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This week… well, my pants haven’t exactly fitted the way they used to before I flew home for Christmas. I am well fed. I haven’t exercized since leaving Ontario to fly back home. Ha! CrossFit and Climbing this weekend! Ever since we got back on Tuesday I’ve been busy unpacking, cleaning the apartment and organizing it since I feel like I’m in some sort of spring-cleaning winter-cleaning mode, I got rid of probably 10 grocery bags full of junk, and garbage last night.

Also, stay tuned for my Christmas re-cap. If you want to know some of my Christmas favorites, I uploaded a YouTube video recently about it.

Now, onto my short OOTWW!

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See Thursday? I cannot stand dress pants on me. I’ve even tried to get them tailored to make the leg more slimmer. It just turns out terribly. I haven’t found a pair of dress pants I enjoy wearing and I don’t know why I keep them around. It’d be put to much better use to donate it. But remembering how much they cost, plus the cost of tailoring discourages me from simply giving them away. I just think there’s a better way to dress that is more flattering for my body shape. Clearly dress pants aren’t the way. It adds too much bulk to my frame and makes me look 25lbs heavier than I really am. Pooie. Anyway, at least I’m loving the rest of the week. Yay!

I’m going to take a wee break from blogging over Christmas and starting tomorrow I have some guest bloggers lined up to post here. Fun right? Stay tuned!

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I’m going on my second week of not picking out my clothes on a Sunday night, to get it ready for the work week. Gasp. I know.

All last week I found myself wearing a lot of brown.

This week, I was thinking of outfits in my head the night before the work day. On Wednesday I thought it was so going to work. I loved the idea. Boots, tights, and a skirt. But I don’t think it worked out in my favor. I think the boots just don’t suit Wednesdays look. I need to think of an idea as to how I can wear these amazing target boots, with knee high socks, a skirt and make it look good with what I have in my closet. This will be a project for me ;)

Well at least I’m shopping my closet and saving myself money. Saving for a house and getting a brand new home (with mortgage life insurance) is a better decision right now than spending it frivolously on clothes. So, some days my outfits won’t go together! Lol

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