Nursing or Bottle Feeding

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I received product and compensation from Mead Johnson Nutrition to create this post written by me. All experiences and opinions expressed in this post are my own and not those of Mead Johnson Nutrition. You can contact Mead Johnson Nutrition with product related questions or comments toll free at 1-800-BABY-123 (1-800-222-9123).

How often did you feed your baby? Is a 13 week old still considered a newborn? I don’t have a set schedule for our little guy, and I don’t plan to yet. I feed on his demand. He’ll go no more than 2 hours during the day without a feeding, and during the night there’s occasionally a nice 5-6 hour stretch where he sleeps through til 3am then wakes up for food every hour after that. These last few weeks have been brilliant with the night times, and I don’t want to jinx it but it’s going great.

Of course nursing baby with breast has plenty of advantages. Obviously it’s cheaper, quicker and easily accessible (lol). It’s unreal how quickly it can calm baby when he’s upset, and even has antibodies that help protect babies from many illnesses.

Nursing my baby isn’t the primary source of getting my baby his food, I do bottle feed from time-to-time and have formula on hand for those times where I need a supplement. For instance, I’m out of the house (without baby) for longer than I thought I’d be (hello Silicon Valley traffic jams, it’s a real thing) and I have to connect with who is looking after him and if my little boy is crying and hungry, I can go ahead and tell the person looking after him to either formula feed, or wait a little bit for me to come home to nurse him.

Being able to bottle feed (we use Enfamil NeuroPro™) offers me more freedom and flexibility, and it makes it easier to know how much my baby is getting.

I know not everyone can nurse their baby and they have to use a supplement, like Enfamil NeuroPro (and honestly this is the only formula we’ve tried so far on our little one), and that’s fine – right? Your baby needs to eat.

There are lots of reasons you might not be able to nurse as long or as much as you want. When women head back to work (especially here in the United States where the mat-leave is significantly less time than back home in Canada) they might not be able to or want to pump as much as baby needs, and supplementing with or switching to a formula like Enfamil NeuroPro will help.

Honestly if you’re looking for a formula to use on the regular for your infant, or have as sort of a back-up plan for when you’re not around, the Enfamil NeuroPro is a great one to get you started.

New to the Enfamil line, Enfamil NeuroPro has brain building nutrition inspired by breast milk. NeuroPro has a fat protein blend of MFGM and DHA which was previously only found in breast milk*. Enfamil offers the first and only formula that has MFGM in amounts supported by clinical research. MFGM has been clinically shown to help close the gap in cognitive development between formula-fed and breastfed infants**.

Everything begins with nourishing the brain, and Enfamil is dedicated to learning more about the benefits of breastmilk and NeuroPro is born of that dedicated focus. They’ve been trusted by hospitals for more than 25 years.

Talk to your doctor if you have any questions about feeding your newborn.

Visit Enfamil NeuroPro or call 1-800-BABY-123 (1-800-222-9123)  for more information and to request a free sample.

This is sponsored by Enfamil® Infant Formula.

*In amounts supported by clinical research. As measured by Bayley cognitive scores.

**As measured by Bayley-III cognitive score at 12 months in a different formula with MFGM added as an ingredient.


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3 month postpartum favourites

A lot of new things happening from month 2-3! Ever since my Mom left California to head back to Canada, I’ve been keeping busy every.single.weekday. It’s been excellent getting out of the house every day. Otherwise it feels completely like that movie, groundhog day, because literally we’re on a 2-3 hour time schedule and it just repeats itself day in and day out…including night times.

So breaking up the day with a bit of an adventure each day really helps.

Just a few days ago I ended up going to a Mom’s Group that the hospital puts off (for free) from birth to 6mths, and I met a ton of new Mom’s there. Kind of a funny, maybe not so funny to other’s moment – but when I was doing my introduction with my name, my baby’s age and then his name – I almost blanked on his name and nearly forgot it! HAHAHA. Seriously how nuts? I think it’s because I avoid sharing his name/face all over social media, and I’ve gotten into the habit of calling him by his nick-name which isn’t anything remotely similar to his name at all. Anyway! Thought that was a bit of a funny story.

