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I was a wee late posting my outfit of the work week since I usually post them on Friday mornings. Not to worry. My fashion post is here on a beautiful Saturday a.m.

Notice my bruise getting more prominent throughout the week? Ha! It was from some chick at soccer who was a bit aggressive on the field.

Click to enlarge:See Friday’s tank top? It’s from what I would classify as an older lady store called Cleo. I popped in to one of their stores on my lunch break on Thursday and picked  up two cute tanks!!

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None of these outfits really stuck out at me this week. I wasn’t feeling it this Sunday maybe it’s because I’m not wearing eye makeup at all this week. Trying to go minimal as possible for no real reason.

Closeup of my spiffy Wednesday’s bangles. I never wear bangles so this was fun! I picked them up at H&M the other day.

Sometimes I don’t try on my clothes before I pick them out on Sunday’s for the work week. On Wednesday I woke up later than usual, my outfit wasn’t looking great (wrinkled pants, the top I had picked out was too short for the pants), so I had to sneak in and out of the dark bedroom while the Boyf was sleeping and pick out a whole new outfit. I also have been meaning to bring 3 or 4 pairs of pants to get tailored — Wednesday’s pair, being one of them. I bought them at Mexx this year when they were having their winter sale and they ended up being 75% off so I went a little wild in the store. They’re too big in the knees and I don’t know where else, but I know I don’t like the shape of them on me just yet. I have my Italian tailor already picked out, I just need to go.

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Happy Saturday to you all … aaaaaaaaaand now I present to you my friends, my outfit of the work week:

I loved my Tuesday & Wednesday outfit (Plus I had to cover up my bruises shhh). A co-worker complimented me on Wednesday’s outfit, saying I looked as if I stepped out of a J. Crew catalog. Tee hee. What was your favorite? :) Or maybe you’d like to share with the class what you wore this week. Post a link in the comments! I love seeing and getting stealing ideas inspired by other people’s outfits. Friday’s outfit was super lame but I decided not to change it because I was lazy Thursday night and Friday morning I woke up at 6AM to bring my car in to get waxed for 8AM. Plus, it rained all day which almost defeated the purpose, but at least it beads off the car now.

I also really need to clean up that shelf behind me, hey? Getting out of control.

The foundation I’m wearing isn’t sitting well with me. Disappointing. I think I should have just stuck with my drug store brand. I’m so dry all year round it doesn’t matter what I use on my face… at the end of the day (ie: Friday’s picture, which is why it’s blurred) it all turns to poop.

Enough of that… I’m driving up north with the boyf today. Enjoy your weekend!!!

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