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OOTWW – featuring Julie!


I have a co-worker OOTD for you guys today. Everyone… meet Julie! Both of us were super excited that she is being featured on my blog today. Write her little love notes in the comments, because she’s totally going to check them and squeal. It would make our week! haha

Yeah, that’s my messy office. It needs to be cleaned. Okay, onto her outfit info:

Vest: Bianca Nigard
Tank: Mackenzie
Skirt: Point Zero
Adorable strappy wedges: Wild Diva
Everything but the shoes were purchased at Josie’s Fashion in Wiarton (wherever that is).

Onto my OOTWW:

Outfits come together like a flukey fashion. I knew I wanted to wear my H&M blazer and when I was folding up tank tops I noticed I hadn’t worn my brown A&F one in ages, and I put the two together, they matched so I’m like – great, put some pants with it and wedges and I’ve got myself an outfit.

It definitely came in handy on Tuesday, having the outfits laid out when I got ready (showered, dressed etc)  in <20 minutes since I got lost in Mississauga earlier that morning.

Also, don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel. You can see me in 3D there. Wowwwww.

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Lovely week at work. I brought in treats a birthday cake to my co-workers (the birthday girl/guy brings in treats on their bday). So glad it’s Friday — going to enjoy the weekend all by myself lol :( My boyfriend is gone to Ottawa for work and play. Tisk tisk. He says he’ll make it up to me next weekend. Oh you bet he will!

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Another short week for me since I was off ill on Tuesday. Only 4 outfits today. Happy Royal Wedding Day!

My tan as you can probably notice is fading very slowly, my legs are still the darkest part but everything else has faded nicely and not streaked when I worked ut 3x this week. I applied it last Sunday, and I think I’ll do it again this weekend. So addicting!

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