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I’ll be heading out for an overnight getaway with my Boyfriend today after work. I treated us to a night out in a different city with a voucher for a restaurant and an overnight hotel stay. I’ll chat about it all when I come home! Have a great weekend and maybe I’ll blog on Sunday about it? We’ll see!

For now, I leave you with my outfit of the work week, along with my workout outfit of the week. Don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel while you’re at it, you may have missed a few videos!

P.S: I think having humidifiers in our apartment would make my skin not as itchy and dry in the winter. I’m kind of slack about slathering on moisturizer…

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My outfit of the work week was already picked out this week. Except my arm swelled up (you’ll hear more about that tomorrow when I write my blog post) and I decided to take a break from CrossFit. So comfy clothes it was until Friday. A new springy outfit. I love it!

Below is what I wore to workout last week/this week. No Caps Hats or visors on my head during the workout days, I save the visors for outdoors. Have a fab Friday!

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What does all that jibber jabber mean up in that title?

OOTWW = Outfit of the work week
WOTD = Workout outfit of the day

That’s what I’m going to post each Friday now as I start to work out more often. Hope you don’t mind the sweaty mess of my workout outfits. I’m not fit to have a photo take of me before I work out because I literally get so nervous that I get ill. It happens to me before soccer games, before I go out on a run with or without people, or before I workout. I don’t know why. I even had to tweet to calm myself down.

Whatever, it half-worked. Ok so, here are my outfits. I feel a little silly posting my workout outfits, mainly because I look like crap after workout out.

Monday was a holiday here, so that’s why there’s only four photos for the above OOTWW.

Have a great weekend all!

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