I want to start writing like I used to. Not all about reviews, or about a certain product in one post. Let’s talk about a lot of stuff today. So let’s introduce Five Things Friday (gotta give credit where credit is due: got the idea from Erin’s blog over at Erin’s Inside Job). Let’s hop to it.
First off. Are ya sick of me promotion’ my $30 coupon you can have towards Blue Apron? It’ll end soon, I promise. It’s just that $30 of groceries and food delivery is too good to pass up (read about the food I cooked here)!!
Stoked. Man, I remember when my Mom labeled everything, and I loved it! Perhaps this is where my love of stationery comes in? I had the idea in my head to label all our glass jars (you know, the one’s where you store pasta in, and make it all pinteresy-like? Except ours is jammed in the pantry amongst other busy-looking-boxes and is yearning to have its own space). I bought mine for $8 on Target’s website. I also bought a backup of the black tape, making me have 3 extra rolls on hand in case I get too click-happy with it.
I understand the desire to have decaf now. I won’t get into TMI details, but I think ya can get what I’m sayin’ ya know? I decided to cut out my delicious caffeinated vanilla lattes and iced coffees and resorting to ordering decaf. It’s not so bad, but I’m not reliant on the caffeinated buzz it gives anyway since I only started drinking coffee-related drinks 2-3 years ago. Why am I giving it up? Not really any reason in particular, I just don’t need it.
03. MACxYouTuber collab|
I’m digging the MAC Cosmetics lipsticks that launched with all the famous YouTubers around the world. I’ve been watching Fleur de Force ever since she first started her channel years and years ago, and I’m happy to support my fellow Canadian Samantha Ravndahl in her success and journey (and boy is she awesome – she’s so brutally honest, and genuinely funny).
Acai bowls are back in this household! All last summer I made them a few times per week. So much so, I ended up breaking out blender by over-use. Oops! Now we have a new one, and I’m so stoked to have these delicious treats back.
This is something I’ve been meaning to do the past month or so. This time last year my makeup collection looked like this after I did a decluttering video. I’m not one who likes to have a large collection of makeup, and often I drop brand new products into my giveaway-pile for the fact I know I won’t use it. Right now I feel it has now gotten a little out of hand and the products are taking up the entire credenza in the bedroom. I need to skedaddle and get at it. It’s driving me nuts.