So! What details can I fill you in on, this month with our bebs?
Well for one, the day goes by so much smoother if we’re outside the house more than inside! So I’ve taken a notice to that, and made sure we regularly take Alfie and bebs out for a walk, and we go to the library three times per week (some weeks, more!).
He now has 6 teeth. Madness. At this rate he’s gotten two teeth every month for the past few months.

Beb’s has started to show signs of possession in his 8th month. Whether it be a handful of grass he ripped from the ground, a piece of fluffy dust he’s found, or his toy for that matter – if you take it away from him, he will let you know he’s not pleased with you. It’s interesting seeing that developmental stage come through, since it was clearly never there before. Watching his personality is incredibly amazing to me. I can’t wait to head back to Canada (not sure when we’re going) for him to meet all of our families. He still has a set of grandparents to meet, and tons of cousins, aunts and uncles. I wonder if he’ll be in the stage of stranger-danger come then… I hope not!
I’m super happy one of his aunt’s has come down for a second time to visit our bebs. Although it was a super quick visit this time around, our little boy loved every moment spent with him bonding with her.
Baby visited his first pumpkin patch in month 8, along with dressing up as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (Michaelangelo!) for Halloween – I don’t know what I’d do without my amazing friend Nicole handing me down her two son’s clothing (the Halloween costume and 80% of his wardrobe is from her kiddos).
Month 8 he went to his second birthday party for one of his little Canadian buddy’s first birthday party. He’s starting to know his baby-friends so well, that he’s become quite an outgoing baby. I love seeing him take off scooting (not quite crawling) across the room, or on the picnic blanket, to go hang with his pals he’s known his entire life (lol). Most of us delivered at the same hospital, and have babies relatively close in age with one another.
I bought him some Puffin print pants. ‘Cause you know, gotta represent Newfoundland (it’s the official provincial bird for Newfoundland). Cute hey? They’re a bit too big for him now, but I bought them for him to grow into them.
- his teddy bear
- any and all food
- music and dancing
- his “popsicles” (frozen fruit in a mesh feeder)
- bath time and his rubber ducky
- trying to get Alfie’s attention
- popping onto his knees from a belly down position
- plays in his crib and does the “downward dog”
- making a hilarious girggling noise when tired
We’re still loving, and using California Baby products on him (I’m not paid to say this at all, genuinely love their stuff). I’m on my 3rd jar of super sensitive cream with him (not necessarily “super sensitive” for any reason, I just love the subtle natural scent to it). It’s the only cream that has touched his skin post-baths, and I always love to massage it in, and he keeps calm and still when getting his little massages. It’s so sweet. I keep talking about this specific cream in general, because it’s one of my favourite products that they make. Did you know that California Baby has a 100% plant-based lotion now? It recently happened, although was always the main goal of the owner when creating the products years ago. Congratulations to them!