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It’s Friday the 13th you know. I’m not really superstitious, because if I was I’d be a much more anxious/worried person than I already am. But first, my outfits of the work week.


Crossing a black cats path? How about I just avoid cats altogether because cats in general freak me the F out.  Even talking about them makes me sweat. Yet somehow I always get talked into looking after friends/family members houses (which are usually filled with more than one cat and no dogs). Why can’t dog people ask me to house sit?

Find a penny and pick it up, all the day you’ll have good luck. Did you ever really have good luck picking up that penny? I always sang that little tune but I never did have anything spectacular stand out to me on those particular days. Now those days are getting far and few between since… well, Canadians don’t manufacture pennies any more.

Walking under ladders. Who would truly walk under a ladder anyway? I walk under scaffolding a lot when there’s construction going on, but not ladders. Those are small, and flimsy and may collapse!

A Rabbits Foot Will Bring You Luck. Don’t call PETA on me, but I remember my brother having a key chain with a dead rabbits foot on it at one point during our childhood. I never wanted one since I thought it was disgusting, but conveniently enough I was the luckier kid out of the two of us. I would always find money on the ground (I actually found a 50 euro note in Ireland while I was with my Brother!), or have better luck with ordinary day stuff.

Although, I do like to make a wish on a chicken wish bone,  don’t like to open umbrellas inside, and I knock on wood quite a bit. Always have and if there isn’t any wood around I knock on my head.

I’m pretty excited for this weekend. I’m driving to Toronto for a Make Up For Ever event at the Eaton Centre tomorrow. Then shortly after that I’m going to finally meet Leanne from Fresh Season, Erica from Waste My Time and a few other girls that I’ve hung out with before. We’ll be dining in one of my favorite parts of Toronto,  Yorkville for some food and just enjoying our time together.

Are you superstitious?

What are your plans this weekend?

Have you ever met someone from the internet?

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Short work week certainly flew by, didn’t it!

anniversary flowers

On the 4th was my parents wedding anniversary and it slipped my mind completely — as did it my parents til I wrote it on FB and my Mom was like “I forgot!” ha ha ha!! So online I went and ordered a big ol’ bouquet of flowers for them. On the card I had requested it say:

Happy Anniversary Ma & Pa. I’m coming home!!!

So yep. I’ll be flying home in October again for a little Thanksgiving visit. No surprise there since I fly home so frequently now. But still it’s so exciting!

Have a great Friday guys! I’ll be back this weekend on the blog, so stay tuned.


Don’t forget to enter the Dempster’s THINS giveaway – 8 free coupons up for grabs.

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This week flew by for me so quickly. It almost felt like a 4-day work week. What are everyone’s plans for the Labour Day weekend? Just moments ago the boyfriend and I were out on the balcony watching the thunder storm. It was so relaxing. He had a brewski, me a water. Haven’t ate supper yet — I should get on that.

ootwwHope everyone stays safe this long Labour Day weekend. I do want to address one thing though.

I still see people in cars as I’m driving, with the driver texting, or talking on their cell up to their ear. No hands free. Earlier this week I almost got t-boned on a round-about by a person who didn’t yield, and I noticed he was talking on his cell. My horn was’a blarin, let me tell you that much.

I know there’s many of you out there who text and drive. Some of you even write about it on social media. I can’t believe some of you admit you’re doing it.

Please. Watch this video and reconsider texting and driving.

Have a safe long weekend.

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