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I had a ton of fun this week, and appreciated that it was also a short week with the Family Day holiday and a vacation day I took on Tuesday since I had an extra day layin’ around from last year. Might as well put it to use, hey?

Next week I’m heading out to Toronto for the day on Wednesday, and I’m already excited about it. Can’t wait to blog and tell you my adventures there!

I hit my snooze for an hour this morning. I meant to get up at 6:40 am in order to publish this very blog post for you guys this morning, however sleep won me over. It always does as of late. Oops. Either way, at least it’s still Friday so I’m not that late getting the post up.

snacks-at-my-deskSupper is being put on hold until I write this post. Thus, the need for some snacks: cheese ‘n crackers + vitaminwater zero. Don’t judge the desk. It’ll get cleaned. This is what it looks like towards every weeks end.

Here we go with Fashion Friday!


Next up, the Fun, Fit and/or Fashionable people of the week!

Ashley posts a What’s Inside My Purse (love these posts!)

Marion has her weekly moments of the week up, plus a casual Friday OOTD. (Love her blog, she’s so hilarious).

Merrick is so talented with the sewing machine, and always reinventing her closet. Today she posted how to wear an article of clothing, 5 different ways.

Holy moly, Lena gives an incredible review of a new shampoo and conditioner she received. The volume she has is outstanding. Check out her site to see before/after photos.

Tattoo your bananas for breakfast! Such a cute idea.

Check out Laura’s first Fashion Friday post!

Submit yourself to my weekly Fun, Fit and/or Fashionable posts. You can certainly submit your own, next week. Just shoot me an e-mail to Just include any of the following:

  • Your name
  • Your URL (if applicable)
  • Description of your blog post 
  • A photo (optional)
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I had an emotionally exhausting week. All I can say is that it was bitter-sweet in the sense that I got things off my chest that was built up, and in quite a professional matter. I was surprised at myself at how I presented myself in that situation. I feel like a more confident person because of what’s been going on. Due to privacy issues I won’t get into details, but a few people have stated that they are proud of the accomplishments I’ve created for myself over the past few months. I’m very proud of standing my ground, and won’t let things go unnoticed. That was the “sweet part”.

As for the bitter part, which I really do dislike talking about, and try not to often but; My Dad has go to back on chemotherapy. Even though he’s had a quite a long break from the “rat poison” as he sometimes refers to it as, it was “expected” but we had hoped that it wouldn’t turn out that way. Regardless of that, he’s a pretty chipper, laid back ol’ Daddio and he’ll do what he has to do. Just wish I wasn’t a three hour flight away from visiting them. Sometimes you’d just like to be there, you know?

I’m ready for the Family Day long weekend, let’s bring it on. I won’t be blogging until Tuesday, so don’t expect anything on Monday — ha ha!

ootwwSorry, no “Fun, Fit and/or Fashionable” post this week since no one submitted anything and I didn’t want to go digging for something to just post.

If you’re in a province where you have Family Day — then have a great long weekend!

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I think I may have to make a trip to the eye doctor soon. My left eyeball has been giving me an issue that I apparently didn’t realize I had until I complained to the Boyf last night. He said it wasn’t the first time I complained about it. Which got me a little panicked because I have a short term memory and didn’t realize it had hurt earlier in the month.

It could also be due to strain on the eyes as I’m at a computer for a good 13 hours a day. Working 8 hours, then coming home and either blogging, or doing something on my iPad. So, I think next week I’ll pop into the eye doc and see what’s going on. It feels like I’m getting a sinus flu. That’s what the pressure on the eye feels like. Know that annoying feeling? Jeesh.

I’ve also been trying out new foundation samples at Sephora this entire week. From Make Up For Ever HD Foundation, Nars Sheer Glow, to Lancome Teint Idole Ultra 24H. Unfortunately I love all of them. Why did that happen? I’m usually unbelievably picky when it comes to picking out a foundation, and now I happen to love all three? Lame. That makes it difficult to choose.

Here are my fancy smanchy outfits from the week. I’m partially pleased with the colors this week. I have no idea if I changed anything or they are the exact same as last week. Let’s pretend it’s not the latter…

Onto Triple F Friday:

Charlotte from lipglossiping published a great blog post about earlier in the week: At what point do blogs become purely paid advertisers?

Onto the topic of blog posts. British Beauty Blogger writes: Whether We Like It Or Not: how bloggers become tiered.

beauty productsThis post features three different categories: skin, hair, and styling products that Ashley uses. For those looking for some great new products to try or who would like to recommend their favorites.

greenootdLeanne submits her spring OOTD!

Submit yourself to my weekly Fun, Fit and/or Fashionable posts. You can certainly submit your own, next week. Just shoot me an e-mail to Just include any of the following:

  • Your name
  • Your URL (if applicable)
  • Description of your blog post 
  • A photo (optional)

What’s everyone got planned for this weekend? I’m off to a snowshoeing event two hours away from home, but also at some point I need to search local toy stores for a kids karaoke machine. Lil’ buddie’s birthday coming up soon and he loves to sing haha.

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