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Fossil haul

My co-worker and I are just obsessed with Fossil watches.

This is L McMomsie (the blonde), she has been ‘featured’ on this blog many times before.

As I posted on Friday evening I have two Stella watches, one in black the other in white.

Just last week we were both in our local Fossil store in the mall and were trying on watches for me to get. (Still not sure when I’ll get mine, but I do have a few picked out. Here are my top three):

All Stella’s, just different looks. Which one do you think I should go for?

My co-worker couldn’t stop thinking about one watch when we went in last week, so on Friday we both went in once again to get her some new watches! Yes, plural!When you buy a Fossil watch they come with adorable tins for you to pick out.

Isn’t she just stylish? She had some great looking grey heels on too, I loved her outfit that day.

One thing which was totally missed by both the sales people and my co-worker, was getting the watch re-sized. I even ended up asking the sales girl when we were in there the first time, if they offer it no charge. But unfortunately my co-worker and I forgot, and it wasn’t suggested by the sales associates either. I think everyone was equally enthused by our excitement in the store. I had L try on her watches, and model them for me.

She now owns THREE Fossil watches. She’s ahead of me! I only have 2 and I want my third.

I’m definitely not going to go for a “diamond like” rim around my watch, since my white one which was purchased in 2009 or 2010, I forget, lost a few of its studs. So it doesn’t look the greatest!

Check out the changes that Fossil has been through over the past few years. L bought her old one a few years ago (left) and the new one is so much bigger. Of course Fossil has other sizes available, but L and I both like the over sized boyfriend watches. I think they’re so sleek!

Wish this was my haul, and not L’s. Ah well, my turn will come soon.

Don’t forget to enter my birthday giveaway! Ends May 13:

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Girls night out

You know how you have so much to talk about that your brain is overloaded and you can’t seem to get anything out? That’s what I feel like with blogging right now. There is just so many fun things to tell you guys about but I’m overwhelmed and can’t type it all out. So instead or a wordy blog post this evening, I’ll show you some photos from last night. My co-workers and I went out to a swank restaurant/bar and had a super fun, very memorable girls night.

L McMomsie has made a featured appearance on my blog quite a few times in the past.

And I’m sure you’re all no stranger to Miss Julie who is on my blog weekly. This is all three of us. Our server was fantastic, incredibly fun and hilarious. Plus we were treated SO well and were there for hours and hours.

When I laugh, I laugh super hard. Here is proof, I mean look at those veins popping out of my temples! Always a good sign of a fun night.

It’s a short week at work, and tomorrow’s my Friday. What does everyone have planned for Easter? I’ll let you guys know what I’ll be up to, after the weekend has passed. Just for safety issues is all. ;) But I’m excited to document the weekend and tell you all about it!

See you tomorrow for the Fashion Friday Thursday post :)

P.S. Did you know that if you use a hydrating serum in the morning on your face, prior to makeup that it’s prone to skin flaking? It’s so disgusting, but I think I’ll have to blog about it. Note to self (and everyone else): Save the serums for the evening!

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I’m finally all organized. Last week I got back from vacation and I gotta say, I feel so totally lost in the mornings if I don’t have everything laid out the night before. Last week everything was picked out to sooth my sunburn, so skirts it was. I could barely have anything on my stomach and thighs, and I kinda wanted to wear the same outfit (Tuesday’s) over-and-over that week.

Thankfully, it all calmed down by the weekend, and I was able to wear normal clothes lol. Unfortunately that also means I’ve been peeling. While my skin has been looking haggard, I’ve decided to cover most of it up. Ew. Anyway, yay onto the outfit of the work week!

  OOTWW featuring… L McMomsie. You’ll probably remember L as my co-worker who tells amazing stories. Well here she is today featured in her new wrap and skirt. I’m loving navy lately, especially on her being a tanned blondey! Doesn’t she look great?

Wrap & Zebra skirt: Joe Fresh
Grey Shoes: Jessica
Watch: Fossil
Necklace: Ardene

Enjoy your weekends :) Anyone doing anything exciting?

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