OOTD: Velvet is back!

Velvet has made a comeback, and I couldn’t be happier. Bring back corduroy too and I’m set for life.

Thought I’d feature an outfit of the day because I haven’t posted one of those in ages. It was one of those rainy, semi-chilly days here in California where I did nothing but sit with a friend over coffee, and watch the grey clouds roll in. It definitely beats those Canadian winters, that’s for sure. But I can’t seem to break the chill in my bones lately (I’m constantly cold!), so a warm cuppa was definitely needed this day, and maybe a pair of socks ;)

[Items featured]
Zara Jeans | Suzy Shier faux leather jacket | Dior nail polish
Target sweater | Brooks Imperial sneakers
Fossil Saddle Bag (no longer available, but: similar)

Aren’t my shoes just rad though? I love ’em. Thanks for sending me a pair, Brooks!

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Upgrade your stationery supplies

I’m old school. I have never taken advantage of the ‘notes’ section on my cell phone. I prefer the instant gratification of crossing something out on my to-do list with a fine, crisp ink. And on Monday’s I get my notebook of choice out (used to be MUJI til I got majorly upgrade thanks to Cloth & Paper), and get down to business writing down my to-do’s for the day. I do this every morning!

But Monday’s especially is a huge productivity day at home. From laundry to cleaning and vacuuming. In the afternoons I get to work and organize blog work. I also tend to go to my fave coffee shop to give me that jump start to the week. Anyone else old school like me and don’t use their phone for tasks?

If there’s anything I hoard in life, it’s most definitely stationery goodies. I have piles of unused notebooks, and tons of pens – mainly in super fine point. I’m talkin’ 0.25 or 0.38mm thickness, ah the scratchier the better! My husband hates my pens, so we have a stash of thick gel-like pens above the fridge that are for his use only. I’ve been known to make plenty of pen purchases from JetPen’s online store. They have fantastic choices, and I often spend hours browsing for my next best stationery purchase. Ha!

But the star of the show today is Cloth & Paper. I gotta tell you, everything is perfectly monochrome with that minimal style everyone is grasping at these days. And I don’t mind one bit, it’s gorgeous. Basically I’m telling you, you need to upgrade your stationery supplies with goodies from Cloth & Paper. Omg ♥

[items shown: Gold foiled black dividers (girl gang set), folded planner insert cards, grey marble sticky notes]

I’ve been eyeing up Cloth & Paper’s Instagram feed for months on end (I’m featured on their page, too btw!!!). Their online store is soo aesthetically pleasing and their flatlay game is strong. I reached out to them in hopes of a collaboration, and they happily sent me their January Stationery Box, where they teamed up with Office Depot. Plus…. 15% off for you guys, too. Um wicked. Use code SPIFFY15 upon checkout. Code cannot be used with their subscription boxes.

Black leather notebook goals. The funky pencils were purchased by me (from that jetpens site I love). For the January Stationery Box, all the papers I received have been punched to fit the Tul System for the Office Depot collaboration.

Thanks for Cloth & Paper for the January Stationery (subscription) box! 

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My Favourite Ways To Stay Active

My word for 2017 is “move”, which I blogged about it a few weeks ago. I know. Hi. I have’t been blogging much. Honestly, I’m trying to keep up with keeping much more active this year, than I was last. Being more organized in my life. And a whole buncha other stuff.

When I think of exercising I admit when I get a little stressed as I picture myself doing all these activities I don’t enjoy. But let me tell ya folks, when you find an activity that can get your heart rate goin’ that you enjoy – keep at’er. Although always super fun to me, I consciously remind myself that climbing is a workout. I’m in my 30’s now guys and I’m noticing I have to be more active, a lot more regularly than usual.

Today I’m here to share some of my favourite ways to stay active. Do you think you can make a list of your own? Leave me a note in the comments!

Climbing| Climbing has and always will have a piece of my heart. As of 2017, it marks 22 years of my climbing journey. Nuts right? Although I don’t go as often as I’d like (I don’t have a membership anymore because it costs a lot!), I do like to pop in one a week for a bouldering session.

Yoga| More specifically, yin yoga only. I attend a yoga class at the climbing gym, and I prefer to attend a yin yoga with a certain instructor since I feel like I can totally mellow out with her voice, and really sink in what she’s suggesting we do. Plus, those deep hip stretches are perfect for climbers as a warm-up for a good bouldering sesh.

Riding my bike| Those that know me here in California understand to never ask me to hang out after dark. But there are times lately that I’ve been cycling around come dusk (and peddling back home fast to beat the sunset lol). Specialized hooked me up with some bike lights that I totally appreciate.

Running| I have a love-hate with running. I’ve always found it difficult (minus the sprinting, I love those lol). I don’t love going for longer runs, and anything past 6km is crazy long for me. Alfie, my Husband and I go out for a weekly 6km run together every weekend. I hate it, but I love it at the same time. I used to run outside solo, but I had a scare with some random strangers who creeped me out, so now I stick to the treadmill at our complex.

Hiking| I don’t mean hiking up mountains in Alberta and British Columbia, because I’ve done that and cried all along the way (hopefully it went unnoticed!). Hiking up a steep ass mountain for hours on end with my husband before we were married was rough. Can’t beat the views, that’s for sure. But what I’m talking about is going out in the woods here in California and hiking with my husband, and Alfie… on a not-so steep incline ;)

Lifting Weights| Guys, I miss CrossFit so bad. I miss the community, I miss my workout buddies, and I miss being told what to do when I enter the gym for a workout. Lifting weights on your own or not knowing what to do is rough. I prefer someone telling me what to do, in a gym! Lol. This is another thing that isn’t so regular on my radar, but I hope to do more weights in the upcoming future. Halp.

Blogilates| I know Blogilates has a huge YouTube following, and I knew about her for years. But I’ve only recently subscribed to her for some quick and not-so-easy workouts when I know I’m sitting at my computer too much. I really love doing the workouts that don’t require weights (because we don’t have any in the house, even though I suppose I could use cans of soup to lift.. lol). Plus, it’s free! Or if you’re not the biggest fan of Blogilates, enter into YouTube any sort of workout you want to do (I usually enter in “20 minute workout” and scroll til I find something appealing).

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