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It’s been a while since my friend Tanya did an OOTWW collaboration on my blog. Her and I have a very similar sense of style. I’m often more envious of the ways she puts together her outfits. My favorite is definitely Monday’s. I’m still trying to master the skirt/tights/boot look. Whenever I do it, it just looks out of place. I want that skirt. I also wanted to let you know since I was concerned the first three days. She does have multiple pairs of those artizia tights :) ha!

Here is my OOTWW:

(click image to enlarge)

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Wheyyheeyy it’s Friday the 13th! This usually means I have a lucky day. Has anyone really ever had a bad luck day on Friday the 13th?

I have a special surprise for you today! Julie, my c0-worker who has been featured on my blog many times already. Here is her outfit that she wore to work last Friday! Isn’t she cute? Note: Julie never wears flats—her ankle was busted up from hardy-partying on New Years Eve. OMG! She’s also about the same height as me 5’5″. Julie wanted me to mention that, since she thinks she looks miniature in this photo. Which she does not.

Cardigan and jean skirt from Ricki’s // Red top is Point Zero // Flats are sketchers

You may notice that on Monday I’m blurring out my face. Ohhhh, there’s a reason for it :)

Last Saturday I decided to use a new eye cream and I reacted strangely to it. Sunday morning I woke up with really puffy eyelids, under eyes and you couldn’t see my tear duct area at all. By Sunday evening the swelling had gone down a bit. Silly me decided to try to see if the new cream was in fact the problem, so again I tried it, without anything else on my face. Sure enough, Monday morning I woke up with puffy eyes once again. You betcha I didn’t try it a third time around.

I gave my skin a much needed break on Monday and didn’t wear anything to work. Co-workers thought I was either having a rough night, crying all night long or looked red around the eye area. I felt like I looked like a completely different person with my puffy eyes. It was strange looking into the mirror! I told my co-workers what the issue was, so they didn’t think Scott and I broke up or anything over the weekend, making it look like I was crying all night haha!!

Onto my OOTWW:

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