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Definitely out of my comfort zone thing week. I mean, heck I wore two dresses!

I’m a fan, but I’m not a fan of it not letting me take deep breathes. Holy restricting. I think this style of the skirt and dress suit me. It’s been years since I’ve found something that I like on my body, and flatters my shape. I don’t know what sort of shape I have. Not really boyish, but not curvy either. I’m loving my Monday makeup. I have dry skin, so it’s not like I can recommend treatment for oily skin, but I have no idea what I did differently this morning, than any other. Uh, I just like it.

So, here it is. I really enjoy hearing everyone’s input, constructive criticism, and all that on my outfits each week. Helps me out in a huge way believe it or not.

I’m also in another blogging mood today. Be prepared for another few posts to follow. It’s okay, I always take breaks on the weekend. At least it’ll give you something to read! :) I LOVE BLOGGING. K bye.

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Hey chicken lickens! It’s Friday and I couldn’t be happier. I love it when the work week flies by.Not that my work seems like work by any means, because it certainly doesn’t — which I’m so lucky and thankful for. But this weekend has been in the works for a little while and I’m so excited to do a re-cap. I’d like to tell you guys where I’m going, but for safety reasons of this blog, I don’t like telling people in advance as to where I’ll be and when. Know what I meaaaaaaan?

Alright, here’s the outfit of the work week. You’ll notice I haven’t been wearing dress pants all this week (with the exception of maybe one day, whatever…ignore that). That’s because I took all my pairs of pants to a TAILOR this week! I was recommended by the retired CEO here at work, and since his clothes look well on him, I asked where he went. He’s been a client of these tailors for thirty years. Moses. This week he took me there, and then we went out to lunch at a little coffee shop in an old hotel (and the other part is actually a cigars shop — seriously!) . It was so nice! I can’t wait to see my pants!!

(click to enlarge)

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Last night I was in the mood for something more hearty than what I’ve made the past few next. I can still taste it – it was so good. I was definitely in the mood for some garlic bread and baked potatoes.With a little special chocolate drizzled on top of strawberries for dessert.

Now onto my first outfit of the work week for 2011.

Enjoy your weekend everyone! I’m off to unpack my second suitcase since I was feeling tired and lazy this week, along with some laundry and tidying up.

What does everyone have planned? Singing at a bar with the karaoke machine perhaps?

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