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It’s the first day of Autumn and the rain is coming down hard and it’s dark and dreary out. What’s it like over on your end of things? 

This weekend is just going to be as busy as the week was, no sleeping in for me. I have to do all my chores/cleaning tonight so I can have a clean home come Sunday afternoon when I can finally rest :)

Let’s get to ‘er… OOTWW:

I broke the rules on Wednesday and wore jeans. We’re only allowed to wear those on Friday’s. WHOOPS! I didn’t get in trouble for it per say, but the CEO told me “If everyone dressed as well as you did, I’d have no trouble with it” Wasn’t that the nicest thing? Too bad we can’t wear them and dress it up like I did. Dang. Save those (dark) blue (or black) jeans til Friday’s. Technically yes, I also broke the rules again on Thursday, but I said they were trousers and not jeans lol. I’m allowed to wear those during the week now.


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I have to admit. I’m getting a little slack with coming up with OOTWW clothing. I don’t get my entire work week outfits ready on Sunday’s anymore (gasp). I often do it the night before and let me tell you, some days I feel like a kindergartener whose Mom is colorblind and dressing me. Do you know what I’m getting at because sometime I suck at explaining things. Today happens to be one of those days. 

I find that summer/spring I can easily account for. But when Fall and Winter hits, I wear a lot of dress pants which are usually dark and not so slim-fitting. Pair that with a dark shirt and a cardigan and you’ve got bulk. Not fashionable or stylish. Brown, brown and navy is what I wore on Thursday. I didn’t like it. I don’t know how to dress myself for fall without wearing skinny pants all the time. I LOVE ME SOME SKINNIES. Especially with a baggier top/sweater and some cute boots. I can’t wear that everyday. Some days I just want to wear trouser pants. But I don’t feel I’ve “got it” yet.

Friday rant is over. I went climbing last night for the third time since the gym opened. I think next week I’ll have a post up to tell you a little bit about climbing, with some awesome photos. You’ll like it, I know you will.

Also? I haven’t used my hair straightener since August. That’s not very long, but it’s long to me when I used to use it every day. Maybe I should write a blog post about that too hey?

Onto the OOTWWW:

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Rules are meant to be broken. That’s right. I continue to wear white after Labour Day weekend. Psh. It was good to be back to work this week. Very busy after vacation!!

Can you spot Alfie? tee hee… little fella. My fav is Wednesday (the second photo).

Have a great weekend! I’ll be back tomorrow with a recap of my first week back at CrossFit since vacation!

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