Chilly mornings, autumnal vibes, and simple decor

Disclaimer: I received a gift card to put toward fall decor accents.

This time last year we moved into our home and had our first child all in the span of four months. Now that we’ve been here a year, and I have a few minutes to myself each day, it’s time to finally start decorating for fall, and all the upcoming holidays!

I want to show how we decorate our home so it’s timeless and not too trendy. That way we can always reuse the decorations for years to come. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some good trends when it comes to decorating, or fashion for that matter. But at the same time I feel more comfortable with a good ol’ classic style that can be easily used from year to year. Since I spent the majority of my time in the kitchen, and dining area, I thought I’d show you guys how I’ve welcomed Fall into our home.

I don’t have many decorations for Halloween/Fall, and Christmas. Just a handful that I tuck away in a box after the season has passed. I’m a huge fan of earth tones incorporated into our decor, so I picked up a few kitchen pieces this year at Wayfair, and then some fresh blooms at the farmers market and my local grocery store.

For me it’s all about the natural elements (seasonal flowers and greens), with colourful kitchen towels tucked in a crisp white basket ready for use. 

It’s still pretty warm here in California (think high 20’s *celcius here folks* in the afternoon. But in the mornings it’s nice and cool so I can wear a sweater for a few hours, ha!). But I can’t wait to stick on a pot of chili simmering for hours on the gas stove in a worn in dutch oven, indulge in a hot drink while bebs naps, put on some mellow tunes, open the windows on a crisp cool morning and relax for that hour nap of his. That’s not too much to ask, right?!

I’ve always been enthusiastic with all-things holiday related (any holiday for that matter). But I feel completely different with this journey into motherhood. It’s the best feeling getting to relive all those fun memories, even though he’s 7months old and perhaps doesn’t get it this year. What odds! I’m havin’ fun and taking some snaps to have for his little baby book. I’m startin’ the tradition, folks.

Have you started decorating for Fall?

Shop the look: double walled cups | berry wreath | white metal basket | slim white metal basket | velvet pumpkins | acorn vase filler | waffle kitchen towels

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Probiotics For Babies? Are they right for your family?

This post is sponsored by Evivo but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

I’m never one to give advice to new parents. But the one piece of advice that someone told me (actually, it was someone on social media who told me this) when baby was born, was to take TONS of videos of him, even if I didn’t share them. Just take them. And keep them for yourself. Best. Advice. Ever. 

Every night when I put him to bed, I scroll through all the photos and videos of him over the past 7 months. I thought people were nuts for announcing that the did that, but I’ve turned into doing it too. I miss my baby boy when he’s sleeping!

I hesitate to share advice, since it’s so different for everyone. And not everyone is on the same page with parenting. It’s all so personal, right? I know many of you (including myself) listen to your baby’s pediatrician before anyone else.

But I want to tell you about some gut health, and your baby.

Did you know that babies are born with no gut bacteria? It’s important to build that up within the first few months/years of their lives.


Obviously gut health isn’t something you can see from the outside, but you can detect their poor gut health in these signs such as colic, eczema, fussiness, gas, pain, and poop. Research has found and confirmed that the good bacteria, B. infantis has been missing in 9 out of 10 babies, which in turn causes the bad bacteria to thrive. This is where probiotics come into play. More specifically, Evivo probiotics that you mix with breast milk.

Of course breast milk offers a lot of nutrients for babies, and it’s sometimes often enough. Sometimes baby’s might not receive all those nutrients if his/her gut microbiome doesn’t contain B. infantis. 

How can you tell whether your baby is one out of the 9 out of 10 that is missing B. infantis?

  • Does your baby have diaper rash OR 5+ watery poops per day?
  • Were you OR your baby born via C-section
  • Were you OR your baby given antibiotics pre-delivery or post pregnancy?

Evivo has its benefits to help baby, as a probiotic it’s clinically proven to restore your baby’s gut. It’s a daily probiotic in powder form, and you mix the Evivo with breast milk and feed it to baby that way. Keep Evivo in the freezer until it’s ready to use, it can also keep in the fridge for up to one month.

Learn more about Evivo probiotics, and receive up to $20 off your Evivo starter kit, use the coupons below at checkout:

  • $10 off 4-week starter kit: BLOG9111
  • $20 off 8-week or greater starter kit: BLOG9112

Always seek the advice of your pediatrician or health care provider with any questions you may have regarding your baby.



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Dry Brushing Your Body

Do I really believe the whole hoop-lah that dry brushing eliminates toxins from your body? That it gets rid of cellulite? Stimulates and boost circulation?


Not sure, really.

But I do believe it’s an excellent way to exfoliate the entire body into having smoother skin.

Sure I have those exfoliating mitts in my shower, even a loofa. But back in August, after finally having it in the back of my head to buy one for a few years, I picked up a dry brush at World Market for $4.99.

I recall the instructions after reading about it a bunch of times, to stand in your shower/tub area with dry skin, your dry brush, and no water running on you….go to town working upwards in a circular motion (why upwards, and circular? I have no idea really but that’s what I read so that’s what I did) to exfoliate all the dead skin cells off. Sloth’em all off into the shower.

Dry brush, shower, shave, dry off, moisturize. Not that complicated.

While I thought it was due time to finally dry-brush after I noticed the skin on my legs looking a little older than I wanted them too (kinda dry, kinda crepey), I decided to start.

My skin was looking dull, especially my legs.

A little rundown on my skin: It’s sorta sensitive. I still get hives, daily, after 3+ years. I occasionally have eczema flare ups, and my skin is most definitely dehydrated and dry. So I used a lighter hand than probably necessary the first time. Similar to using an exfoliating mitts, loofa, pumice stone etc. Don’t press too hard or you’ll hurt yourself b’y. Jeeze.

Some say to dry brush your skin daily, twice a day, or just 1-3x per week. I’m pretty sure you know your skin best, so use your own judgement on that. Personally I am not dedicated enough (yet) to strip down and dry brush my entire body at dawn and dusk. A few times a week is all I can, and want to commit.

After all was complete I turned the shower on, showered as I normally would, and shaved. Perhaps my skin was overdue for an exfoliation, but I did like the outcome of how my skin felt, and a few bumps on the back of my calf where I cross my legs seemed to have gotten less noticeable. I’ve been dry brushing for a few weeks, and I have to say I like how nice my skin feels!

I don’t want to make this an 900 word essay about such a simple subject so I’ll leave it at that. I enjoyed it, and my skin is silkier than before.

Will I keep this up, or will it be just an exciting new hyped up product for me for a month or two…I guess only time will tell. If I become addicted, I’ll be sure to blare it from my Instagram stories.

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