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So far so good with NaBloPoMo hey? Writing everyday isn’t that hard for me since I update on a very regular basis as it is. Well then, let’s get to the OOTWW shall we?

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Thursday / Yesterday we had a Professional Development day. Normally we have this on every Remembrance Day and are allowed to wear jeans. This time however, we were talked about our appearance on Business Casual in the work force. The woman who came in looked like she stepped out of NYC in her fancy clothes. It was very nice mind you, but apparently my boots (that I wore on Thursday) do not belong at work. Huh. Who knew. I thought they were stylish. Also, skinny pants, and leggings with long tunics/long sweaters aren’t either. I’m sad!! Does this mean I have to stop wearing all my new stuff to work now? I don’t get it. I’m afraid to ask anyone lol :(

So off that topic. It’s Friday, and also Random Act of Kindness Day. Interesting. I was at a stop light and I was the 3rd or 4th car back. These two guys who I assumed wanted money for something, or were preachers were holding up something and coming towards the cars. I locked my doors because I’m afraid like that, but then as they got closer I just saw a newspaper and the guys looked kinda cute. Both of them. So I rolled my window down and he said “Happy Random Act of Kindness Day!“, handed me a newspaper and said “See? That’s what it’s all about“, since I took the newspaper gladly, as the other cars in front of me didn’t — I laughed and thanked him. By that point he was gone, and the light was green.

What have you got planned for the weekend?

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Happy Friday! It’s snowing out this morning — incredible.

I have been undecided as to what to wear this week for the OOTWW.

Jill, you should definitely start posting your OOTWW’s as well. I’ve started pairing different things in my closet that I never would have thought to put together. It definitely helps shopping IN your closet, and makes you think “I have nothing to wear” Less often. It’s fun doing these each week. I try to go a few weeks without wearing the same exact outfit. :)

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