So, he’s 3 months old today, and he’s a big fella. He’s wearing a lot of 6-9 month clothes due to his ever growing height. I’m definitely understanding his needs a lot more. He’s like me and needs some quiet/alone time throughout the day. He’ll be completely content chilling out in his crib or bassinet alone for a half hour or so!

Ok, so I want to chime in here again and tell you some of our favourite’s we’ve been loving this month, and all throughout the past 3 months too that I’ve always forgot to include.

myBaby Sound Spa| For instance, this sound machine my neighbour gave him. It used to only be turned on for his nightly routine (and he smiles when he knows he’s being put to bed). I guess because he knows the routine down pat now and enjoys it all. I turn on the noise machine, either swaddle him or put him into a sleep sack (whichever is clean), sing a song, feed him then kiss him goodnight. But I’ve noticed to get him to nap successfully in the day outside of a car ride or in my arms I need to play this noise machine. It has a variety of settings, and I set it to the ocean waves one instead of the ‘white noise’ one. Helps me sleep too, honestly! lol.

Shark Steam Mop S1000A| I spose I could include this into postpartum favourites…why not right? I bought this on Amazon a few weeks ago, used it 3x and love it. Our house is mainly laminate flooring and I can’t use a ton of water on it (it’s not good for it). And I LOVE how easy this is. Wait, did they raise the price on this? I swear I only paid $39 for it a few weeks ago. Try and find it for cheaper if you can! All it requires is some water, no chemicals at all. And doesn’t leave streaks – but if it DOES, it means you just need to put on a new mop head (comes with two).

California Baby Sensitive Skin Cream| Still my favoutite, still going strong on that one jar I have. Not even half way through it yet. It says it’s unscented, but it has a mild (and really nice) natural fragrance to it. And it doesn’t bother baby’s skin, nor my weird skin (I have a ton of weird skin issues guys…)

Love To Dream Swaddle Up| Our baby either sleeps wrapped up in 2 swaddle blankets (because he busts out of one, need to double it up), or lately he’s been in this Love To Dream one that my old boss from Canada sent down in a care package for our baby. It’s flippin’ brilliant, and grows with baby when it’s time for a sleep-sack as the arms zip off. This is a bigger size though, and you can get smaller one’s, but as soon as they hit 13lbs they can go in this one.


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When in San Francisco…

This post is sponsored by Good2Go but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

San Francisco is a city that surprises you every time. In fact, let me paste this quote I found online, and love:

“If you’re alive, you can’t be bored in San Francisco. If you’re not alive, San Francisco will bring you to life.” — William Saroyan

It’s a magical city with such history behind it. But I definitely have one qualm or drawback about it. There’s not many public restrooms around, and if they are, they’re notorious for not being the cleanest. Call me crazy for talking about this, but hear me out. I can’t believe there’s a downloadable app for this. But there is. The Good2Go App is much more than a restroom locator. It’s clever, right? And especially handy now that I have a little one in tow, looking for clean restrooms with a diaper changing area. Bonus points if they have a seated area where he can be nursed.

Needed a pitstop, I used the app when my Mom was still here and ended up scoping out a great location – super easy to use too. Just share your location when you download the app and it’ll tell you the closest restroom around. Or if you’re dining at a particular restaurant that participates with the Good2Go app, wait there with your pals rather than in a bathroom line. Plus!! You can automatically open the doors via your smartphone and exit, all without touching the handles. They’re restrooms locked I’d assume because they’d ideally like to keep them clean (of course). It’s funny, when I was 35+ weeks pregnant I planned out my outings by where I was going to use the bathrooms, and I could tell you right then and there which grocery stores, or malls had the cleanest bathrooms. Haha priorities!

I don’t go to the city often (one or two times per month) but when I do I always love stopping by the Golden Gate Bridge for a peek at it. I’m wondering how many of my readers are local to the Bay Area? Anyone care to chime in?

Next time you’re headed to the city, download this Good2Go app beforehand to scope out clean bathrooms. Everyone much prefers “going” in a clean place.

Good2Go app is available in the App/Play stores. Use is free for a limited time.

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