A family of Sperry lovers

Oof! This heat is getting to me. A full week of 40+ degree (celsius – I refuse to switch to farenheit just because I’m living in the only country in the world that uses fahrenheit – lol….and that’s that) without air conditioning is going to be pretty brutal. It’s only day 2 of the high temps (I’m writing this as of last night Tues Sept 6).

For the first time in 3+ years, I ended up taking my boys inside a building: the local library! The temp today reached a high of 43*C, so in order to get some relief, we hung out there for an hour or so. We ended up checking out 43 children’s books – the most books we ever checked out from the library. Both my husband and I read a lot to our boys, so this will do us 1-2wks or so.

It was a lot chillier the last few weeks, so these photos are from early August. I wanted to post them here on my blog along on my instagram, so here we are. Outfit details for everyone found at the bottom of the post! :)


Outfit details:
Target tee
Levi’s jeans (from Amazon!)
Sperry Seaport Levy Leather Loafer

Little Bro
basic tee
Zara shorts
Sperry Spinnaker Washable Sneaker

Big Bro
Joe Fresh tee
Zara shorts
Sperry Spinnaker Washable Sneaker

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Exploring Bay Area Playgrounds: Brigadoon Park

Brigadoon Park
Brigadoon Way and Maloney Drive
San Jose, California 95121

Whoa, Brigadoon Park playground is a gem in the Evergreen neighbourhood of San Jose. The concrete slides is something to marvel at. Quite an impressive trio, and I admit, intimidating at first glance. If you’re a daredevil and want to go down the slide faster, use the litter (ahem I mean….cardboard) that others had brought, and left there. The hill to walk up to the slides is quite the hike, but it didn’t stop my older guy from going down and not playing much on the structures at all – he’s a slide kinda kid. Don’t blame him, really.

There are 2 play structures, and under the bridge and through the wood chips there’s a large set of swings (8 or so?).

Note, there are no bathrooms on site. Had to leave this one early because we had to use one. Oops.

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Exploring Bay Area Playgrounds: Muwékma Park

Check out more Bay Area Playground posts here!

Muwékma Park
1035 Indian Wells Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085

Muwékma Park is a dedication to the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe of the San Francisco Bay Area. The newest playground in the Bay Area is 6.5 acres big. This is an accessible playground and officially opened at the end of July. When we visited, it didn’t even have a name yet!

This playground has a customplay structure designed to mimic a tree house with the largest transplanted redwood becoming the centre of the playground (info source: eptdesign). Each “tree house” is connected by a series of ramps making the play structure wheelchair accessible. My boys (20 months, and 4 years old) enjoyed it, but I definitely had to keep an eye on my little one as one of the structures (shown below) wasn’t the safest for someone who doesn’t know what danger/falling is just yet, ha.

Alongside the play area of the park there’s a huge grassy field and a path for your biking or scooterin’ needs. Next to that there’s an enclosed dog park to bring your pup, too. Clean/new bathrooms on site.

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