Pregnancy update: Second Trimester

I’m 26 weeks this week, making it my last week in my second trimester. Time is flying by, and I feel like I’m not ready for my Doctor’s orders to make all these hospital labour and delivery appointments, tours, etc. I suppose everyone feels that way though, don’t they. 

We have a ton of stuff for the nursery, a lot of it thanks to PR samples and pitching. We even have a jogging stroller for when the kid is old enough to be bouncin’ around on the streets with us for our runs.

Here’s an update on my second trimester. Things took a bit of a backburner as soon as Alfie got sick within the last month, so that part is a little blurry. But other than that, stay tuned to the end for another pregnancy outfit of the day.

Week 14-15| TMI: Not sure whether or not to blame the stuffy (kinda bloody) nose on the trip to Idaho, or to blame it on week 14-15 symptoms. I’ll chalk it up to both. But it immediately stopped as soon as we drove back to California. So perhaps it was Idaho? I cried irrationally for the first time this week too. Literally bawled and sobbed for no reason and it made Scott laugh. He asked what was wrong and I told him I was mad and I didn’t know why!? Hormones man. I also think it has to do with me thinking about my Father and him not being alive, hearing about all my baby news. Other than that one out-burst I haven’t been overly emotional. This week is also when I started to wake up 2-3x/night to pee. It doesn’t affect my sleep, but I am definitely wide awake checking my phone at all hours of the night, and feeling completely rested by 6am (I’m not even a morning person!).

Week 16-17| Again, pretty uneventful with the symptoms/updates. An “easy” pregnancy I guess you could say. We told a few more friends about the baby. This is when I feel like I couldn’t wear my regular skinny jeans anymore. Stretchy-Zara-Jeggings all the way. But I still had to unbutton them after dinner. I also went a big wild purchasing a few baby clothes this week. Didn’t want to jinx anything beforehand, so I didn’t buy anything until this week. I started packing up the house this week – dreadful! I emptied out my entire closet (minus the things I wanted to wear for the rest of the month) and purged SO much stuff. What a feeling. I hope I don’t regret some of the stuff I donated, ha!

Week 18-19| At 18 weeks I finally I made my announcement on the blog! Week 18 I did a lot of eating as I was on a press-trip (lol). Then week 19 lead to a lot of me feeling impatient and angry for some strange reason! Perhaps the baby loved all the food the previous week and started realizing that wasn’t a normal every-day occurrence and got hangry? Jokes…

Week 20-21| I started having to wake up 2x a night to use the washroom (so annoying). I also noticed it was more difficult to roll out of bed, and come to a seated position. Guess the belly is in charge! At 21 weeks I was at the point where I was sitting in the midst of moving boxes on one of the stairs, stuck between boxes and a wall and I could NOT get up. I started laughing, and Scott had to give me a lending hand to literally get up off the floor. Alfie had been getting sick around this time, for about 3 weeks at this point. At week 21-22 I spent the entire week home with him (well, I normally do but you know sometimes I made coffee-date plans, etc.).

Week 22| Feeling like time is flying by. On the day I turned 22 weeks was also the move-day to our new home. A few friends discussed whether or not I’d be having a baby shower – and me not knowing those answers!

Week 23-26| Yep, time is flying by. Alfie unfortunately got sick around this time so I didn’t chime in and document all I’ve been feeling. But the belly is literally like a bowling ball (Scott’s words, not mine!), and it sure feels that way too. I have to put my underwear on in the a.m. a certain way. I have to rest one hand on the bathroom counter, or the bed, swing the undies on with one leg, and vice versa. It sounds funny, but it’s really annoying. And at the end of the days now, I feel a bit of mild back pain and the belly sometimes needs to be carried. Ugh I’m one of THOSE people who hold their belly while walking! It’s a necessity for me right now to distribute some of that weight into my hands when we do our walks with Alfie. Starting next week I’ll be going to my ObGyn every 2 weeks, instead of once a month!

As for baby names, we do have it pretty narrowed down and I kinda love it! But for now, I’ll leave you hanging there, and give you another outfit of the day featuring my go-to maternity top brand, Shop Pink Blush.

PinkBlush Olive Striped Suede Sleeve ($36)
H&M Mama Leggings ($12) (told you I lived in them)
Target boots (from last year)
Rebecca Minkoff Mini Moto Satchel (that I won, and got signed by RM herself!)

You could easily wear this baseball tee when not pregnant either, since it’s just an empire style top. It’s so fun!

