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Only another short week here at work. OH HAYYYY I’m on vacation! Here’s what I wore to work this week!

I dropped off Alfie to our trainers house on Wednesday morning, bright and early — 6:45 (!!) and I miss him already. I hope he’s playing well with the other puppas. He can be a bit anti-social and bold. Little frigger! I’ll be back to regular blogging (and of course CrossFitting, since I missed so much in August while I was away) in September when I’m back. I have a few reviews and giveaways lined up for when I return. Trust me, you’ll want to be apart of this. It includes a booth or two that I visited while at BlogHer. :)

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I’m finally all organized. Last week I got back from vacation and I gotta say, I feel so totally lost in the mornings if I don’t have everything laid out the night before. Last week everything was picked out to sooth my sunburn, so skirts it was. I could barely have anything on my stomach and thighs, and I kinda wanted to wear the same outfit (Tuesday’s) over-and-over that week.

Thankfully, it all calmed down by the weekend, and I was able to wear normal clothes lol. Unfortunately that also means I’ve been peeling. While my skin has been looking haggard, I’ve decided to cover most of it up. Ew. Anyway, yay onto the outfit of the work week!

  OOTWW featuring… L McMomsie. You’ll probably remember L as my co-worker who tells amazing stories. Well here she is today featured in her new wrap and skirt. I’m loving navy lately, especially on her being a tanned blondey! Doesn’t she look great?

Wrap & Zebra skirt: Joe Fresh
Grey Shoes: Jessica
Watch: Fossil
Necklace: Ardene

Enjoy your weekends :) Anyone doing anything exciting?

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I didn’t pick out anything in advance for this OOTWW (outfit of the work week) because I had/have a killer sunburn on my upper thighs, and stomach. So bad that I felt ill, couldn’t move and didn’t want any clothes on. I’ve been applying aloe in the morning after my shower, during lunch, and about 4-5 times after I get home from work from when I go to bed. I didn’t even go to CrossFit this week because I was so sore. Tomato sore.

Thus… me lacking in posts about my trip. I’d like to get some photos up so you guys can see them all, but I also want them to look pretty so I’m going to edit a few and have them up shortly. Promise! :)

Til then, here’s what I wore to work:

Heyyy look. All skirts/dresses. Kinda random!

Have a good weekend, and don’t forget to enter my giveaway to win a September Glymm box!

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