

POM-Friday-HeaderI don’t trek to downtown San Jose very often, mainly because the parking meters cost a fortune for a measly 15 minutes, and when I do go down I tend to go to a spot where I can get validated parking if I spend so much at a certain store/restaurant. Which, was my plan for this Monday that just passed by. I wanted to return a filing case to MUJI and I needed wanted more of their hexagon pens before they sold out of them for another year (which probably wasn’t a year, but it felt that long to be without my favourite pen!).




I brought Alfie along for the ride, and decided to take him out for his first downtown San Jose adventure. I stayed pretty much on the main street (I think it’s the main street, anyway) on Market.


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