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Spend a day in my shoes

I’ve always loved “A Day In The Life” blog posts, where a blogger documents basically everything s/he does throughout the run of a day. It was difficult to remember to document it all, and I felt like I was wasting time writing stuff down, especially in the morning. So here we go, a day in the life of me from last Tuesday January 22, 2013:

ootd clothes6:55a — alarm goes off, pop out of bed. Let Alfie out of his crate & feed him immediately in the den. I take my clothes that I plan to wear that day, from the bedroom to the washroom.

6:59a — Shower.

7:13a — Hop out, dry off. Stand around and do nothing for a bit. (I’m very tired, lazy and clumsy in the morning)

7:23a — Get dressed.

7:26a — Deodorant time. Thought you should know every detail ;)

combing wet hair7:27a — Comb hair & clip back to air dry.

7:29a — Brush teeth.

7:31a — Head to living room & hang out with Alfie. Play on iPad (reading blogs, checking e-mail, checking instagram)

makeup7:47a — Wash hands, do makeup.

7:53a — Chase Alfie in the other room to shush him from barking at people in the hallway. Put hair serum in hair.

hair stuff7:57a — Wash hands, dry hair.

8:09a — Feelin’ pale. Slap on some bronzer.

8:10a — Put accessories on, and put on a blazer.

8:13a — Take OOTWW photo.

8:17a —Pack snacks for work.

Alfie cuddles8:18a — Play fetch/cuddle with Alfie (he’s yawning in the photo), play on iPad again. Multi-tasker.

omg its so cold8:40a — Leave apartment bundled up.

negative something outSide note. Omg it’s -15 outside lol

groceries before work9:01a — Grabbin’ some groceries.

9:28a — Arrive at work.

breakfast at work9:35a — Have breakfast at work.

banana snack11:18a — Snack!

lunch1:33p — Lunch time. This was a frozen dinner, and best kind. However it was riddled with onions and I had to pick them off pre-microwave.

apple snack3:23p — Apple snack. Get annoyed at myself that I didn’t put it in the fridge. So warm. Much better chilled.

5:02p — Ate a pineapple flavored life saver candy.

5:52p — Get home. Put groceries in fridge. Start grill for chicken.

crossfit clothes5;55p — Change clothes for CrossFit.

6:03p — Put chicken on grill.

6:06p — Clean up kitchen.

pack for crossfit6:08p — Pack for CrossFit. (Need to bring asthma inhaler, sneakers, purse and water)

asthma inhaler6:09p — Take two puffs of my asthma inhaler. I look so happy to be doing this lol. I was pressed for time. No time for re-takes.

water bottle6:10p — Fill up water bottle.

leave house6:14p — Put on winter coat, stand around and wait for my chicken to cook. Put it in a tupperware container and head out the door.

6:29p — Arrive at CrossFit. Do WOD that made me nearly cry. My wrists killed during the front squats.

7:57p — Arrive home.

make supper8:00p — Turn on computer for twitter party! Start cooking supper. Thank myself for cutting up veggies the night before.

eat supper8:18p — Eat & Tweet.

take vitamins8:21p — Can’t forget my vitamins, with my iPad glowing on my lap ;)

8:32p — Finish supper, tweet ( #FeelBetterFL represent!)

9:09p — Jump in shower to warm up, and to de-stankify myself.

make bed9:20p — Make bed with fresh sheets.

9:31p — Head to bed with iPad and read blogs until I’m tired.

10:17p — Put the iPad down and get some beauty rest ;)

Gotta be honest you guys. I don’t eat this healthy all the time. In fact, I stocked up on some fresh fruits while I was out the other night so you wouldn’t know that I ate CANDY for snacks throughout my day. Oops. Though, I did feel awesome the next day. So maybe I should probably cut down on the candy consumption…

Hope you enjoyed the post!

What does your daily routine look like?

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Face Off Tennis at ACC

One quick thing before I get into my recap from last Friday night. I’m not getting e-mails lately, when the comments come in, so I apologize if you don’t get an e-mail reply when I comment underneath your comment! :(

Remember on Thursday and Friday of last week I said I’d be hanging out with Serena Williams? I was SO CLOSE to her at the Tennis match! Thanks to the tickets that Sport Chek supplied for me and my Boyfriend.

It was such a fun event, and I even got to sit next to one of my blog-friends Robyn!

Even though I knew nothing about Tennis, I still enjoyed it. It was aired live on TSN and definitely wasn’t as quiet as I would’ve thought it would be in watching a tennis match, in the Air Canada Centre.

We arrived about a half hour late, which wasn’t an issue since the beginning was just a few Canadian celebrities playing tennis for fun, against the elite players. Brad Smith, from The Bachelor Canada was there, along with Adrian Grenier, George Stroumboulopoulos, and Mark Cohon.

Caught Serena Williams mid-serve.

Aga Radwanska ended up winning the match. My Boyfriend told me she’s ranked 13th in the world!

The players made it so fun and entertaining to watch with their antics as it was a fun exhibition game, so it wasn’t as serious. The announcer made a few suggestions to Andy Roddick and Milos Raonic when they were serving the ball.  Milos was told to make fun of Andy’s serve, I think the funniest part was when Andy stuffed towels down the back of his shorts to imitate Serena Williams.

A lot of the girls were screaming out to Andy, to marry them. It was pretty funny, gotta say though — he is pretty hunky.

Here he is talking to the audience, no doubt saying something to make us all laugh.

That’s how close we were to the Tennis court. Ahhh! Thanks again to Sport Chek for the amazing opportunity to attend such a fun event!

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If only Dixie Road were a sea of Dixie Cup ice cream

It feels as if I haven’t blogged in a week. That’s how much of a relaxing weekend I had, unplugged. I hope everyone is enjoying their day off today. I certainly am!

My weekend was filled with movies, couch time, mastering the sock bun, organizing makeup, getting my OOTWW together, browsing pandora charms online, and dog walks.

(An instagram pic. Follow me: @spiffykerms)

A weekend recap with photos will be up. I took an obscene amount of photos this weekend. Guess that’s what happens when I’m home alone and have no one to talk to, ha!

For safety reasons, I didn’t talk about how long my Boyfriend was out of town for. It was almost a total of two weeks! He completed his 4th Ironman Canada and stayed out to hike on the west coast for a few extra days. I finally collected him from the Toronto airport last night, and brought my trusty GPS. I jokingly tweeted that it better not lead me astray. Sure enough, it did. The last ten minutes are the most crucial in getting to the airport since you need to merge off one highway, onto another and keep in some left lane because it forks, and then keep in the right lane, and so on. You catch my drift. It’s complicated to get to it.

I’ve managed to get my way to the airport without the GPS two times in the past. I don’t know why I needed to bring the GPS, but probably just for reassurance since it was nearly midnight.

I listened to the GPS. When I knew it was wrong. Just like last time, when I was lost in Mississauga. I was just 7 minutes away from picking him up, but the GPS took me onto Dixie Road last night. The thing was arguing with me Make a U-Turn, Make a U-Turn. I thought it would eventually sort itself out and tell me the directions from where I was. Finally, after 3km of driving down Dixie, I decided to make that darn U-Turn.

I’m never scared of getting lost. I just get really annoyed at myself. But thankfully it didn’t last long, and my boyfriend was giving me a huge long awaited hug. :)

It was so funny seeing our Pomeranian, Alfie get really excited when he came back into the apartment to greet him. He gets absurdly excited on a daily basis, but when one of us leaves for a few days and returns, he gets hysterical. I should film it some time.

What did you do for your long weekend?

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