Disclaimer: Huge thanks to my pal Megan for hooking me up with PinkBlush to be an ambassador with them too! As a PinkBlush Ambassador I get 2 points for 2 pieces of clothing to review. Each time I post = 1 point. I did not receive monetary compensation for posting about the brand. 

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When does pregnancy brain hit? (+OOTD)

Either you love the pregnancy updates, or you skip over them. When I wasn’t pregnant, I most definitely 100% skipped over them. No interest in them whatsoever, since it wasn’t relevant to me. Understandable if you do the same.

I know every pregnancy is different, but I didn’t think this brain-fuzz would happen to me. All this week and last (25 & 26 weeks) I’ve been very “out of it” with getting thoughts into words. It’s kind of funny actually, but can most definitely be frustrating at times. When you were preg, when (if) did pregnancy brain hit? Does everyone get it? There’s some things in your app or the books I’m reading that doesn’t go into that much detail. Bah! Those dumb apps (if I’m being honest) kept telling me “now you’re over that hump of getting morning sickness” and as I mentioned in my last pregnancy update, I never did have any sickness. So reading that was a bit of annoyance to me.

I can be a clumsy person, but I’ve been overly cautious of walking down the stairs (I usually race up them by 2’s or run down them) but now I’ve been holding the hand-rails because of my previous months of slipping down a few stairs (pre-pregnancy of course!). Now I’m noticing it’s a bit more difficult for me to get out of bed the way I used to. Now I have to roll over, use my arm to brace me then sit up. Hahahahahah it’s so ridiculous.

Anyway! Here’s another bump outfit of the day for you guys!

26 weeks pregnant, meaning I’ve booked the hospital tour this week, and looking into some classes that my ObGyn suggested I take (that cost $55/each, pfth!).

PinkBlush Ivory Striped Long Sleeved ($36)
H&M Mama Leggings ($12)
GAP cardigan (purchased this late summer)
Zara scarf (from 2013)
Nike sneakers
J.Crew purse (from 2011)

I only have 2 pairs of maternity pants, and I live in one of them (the leggings of course). Both of them are from H&M Maternity, but I’ve found that the less constricting feeling on my belly, the better I can breathe. Oof!

Disclaimer: Huge thanks to my pal Megan for hooking me up with PinkBlush to be an ambassador with them too! As a PinkBlush Ambassador I get 2 points for 2 pieces of clothing to review. Each time I post = 1 point. I did not receive monetary compensation for posting about the brand. 

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Alfie’s Adventures in the birthday convertible

Well folks, Alfie had one fantastic birthday, let me tell you that much. And a huge thanks goes out to Mazda USA for providing us with a birthday convertible for our sweet pup. Yes – I pitched it, solely for the purpose of Alfie’s use.

You want to know why? Because that’s the only thing that will make him smile this huge, these days. Almost two weeks ago we received the worst news that Alfie (who has lymphoma and is terminally ill) only had days left. So far, he’s going strong and is our little fighter. We’re hoping he becomes a miracle puppa. So far I think we’ve gotten everything down pat with regards to his medications, when to walk him (when his belly is all squeaky, or if he gets suddenly aggravated and barky), and feed him small frequent meals a day (which is 5….lol). He’s lost quite a bit of weight, but that’s due to the cancer, unfortunately. I’ve been updating everyone on his status on Instagram stories as much as possible, and people thoroughly enjoy seeing his little face, and rooting him on. So much love for this little fella!

His 8th birthday was on October 23, and we followed suit, similar to my birthday back in May. We didn’t get the car until the 24th so on that weekend, we drove down in the “California Convertible” as I like to label it (the Mazda MX5) and had a beach day in Santa Cruz, all catered to him. It was perfect. Brought his snacks, his meds and all hahahaha.

When we came back at sunset, we watched the airplanes come in, back in San Jose, and it was the perfect ol’ day. Couldn’t have asked for a better day at all.

This is my first time actually driving the MX5 myself, since the other two times I was in it, they were standard transmissions, and I didn’t want to take a chance learning on a review car, haha. So, I was peppin’ around all week with Alfie in tow, roof down constantly – even if it was a bit chilly. COuldn’t wipe that smile off Alfie’s face, which in turn made my entire week so much better.

Each day is a different story with our sweet pup, but luckily this past week he’s been “himself” with how well things are going.

Lymphoma isn’t curable, but it is treatable. At this point, Alfie’s lymphoma has taken over his little intestines, and is growing. We can only hope that we’re making his last while with us, the best he’s ever had.

Thank you again Mazda for being so understanding, caring, and best of all making my little Alfie smile.

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